tencent cloud


Integration and Initialization

最終更新日:2024-05-20 10:47:31

    SDK Integration

    Manual Integration
    1. Download SDK.
    2. Drag and drop the QAPM.framework file into the Xcode project (check the Copy items if needed option).
    3. Go to TARGETS > Build Phases - Link Binary Libraries to add the dependent library:
    libc++.dylib (libc++.tbd)
    libz.dylib (libz.tbd)
    4. In the project's Other LinkerFlags, add the parameter -ObjC.
    5. Import the configuration file:
    For versions before 5.3.5, import the js_sdk.js file from the framework into the project root directory;
    For versions 5.3.5 and later, import the QAPMResourceFile.bundle file from the framework into the project root directory.
    CocoaPods Integration
    In the podfile, after the following operation, execute the pod install command:
    pod 'QAPM',:source => 'https://github.com/TencentCloud/QAPM-iOS-CocoaPods.git'
    The minimum compatible system version for iOS SDK is iOS 8.0.

    Web Environment Configurations

    Log in to TCOP, on the Mobile App Performance Monitoring page, select Application Management > Application Settings, and enter Application Settings to obtain the Appkey (Report ID).

    SDK Initialization

    1. In the AppDelegate.m file of the project, import the header file: #import <QAPM/QAPM.h>. If it is a Swift project, import it in the corresponding bridging-header.h.
    2. Initialize QAPM in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of AppDelegate.m:
    void loggerFunc(QAPMLoggerLevel level, const char* log) {
    #ifdef RELEASE
    if (level <= QAPMLogLevel_Event) { ///Public release log
    NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:log]);
    #ifdef GRAY
    if (level <= QAPMLogLevel_Info) { ///Grayscale and public release log
    NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:log]);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    if (level <= QAPMLogLevel_Debug) { ///Beta, grayscale and public release log
    NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:log]);
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    //In response to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's notice on further improving the service capabilities of mobile internet applications, this setting is provided to inform the SDK whether optional personal information collection is allowed, with the default being allowed. Setting it to NO disables collection. This setting must be configured first and has a global effect once set.
    //Optional personal information includes but is not limited to device manufacturer, system, ISP, etc.
    //The default setting is YES, meaning collection is allowed. Example code is as follows:
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].collectOptionalFields = YES;
    // Special Note: If the above setting is set to NO, some information will no longer be obtained, which may affect frontend search, display, etc., please be informed.
    /// Setting QAPM Log Output
    NSLog(@"qapm sdk version : %@", [QAPM sdkVersion]);
    [QAPM registerLogCallback:loggerFunc];
    //Report Address
    //Domestic Site: https://app.rumt-zh.com//International Site: https://app.rumt-sg.com [QAPMConfig getInstance].host = @"https://app.rumt-zh.com";
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].host = @"https://app.rumt-sg.com";
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].customerAppVersion = @"Set app custom version number";
    //Based on the actual situation, set userId and deviceId.
    //Unique device identifier deviceId, such as IDFV in conjunction with Keychain.
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].userId = @"Set userId";
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].deviceID = @"Custom deviceId";
    /// QAPM Startup
    [QAPM startWithAppKey:@"Unique product appKey"];
    return YES;
    During the development process, you can add the set user ID/device ID to the allowlist to ensure that the feature reporting of the specified device is not affected by sampling. It can be done in Mobile App Performance Monitoring > Application Management > Allowlist Management by clicking Allowlist Configuration > Add.

