tencent cloud


Introduction to Pay-as-you-go

最終更新日:2024-05-11 10:38:34
    APM operates on a pay-as-you-go (postpaid) mode, where resources are applied for on-demand, and you are billed according to your actual usage upon settlement.

    Billing Cycle

    Charges are calculated on an hourly basis. The total consumption for the previous hour will be calculated and deducted within the next 2 to 4 hours.


    Fee Calculation

    Total cost = Overall reporting volume cost + Cumulative Trace retaining cost
    Total reporting volume cost = Reporting quantity (in millions) x Unit price of reporting quantity
    Total Trace retaining cost = Reporting quantity (in millions) x Storage duration (in days) x Unit price of Trace retaining

    Billable Items and Free Tier

    APM offers a 15-day trial period for new users with a report limit of 100 million Spans and a fixed storage duration of one day. If the quota is exceeded, you can manually upgrade to the paid version. Different regions have different billing rates. To switch to the paid version, see Purchase Methods.
    Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai:
    Billable Items
    Unit Price
    Free Tier
    Use Limits
    Reporting Quantity
    0.014 USD/Million Spans
    1 million Spans/day
    Peak public network traffic throttling: Cannot exceed 2000 QPS.
    Trace retaining
    0.0084 USD/Million Spans × Days
    1 million Spans/day
    A single Span should not exceed 2 KB.
    Shanghai Finance, Beijing Finance:
    Billable Items
    Unit Price
    Free Tier
    Use Limits
    Reporting Quantity
    0.0279 USD/Million Spans
    1 million Spans/day
    Peak public network traffic throttling: Cannot exceed 2000 QPS.
    Trace retaining
    0.0168 USD/Million Spans × Days
    1 million Spans/day
    A single Span should not exceed 2 KB.
    Hong Kong (China), Singapore:
    Billable Items
    Unit Price
    Free Tier
    Use Limits
    Reporting Quantity
    0.02 USD/Million Spans
    1 million Spans/day
    Peak public network traffic throttling: Cannot exceed 2000 QPS.
    Trace retaining
    0.012 USD/Million Spans × Days
    1 million Spans/day
    A single Span should not exceed 2 KB.
    Definitions of the Trace and Span:
    Trace: A Trace represents a transaction or process as it is executed in a (distributed) system. In OpenTracing standards, a Trace is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) composed of multiple Spans. Each Span represents a named and timed continuous execution segment within the Trace.
    Span: A Span represents a logical execution unit in the system with a start time and duration. The logical causal relationship between Spans is established by nesting or sequential arrangement. All motion traces with the same Trace ID under one account are considered as one request. A request can include up to ten Spans, and each additional Span will be billed based on the request billing. Each Span must not exceed 2 KB, and excess part will be discarded.

    Billing Examples

    Assume that a user in the Guangzhou region submits 20 million requests (2 billion Spans) daily, with the Trace retaining period being 7 days. The required daily cost is as follows:
    Daily cost for reporting volume = (200 million Spans - Free tier) × 0.1 = 2.7807 USD/Day
    Daily cost for Trace retaining = (200 million Spans - Free tier) × 0.06 × 7 days = 11.6791 USD/Day (the retaining fee after six consecutive days of reporting) Total cost = Reporting volume cost + Trace retaining duration cost = 19.9 + 83.58 = 14.4599 USD/Day.
    Trace Retaining Fees: Trace retaining is calculated based on storage volume. Assume that a user reports 20 million requests (200 million Spans) daily and chooses a Trace retaining duration of 7 days, the storage scenario after eight days of reporting is as follows:




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