tencent cloud


Authorization Policy Syntax

最終更新日:2024-01-27 17:35:59


    An access policy that employs the JSON-based access policy language is used to grant access to Tencent Cloud Observability Platform (TCOP) resources. You can authorize a specified principal to perform actions on a specified TCOP resource through the access policy language.

    Policy Syntax

    CAM policy:
    "condition": {"key":{"value"}}

    Element description

    version is required. Currently, only "2.0" is allowed.
    statement describes the details of one or more permissions. This element contains a permission or permission set of other elements such as effect, action, resource, and condition. One policy has only one statement.
    effect is required. It describes whether the declaration result is allow or explicit deny.
    action is required. It specifies whether to allow or deny the operation. The operation can be an API (prefixed with name) or a feature set (a group of APIs, prefixed with permid).
    resource is required. It describes the authorization details. For more information on how to specify a resource, see the documentation for the product for which you are writing a resource declaration.
    condition describes the condition for the policy to take effect. Conditions consist of operators, operation keys, and operation values, while condition values include information such as time and IP addresses. TCOP currently does not support special conditions, so this element can be left empty.

    Specifying effect

    If you don't explicitly grant access to (allow) a resource, access is implicitly denied. You can also explicitly deny access to a resource to ensure that a user cannot access it, even if another policy has granted access to it. The following example specifies an allow effect.
    "effect" : "allow"

    Specifying action

    You can specify any API operation from any CAM-enabled service in a CAM policy statement. If the service is TCOP, use an API prefixed with name/monitor:, such as name/monitor:GetMonitorData.
    You can also specify multiple API operations using a wildcard. For example, you can specify all operations whose names begin with "Describe" as shown below:
    "action": [
    To specify all operations in TCOP, use a wildcard (*) as follows:

    Specifying resource

    The resource element describes one or multiple operation objects, such as TCOP resource. All the resources can be described with the following 6-segment format.
    The parameters are described as follows:
    Abbreviation for “qcloud service”, which indicates a Tencent Cloud service
    Product name abbreviation, which is monitor here
    Root account information of the resource owner, which is the root account ID in the format of uin/${OwnerUin}, such as uin/100000000001
    Resource information description, such as cm-policy/policy-p1234abc
    You can control the access to the following resources:
    Resource Type
    Resource Description Method in Authorization Policy
    Alarm policy/cm-policy
    Notification template/cm-notice
    Example of specifying a resource
    You can specify a resource by its ID as follows:
    If you want to specify all resources or if a specific API operation does not support resource-level permission, you can use the wildcard (*) in the resource element as shown below:
    "resource": ["*"]

    Console Example

    Granting particular alarm policy permissions to a user
    1. Create a custom policy as instructed in Creating Custom Policy. The sample policy grants the operation permission for two alarm policies (IDs: policy-p1234abc and policy-p5678abc). You can refer to the following policy syntax to configure the policy content:
    "version": "2.0",
    "statement": [
    "action": "monitor:*",
    "resource": [
    "effect": "allow"
    2. Find the created policy and click Associate Users/Groups in the Operation column.
    3. In the pop-up window, select the user/group you want to authorize and click OK.




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