tencent cloud


Payment Overdue

最終更新日:2024-02-01 10:00:54
    APM supports two modes: Pay-as-you-go (postpaid) and package (prepaid). If your package quota is used up within the validity period of the package, the portion exceeding the package quota will be settled by pay-as-you-go (postpaid) billing. Please see the following for explanations on overdue payment in the pay-as-you-go (postpaid) mode.

    Billing Cycle

    APM employs a pay-as-you-go mode where you are billed daily based on your actual usage. After each day's midnight, the costs generated by your usage from the previous day are calculated, and a bill is generated with the fee deducted from your account balance. To ensure the smooth operation of APM services, please make sure you have sufficient balance in your account.

    Service Suspension Mechanism

    1. APM service is still available within 24 hours after the moment your account has overdue payments, with a service suspension notification displayed in the console. Please top up your account to a positive balance to avoid impact on your business operations.
    2. Within 7 days but over 24 hours after your account has overdue payments, your APM service will be suspended, but you can still view the reported application data in the console, and the service will be automatically resumed after your account balance becomes positive. Following the service suspension, the following restrictions will apply to all business systems:
    Service Suspended Due to Overdue Payment will be displayed in the status of the business systems, but the reported application data can still be viewed in the console.
    All data reporting from applications will cease, while charges will still be incurred for the storage usage of your already reported data until it is terminated. The amount of overdue payment will accumulate until the data is deleted.

    Service Suspension Example:

    Assume that you have selected a storage duration of seven days when creating the business system, and overdue payment occurs for your APM service after two days of use. Billing will continue for the remaining five days.
    Assume that when you create the business system, you have selected a storage duration of 30 days and overdue payment occurs after 15 days of the APM service usage. Although you have 15 days of storage duration remaining, the business system will be terminated when overdue payments exceed 7 days. Therefore, billing will continue only for those 7 days in the remaining 15 days.

    Termination Mechanism

    If your account has overdue payments for more than 7 days, your business system will be automatically terminated, and the data cannot be recovered.

    Service Resumption

    After you top up your account balance to positive, the service will automatically be resumed:
    The status of all business systems will switch to Normal.
    Data reporting from all applications will be resumed.




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