    Monitoring Feature Enabled

    Recommended Use:
    In the API of QAPMModelStableConfig.h file: - (void)setupModelAll; //This API can enable all monitoring features.
    In the API of QAPMModelStableConfig.h file: - (void)setupModelStable;//This interface can enable all monitoring features except network monitoring and user behavior monitoring. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Document No. 26, network monitoring and user behavior monitoring are classified as extended business features. You can choose whether to activate them based on your needs.
    Custom Use:
    To custom enabling QAPM features (including stalling, crash, native network, native user behavior, startup, and WebView), you can set a combination of enumerated values in the API of enableMonitorTypeOptions in the QAPMConfig.h file, adding multiple parameter enumeration values to activate a series of features. The code is as follows:
    // Setting the Monitoring Enabled by QAPM:
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].enableMonitorTypeOptions =
    QAPMMonitorTypeBlue |
    QAPMMonitorTypeCrash |
    QAPMMonitorTypeHTTPMonitor |
    QAPMMonitorTypeLaunch |
    QAPMMonitorTypeJSError |
    QAPMMonitorTypeWebViewNetWork |
    QAPMMonitorTypeWebViewIUPMonitor |
    API Description:
    API: In the QAPMConfig.h class @property (nonatomic, assign) QAPMMonitorType enableMonitorTypeOptions;
    Parameter Description: QAPMMonitorType is a feature type, with optional values as shown in the following code.
    Optional Item Description
    ///Stalling Detection Feature
    ///Crash Monitoring Feature
    ///Native Network Monitoring
    ///Native User Behavior Monitoring
    ///Case Monitoring Feature Startup
    ///WebView's JS Exception Monitoring
    ///WebView's Network
    ///WebView User Behavior Monitoring
    ///WebView Page Performance Monitoring
    1. Use the OR operation to custom enabling the required monitoring features, for example, for stalling: QAPMMonitorTypeBlue.
    2. In response to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's (MIIT) notice on further enhancing the service capabilities of mobile Internet applications, we have divided network monitoring and user behavior monitoring into
    , based on the MIIT's definition of basic features for performance monitoring SDKs. To avoid collecting personal information such as network log information and user operation records, you can selectively enable these two features. At the operational level, you can prevent the entry of QAPMMonitorTypeHTTPMonitor and QAPMMonitorTypeWebViewNetWork parameters in the custom performance module configuration to disable the network monitoring feature. Similarly, you can prevent the entry of QAPMMonitorTypeIUPMonitor and QAPMMonitorTypeWebViewIUPMonitor parameters to disable the user behavior monitoring feature, or simply use the ModelStable feature activation mode to automatically enable other recommended features while all extended business features are disabled.

    SDK Feature Introduction

    Stalling and Smoothness Monitoring

    Stalling Detection Feature
    QAPMMoniterType: QAPMMonitorTypeBlue Stalling detection feature collects and reports stack informaiton if the stalling duration exceeds the 200 ms threshold.
    Smoothness Monitoring
    To start monitoring smoothness statistics in swipe scenarios, add the following codes to the relevant pages. Logs will be reported upon the next app startup.
    #pragma mark - TableView Delegate
    - (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
    [QAPMBlueProfile beginTrackingWithStage:NSStringFromClass([self class])];
    - (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate {
    [QAPMBlueProfile stopTrackingWithStage:NSStringFromClass([self class])];
    - (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
    [QAPMBlueProfile stopTrackingWithStage:NSStringFromClass([self class])];

    Crash Monitoring

    QAPMMonitorTypeCrash Crash logs will be reported upon the next SDK startup.
    1. If the business side is using a third-party SDK for collecting normal crash data, please uninstall the third-party monitoring software to avoid reporting inaccurate stack information.
    2. After a FOOM or deadlock freeze exit, the related stack information recorded from the last session will be reported upon the next startup. FOOM are fully reported in debug or non-App Store scenarios. In the App Store environment, data is sampled at 2%.

    Startup Duration Monitoring

    By using the startup duration monitoring feature, you can measure the duration from the creation of the app process to the first frame of the UI being rendered.
    When the startup time exceeds the threshold (4,000 ms by default), detailed case information is reported. This includes the startup duration, automatic tagging interval, custom tagging intervals, and the startup process stack information.
    Related APIs
    @interface QAPMLaunchProfile : NSObject
    Set a custom tagging interval for begin. This interval must be within the startup time. The scene for begin and end must be consistent.
    @param scene Scene Name
    - (void)setBeginTimestampForScene:(NSString *)scene;
    Set a custom tagging interval for end. This interval must be within the startup time. The scene for begin and end must be consistent.
    @param scene Scene Name
    - (void)setEndTimestampForScene:(NSString *)scene;
    Sample Code
    In the corresponding class of the project, import the header file #import <QAPM/QAPMLaunchProfile.h>.
    Starting monitoring component in the main function:
    int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
    [QAPMLaunchProfile didEnterMain];
    return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));

