tencent cloud


Viewing Tencent Cloud Service Traffic

最終更新日:2024-01-27 17:45:42


    With dashboards, you can view the traffic monitoring data of each instance and the total traffic.

    Viewing CVM Instance Traffic

    Bill-by-traffic instances are billed by the public outbound traffic.
    2. In the Tencent Cloud service dashboard folder, click the preset Traffic Monitoring dashboard.
    3. Enter the traffic monitoring dashboard where you can view the overall conditions of CVM instance traffic. The use cases of each monitoring dashboard are as follows:
    Chart Name
    Use Case
    Public outbound traffic
    Bill-by-traffic instances are billed by the public outbound traffic. You can use this chart to view the total traffic of CVM instances in a certain period of time and calculate the corresponding fees. As shown below, 0.41 MB is the total traffic used in the current time period. You can refer to the bill-by-traffic rules to calculate the bandwidth fees incurred in the current time period.
    General trend
    View the public outbound traffic usage of all instances.
    By instance
    View the public outbound traffic usage by instance.
    Top 5 instances
    View the data of the top 5 instances that use the most traffic among the instances you filter.
    General trend of public inbound and outbound bandwidth
    Observe the difference between public outbound and inbound bandwidth.
    Public outbound bandwidth
    View the public outbound bandwidth data and observe user access to CVM.
    Public inbound bandwidth
    View the public inbound bandwidth data and observe user resource upload to CVM. To do so, click Create Dashboard in the top-left corner of the dashboard list page to enter the dashboard creation page.

    Viewing Traffic of Other Tencent Cloud Services

    Currently, only CVM traffic has a preset monitoring dashboard. To view the traffic trends of other Tencent Cloud services, you need to create dashboards as shown below. Before creation, please check out the dashboard creation process first.
    The following uses creating a chart for the total private traffic of TencentDB as an example:

    Step 1. Create a traffic monitoring dashboard

    2. On the dashboard list page, click Create Dashboard.
    3. On the dashboard creation page, click Save.
    4. Enter the dashboard name in the pop-up window, select the folder to which it belongs, and click Save.

    Step 2. Create a template variable

    1. Click the
    icon on the page of the created dashboard.
    2. Click Template Variable in the pop-up window to enter the template variable management page.
    3. Click Create, enter the variable name, and select the associated tag as "TencentDB - MySQL - server monitoring instance".
    4. After completing the configuration, click OK.

    Step 3. Create a chart

    1. Return to the dashboard management page and click Create Chart.
    2. Configure on the chart creation page as instructed/shown below:
    Metric: select "TencentDB - MySQL - server monitoring" and "Core metric - private outbound traffic".
    Filter: select "Template variable" and select the corresponding variable name.
    Chart name: enter "Private outbound traffic: total".
    Chart type: select the "Digit" chart type.
    3. After completing the configuration, click Save in the top-right corner.
    If you need to create charts in other types, please see Use Cases of Different Chart Types.




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