tencent cloud


Crash and ANR Monitoring

最終更新日:2024-05-14 12:36:06

    Enabling Feature

    Initialization requires enabling Crash and ANR monitoring, which by default monitors Crash and ANR information.
    // ModeStable mode by default includes Crash and ANR monitoring.
    QAPM.beginScene(QAPM.SCENE_ALL, QAPM.ModeStable);
    QAPM provides APIs for uploading custom log files in case of crashes or ANRs, if necessary. An example is as follows:
    QAPM.setProperty(QAPM.PropertyExtraDataListener, new IExtraDataListener() {
    // This callback is executed when an ANR occurs.
    public List<String> onAnrExtraFileHandler() {
    List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
    File[] fileArray = new File("xxxx").listFiles();//Enter the folder name at xxx.
    for (File file : fileArray) {
    return files;
    // This callback is executed when a crash occurs.
    public List<String> onCrashExtraFileHandler() {
    List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
    File[] fileArray = new File("xxxx").listFiles();//Enter the folder name at xxx.
    for (File file : fileArray) {
    return files;

    Verifying Whether the Feature Is Working Properly

    Retrieval tag: QAPM_manager_QAPMPluginManager
    Retrieval tag: QAPM_crash
    The following log message in case of crashes or ANRs indicates that QAPM has collected this exception:
    Retrieval tag: plugin::144
    The following log message indicates that QAPM has successfully reported this exception. An example is as follows:
    The other crash retrieval tags are as follows:
    ANR: [plugin::140].
    NativeCrash: [plugin::146].
    To avoid lagging, keep the logic in the interface callbacks as simple and straightforward as possible.
    Uploaded files must be less than 20 MB in size. Files larger than the limit will not be uploaded. Select helpful log files.
    Crash events can be viewed on the Mobile Monitoring Crash page, and ANR rates can be viewed in the Overview page.




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