    Web Monitoring

    1. Currently, WKWebView supports iOS 11 and later.
    2. This feature can monitor the loading time of web network resources and jserror.
    Feature Configurations
    Web Configurations
    If you use manual integration, you need to import the js_sdk inside the framework into the project using the Add Files to method. If integrated with CocoaPods, this step is not needed. If you use the TMFWebOffline offline package feature, you need to import #import <TMFQWebView/QBWKWebView.h> into the header file of the related pages in the project and adhere to the TMFWebOfflineWebViewControllerProtocol proxy. WKWebView inherits TMFWkWebView as set below:
    #import <TMFQWebView/QBWKWebView.h>
    @interface WKWebviewViewController ()<WKUIDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandler,TMFWebOfflineWebViewControllerProtocol>
    TMFWkWebView *wkWebView;
    iOS SDK Configurations
    Add #import <QAPM/QAPMLaunchProfile.h> in the class file to import the SDK header file.
    Add the following code in the WKWebView proxy method of webView:didFinishNavigation to provide a Web API for obtaining native-related information.
    - (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFinishNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation
    [webView evaluateJavaScript:[QAPMWebViewProfile qapmBaseInfo:@" "] completionHandler:nil];
    [webView evaluateJavaScript:[QAPMWebViewProfile qapmJsStart] completionHandler:nil];

    User Privacy Agreement

    Privacy compliance policy: Due to privacy compliance requirements, ensure not to call any QAPM APIs before users' consent for privacy compliance. In addition, QAPM still requires a device-level unique identifier to determine the uniqueness of the device, used for user-level metric calculation.
    // QAPM can only be initialized normally after the user has granted authorization
    if (isAgree) { }
    //The first tagging for the startup duration function
    // Requires passing in a unique device identifier, such as IDFV in conjunction with Keychain.
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].deviceID = @"Custom deviceId";
    //User ID or third-party log-in account. This API can be used multiple times in the code
    [QAPMConfig getInstance].userId = @"Set userId";
    The background of deviceID collection method change: The current regulations require the SDK not to collect information such as UDID directly or indirectly. We can only let users input identifiers to distinguish different devices. This effectively reduces the distortions in crash rate metric data.

    Symbol Table Configurations

    Use the reported individual case data to upload the symbol table. Identify the corresponding symbol table via the build ID on the individual case page. You can use the official atos command to translate a certain line of stack on the individual case page to ensure the symbol table and translation are normal.
    1. There is an uploading entrance on the individual case page. For example, select Latency > Latency Analysis > Latency Issue List, to enter the details page.
    2. On the details page, click Upload Mapping/.so File..
    3. Go to the symbol table upload page, click Select File, then select the dSYM file corresponding to that build.

    Viewing QAPM Work Log

    Setting Work Log Viewing

    Before you start the QAPM SDK with [QAPM startWithAppKey:], set the log output function to control the log output according to different release versions:
    void loggerFunc(QAPMLoggerLevel level, const char* log) {
    #ifdef RELEASE
    if (level <= QAPMLogLevel_Event) { ///Public release log
    NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:log]);
    #ifdef GRAY
    if (level <= QAPMLogLevel_Info) { ///Grayscale and public release log
    NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:log]);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    if (level <= QAPMLogLevel_Debug) { ///Beta, grayscale and public release log
    NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:log]);
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    /// Setting QAPM Log Output
    [QAPM registerLogCallback:loggerFunc];
    /// ...
    /// Setting the QAPM SDK Startup

    Submitting Log Analysis

    After the SDK is connected, the monitoring features are usually confirmed to be enabled by analyzing logs.
    When the monitoring feature is not enabled, the logs are as follows:
    When the monitoring feature is enabled, the logs are as follows:
    By checking the initialization logs, you can confirm whether the initialization is successful. All monitoring features are enabled, and then each feature's successful reporting is verified.
    Startup Duration Report
    Stalling Case Report
    FOOM Case Report
    Deadlock Case Report
    HTTP Monitoring Report
    Report of a Normal Crash
    When the report of a normal crash is being triggered, do not connect the data cable to Xcode. After the normal crash is triggered, the report information can be seen upon the restart of the App. This reporting log can be viewed using the console that comes with Mac, and the log is as follows:
    Webview and JSerror Report
    Webview and jserror report can be viewed in Xcode, based on plugin:43 and plugin:41.
    For more advanced feature configurations, see GitHub - TencentCloud/qapm-sdk-ios. It is mainly used for updating the QAPM performance monitoring component, as well as documentation in the Shell script and related documentation folder.




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