tencent cloud


Getting the Monitoring Data of Specified Metrics

最終更新日:2024-01-27 17:45:42
    Tencent Cloud Observability Platform allows you to get the specified metric data at a specific point in time of a monitored object by the following methods:

    Getting the specified metric data in the console

    1. Log in to the Tencent Cloud Console and enter the console of the product whose monitoring data you want to view.
    2. Select the object to be monitored and click its ID to enter its monitoring details page, or click the monitoring icon in the object list to view its data in the floating window.
    3. Find the specified metric on the monitoring page or in the floating window.
    4. Use the time selector and granularity selector to adjust the content displayed in the chart to view the specified metric data at the specific point in time of this monitored object.

    Getting the specified metric data through API

    For more information, please see the GetMonitorData API.




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