tencent cloud


CM Connection to Grafana

最終更新日:2024-01-27 17:35:59

    Does the plugin support multi-region query in the same panel?

    If the region template variable is used in the dashboard, only single-region query is supported. To compare instances in multiple regions, you can create multiple query targets in the same panel.

    Does the plugin support comparison of multiple instances in the same region?

    You can set Multi-value under Selection Options in the template variable to true.
    You can select multiple instances from the drop-down list in the dashboard as shown below:

    When I compare multiple instances, why is the error Only queries that return single series/table is supported reported in the panel?

    Some panel types such as dashboard chart only support single-instance query. If you need to compare multiple instances, please use a line chart.

    The instance drop-down list in the template variable shows InstanceId. How do I make it show InstanceName?

    You can use InstanceAlias=InstanceName in the template variable or use the display attribute for splicing; for example:
    1. Namespace=QCE/CVM&Action=DescribeInstances&Region=$region&InstanceAlias=InstanceName
    2. Namespace=QCE/CVM&Action=DescribeInstances&Region=$region&display=${InstanceId}-${InstanceName}
    If InstanceAlias and display appear at the same time, the drop-down list will only show the values of display.




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