tencent cloud


Template Variables

最終更新日:2024-01-27 17:45:42


    Templates and variables are dashboard optimization features offered by Grafana to create highly reusable and interactive dashboards. They allow Grafana to get different metrics from data sources and provide a way to dynamically modify them without modifying dashboards. The Tencent Cloud Observability Platform App currently provides variables such as region, CVM instance, and TencentDB for MySQL instance.
    All instance queries allow customizing drop-down list values by the display field, for example: Namespace=QCE/CVM&Action=DescribeInstances&Region=$region&display=${InstanceId}-${InstanceName}. If display and InstanceAlias appear at the same time, the drop-down list will only show the values of display.
    The payload parameter has been added since v2.1.0, which supports filtering instances in template variables; for example: Namespace=QCE/CVM&Action=DescribeInstances&Region=ap-guangzhou&InstanceAlias=InstanceId&payload={"Filters":[{"Name":"zone","Values":["ap-guangzhou-1"]}]} can filter instances in the Guangzhou Zone 1 AZ. Note: the payload parameter is a strict JSON string.
    The following table lists currently available template variables:
    See here. Action is fixed at DescribeRegions. Namespace is the namespace of the corresponding Tencent Cloud service, for example, QCE/CVM or QCE/CDB. Only one region can be selected. If you select multiple regions or the All option, the first region value will be used by default.
    CVM instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CVM. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName, PrivateIpAddresses, or PublicIpAddresses. One or more CVM instances can be selected.
    TencentDB for MySQL instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CDB. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName or Vip. One or more TencentDB instances can be selected.
    TencentDB for PostgreSQL instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CDB. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is DBInstanceId by default and can also be DBInstanceName, PrivateIpAddresses, or PublicIpAddresses. One or more TencentDB instances can be selected.
    TencentDB for MongoDB instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CMONGO. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more TencentDB for MongoDB instances can be selected.
    TencentDB for Redis instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at REDIS_MEM. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more TencentDB for Redis instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CYNOSDB_MYSQL. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more TDSQL-C instances can be selected.
    TencentDB for SQL Server instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/SQLSERVER. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be Name. One or more TencentDB for SQL Server instances can be selected.
    TDSQL for MySQL
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TDMYSQL. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more TDSQL for MySQL instances can be selected.
    VPC - NAT Gateway instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/NAT_GATEWAY. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is NatGatewayId by default and can also be NatGatewayName. One or more NAT Gateway instances can be selected.
    VPC - Peering Connection instance
    Namespace is fixed at QCE/PCX. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is peeringConnectionId by default and can also be peeringConnectionName. One or more Peering Connection instances can be selected (CLB does not support selecting multiple instances. Select multiple listeners for it instead).
    CLB instance (simplified edition)
    It is a proprietary namespace of TCOP and allows quickly viewing monitoring data by instance ID. Different from the multidimensional edition below, it only supports the instance dimension. Namespace can be QCE/V_CLB. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is LoadBalancerId by default and can also be LoadBalancerName or LoadBalancerVips. One or more CLB instances can be selected.
    CLB instance (multidimensional edition)
    See here. Namespace can be QCE/LB_PRIVATE, QCE/LB_PUBLIC, or QCE/LOADBALANCE. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is LoadBalancerId by default and can also be LoadBalancerName or LoadBalancerVips. One or more CLB instances can be selected.
    CLB listener (multidimensional edition)
    See here. Namespace can be QCE/LB_PRIVATE, QCE/LB_PUBLIC, or QCE/LOADBALANCE. Action is fixed at DescribeListeners. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. Instance is the instance ID, which can be a specific instance ID such as lbl-rbw529fz or a variable value such as $instance. listenerAlias is the display field of the listener, which is ListenerId by default and can also be ListenerName or Port. One or more CLB listeners can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CDN. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is Domain by default and can also be ProjectId. One or more CDN instances can be selected.
    CDN - Province Domain
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CDN_LOG_DATA. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is Domain by default and can also be ProjectId.
    CDN - province ISP
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CDN_LOG_DATA. Action is fixed at DescribeMapInfo. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. Instance is the display field of the instance and can be a variable value such as $instance. Name is the API required parameter and is used to get the ISP or province (district) list.
    BWP instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/BWP. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is BandwidthPackageId by default and can also be BandwidthPackageName. One or more BWP instances can be selected.
    CKafka instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CKAFKA. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more CKafka instances can be selected.
    CKafka - topicId
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CKAFKA. Action is fixed at DescribeTopicList. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. Instance is the instance parameter, which can be a specific value such as ckafka-018qxxx and can also be a variable value such as $instance.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/LB. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is AddressId by default and can also be AddressName or AddressIp. One or more EIP instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CFS. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is FileSystemId by default and can also be FsName. One or more CFS instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/SCF_V2. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is FunctionId by default and can also be FunctionName. One or more SCF instances can be selected.
    Direct Connect - Dedicated Tunnel (DCX) instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/DCX. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is DirectConnectTunnelId by default and can also be DirectConnectTunnelName. One or more DCX instances can be selected.
    Direct Connect - Connection (DC) instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/DC. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is DirectConnectId by default and can also be DirectConnectName. One or more DC instances can be selected.
    VPC - VPN Gateway instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/VPNGW. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is VpnGatewayId by default and can also be VpnGatewayName. One or more VPN Gateway instances can be selected.
    VPC - Direct Connect Gateway (DCG) instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/DCG. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is DirectConnectGatewayId by default and can also be DirectConnectGatewayName. One or more DCG instances can be selected.
    VPC - VPN tunnel
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/VPNX. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is VpnConnectionId by default and can also be VpnConnectionName. One or more instances can be selected.
    VPC - Anycast EIP
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CEIP_SUMMARY. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is AddressId by default and can also be AddressName or AddressIp. One or more instances can be selected.
    VPC - network detection
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/VPC_NET_DETECT. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is NetDetectId by default and can also be NetDetectName. One or more instances can be selected.
    VPC - Cloud Connect Network (CCN)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/VBC. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is CcnId by default and can also be CcnName. One or more instances can be selected.
    API Gateway instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/APIGATEWAY. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ServiceId by default and can also be ServiceName.
    API Gateway - service environment
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/APIGATEWAY. Action is fixed at DescribeServiceEnvironmentList. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. Instance is the display field of the instance, which can be a specific region value and can also be a variable value such as $instance.
    CBS instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/BLOCK_STORAGE. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is DiskId by default and can also be DiskName`. One or more CBS instances can be selected.
    ES instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CES. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more ES instances can be selected.
    CMQ instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CMQ. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is QueueName by default and can also be QueueId. One or more CMQ instances can be selected.
    CMQ topic subscription instance
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CMQTOPIC. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-beijing or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is TopicName by default and can also be TopicId. One or more CMQ topic subscription instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/COS. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is BucketName by default and can also be BucketName. One or more instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TDMQ. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/CPM. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be Name. One or more instances can be selected.
    CPM - peering connection
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/BM_PCX. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is VpcPeerConnectionId by default and can also be VpcPeerConnectionName. One or more instances can be selected.
    CPM - public network CLB
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/BM_LB. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is LoadBalancerId by default and can also be LoadBalancerVips or LoadBalancerName. One or more instances can be selected.
    CPM - private network CLB
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/BM_INTRA_LB. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is LoadBalancerId by default and can also be LoadBalancerVips or LoadBalancerName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (HDFS)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_HDFS. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (HBase)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_HBASE. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (Hive)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_HIVE. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (node)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_NODE. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (Presto)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_PRESTO. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (Spark)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_SPARK. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (YARN)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_YARN. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    EMR (ZooKeeper)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/TXMR_ZOOKEEPER. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is ClusterId by default and can also be ClusterName. One or more instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/QAAP. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which can only be InstanceId. One or more instances can be selected.
    ECM - network
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/ECM. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more instances can be selected.
    ECM - storage (ECM_BLOCK_STORAGE)
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/ECM_BLOCK_STORAGE. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be InstanceName. One or more instances can be selected.
    ECM - CLB
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/ECM_LB. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is LoadBalancerId by default and can also be LoadBalancerId or LoadBalancerName. One or more instances can be selected.
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/GSE. Action is fixed at DescribeInstances. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. InstanceAlias is the display field of the instance, which is InstanceId by default and can also be PrivateIpAddress or IpAddress. One or more instances can be selected.
    GSE - fleet list
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/GSE. Action is fixed at ListFleets. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. Instance is the instance parameter, which can be a specific value such as ins-9kvpxxx and can also be a variable value such as $instance.
    GSE - session queue
    See here. Namespace is fixed at QCE/GSE. Action is fixed at DescribeGameServerSessionQueues. Region is the region parameter, which can be a specific region value such as ap-guangzhou or a variable value such as $region. Instance is the instance parameter, which can be a specific value such as ins-9kvpxxx and can also be a variable value such as $instance.

