tencent cloud


Creating Recipient (Group)

最終更新日:2024-01-27 17:35:59
    This document describes how to create a message recipient and bind an alarm policy for receiving Tencent Cloud Observability Platform alarm messages.
    Message recipients are a user type under sub-accounts. They only need to verify their phone number, email address, and WeChat account to receive alarm messages, but cannot log in to the Tencent Cloud console or gain programming access.


    Step 1. Create a message recipient

    1. Log in to the CAM console and select Users > User List on the left sidebar.
    2. On the User List page, click Create User to enter the Create User page.
    3. On the Create User page, click Custom Creation to enter the User Type page.
    4. On the User Type page, click Receive Messages Only to enter the User Information page.
    5. On the User Information page, enter the username, remarks, mobile number, and email address, select an option for Receive WeChat Messages. Among them, the remarks field is optional.
    6. Click Done.

    Step 2. Verify the receipt channel

    1. After successful creation, find the user in User List and click the corresponding username.
    2. Enter the User Detail page.
    Mobile: click Send Verification Code on the right and enter it on the phone to complete mobile number verification.
    Email: click Send Verification Link on the right and go to the inbox to complete email address verification.
    WeChat: click Send Verification Link on the right, go to the inbox, and scan the QR code with WeChat to complete WeChat account verification.

    Step 3. Add the alarm message recipient

    1. Log in to the TCOP console and go to Alarm Policy.
    2. Click the name of the policy for which to add users to enter the alarm policy modification page.
    3. In the Recipient Object drop-down list, select User and select the created message recipient.
    4. After completing the configuration, click OK.




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