    Creating Variable

    1. Go to a dashboard and click the gear icon in the upper-right corner to go to the dashboard settings page.
    2. Click Variables on the left to go to the variable configuration page and then click + Add variable to go to the variable editing page.

    Editing Variable

    Name: variable name, which is typically an English string and can be used to replace the original specific value in the dashboard.
    Label: visible label of the variable, which is used to describe the variable name more explicitly. For example, if Name is set to region, Label can be set to Region.
    Type: variable query method. Here, only Query can be selected, which means to send a request to the data source to get the variable list.
    Data source: data source from which to get the variable list. You can select any configured Tencent Cloud Observability Platform data source.
    Refresh: variable refresh method, which defines when the variable data is refreshed.
    Query: variable query statement. For more information, see the variable examples and descriptions in the above table.
    After all the variable information is completed, you can preview the variable values obtained from a query at the bottom of the page. If they are correct as expected, you can click Add to add the variable. After the variable is added successfully, click Save in the right menu to save it in the dashboard configuration.
    The following shows how to configure the region and CVM instance variables by taking the CVM single-instance monitoring dashboard as an example:
    If you want to monitor multiple instances, select Multi-value.

    Applying Variable

    After the variables are created, selection boxes will be displayed in the top-left corner of the dashboard page, where you can switch the variable values. Variables can be imported with two syntaxes: $varname and [[varname]]. Variables are often used in panel query statements. The following shows how to use variables in queries by taking the CVM single-instance monitoring dashboard as an example. In addition, variables can also be used in panel titles and text panels.




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