tencent cloud



마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-09-01 10:00:59


    Cloud Access Management (CAM) helps you securely manage permissions for most Tencent Cloud services. This document provides information on the products and services that support CAM in multiple dimensions, such as authorization granularity, console operation, authorization by tag, and reference documentation.
    The table below lists Tencent Cloud services that support CAM.
    Product: The name of Tencent Cloud services that support CAM. You can click on them to the corresponding service documentation for quick access to relevant information.
    Abbreviation in CAM: Abbreviation of Tencent Cloud services that support CAM
    Authorization granularity: The finest authorization granularity currently supported by the service.


    Three authorization granularity levels are supported: service level, operation level, and resource level.

    • Service level: It defines whether a user has the permission to access the service as a whole. A user can have either full access or no access to the service.
    • Operation level: It defines whether a user has the permission to call a specific API of the service. For example, granting an account read-only access to the CVM service is an authorization at the operation level.
    • Resource level: It is the finest authorization granularity which defines whether a user has the permission to access specific resources. For example, granting an account read/write access to a specific CVM instance is an authorization at the resource level.

    Console: Whether sub-accounts can access the service through the console. "✓" means yes, while "-" means no.
    Authorization by tag: Whether the service supports using tags for permission management. "✓" means yes, while "-" means no.
    Reference document: Link to the document on CAM-based access control for the service. - means no documentation available yet.


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Auto Scaling as Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    BatchCompute batch Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Channel Business Management cbm Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Cloud Dedicated Zone cdz Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Cloud Virtual Machine cvm Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Lighthouse lighthouse Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    TencentCloud Automation Tools tat Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Edge Computing

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Edge Computing Machine ecm Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud Mesh tcm Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Tencent Container Registry tcr Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Tencent Kubernetes Engine tke Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud Elastic Microservice tem Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    EventBridge eb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Serverless Cloud Function scf Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Essential Storage Service

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud File Storage cfs Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Cloud HDFS chdfs Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    COS cos Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Data Process and Analysis

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Infinite ci Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Cloud Log Service cls Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Data Migration

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Migration Service Platform msp Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Relational Database

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Database cdb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Cloud Native Database TDSQL-C cynosdb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    TencentDB For PostgreSQL postgres Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    TencentDB for SQL Server sqlserver Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Enterprise Distributed DBMS

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    TDSQL for MySQL dcdb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    NoSQL Database

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    TencentDB for CTSDB ctsdb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Cloud MongoDB mongodb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    TencentDB for TcaplusDB tcaplusdb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Database SaaS Tool

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    TencentDB for DBbrain dbbrain Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Database Expert Service dbexpert Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Database Management Console dmc Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Data Transfer Service dts Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Loader Balance clb Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Physical Direct Connect dc Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    vpc vpc Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    CDN and Acceleration

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    CDN cdn Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Enterprise Content Delivery Network ecdn Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Global Application Acceleration Platform gaap Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Network Security

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Firewall cfw Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud EdgeOne teo Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Endpoint Security

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Workload Protection cwp Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Tencent Container Security Service tcss Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Data Security

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Data Security Governance Center dsgc Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Key Management Service kms Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Secrets Manager ssm Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Business Security

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Audio Moderation System ams Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    captcha captcha Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Customer Identity and Access MAnagement ciam Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Image Moderation System ims Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Risk Control Engine rce Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Text Moderation System tms Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Video Moderation System vm Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Application Security

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Mobile Application Security ms Service level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Security Token Service sts Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Vulnerability Scan Service vss Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    cloudWaf waf Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Domains & Websites

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    dns dnspod Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Domain domain Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    HTTPDNS httpdns Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Private DNS privatedns Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    SSL Certification ssl Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Big Data

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Data Warehouse ClickHouse cdwch Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Cloud Data Warehouse PostgreSQL cdwpg Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Data Lake Compute dlc Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Elasticsearch MapReduce emr Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Elasticsearch Service es Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Oceanus stream computing oceanus Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    WeData wedata Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Voice Technology

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Automatic Speech Recognition asr Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    TextToSpeech tts Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    AI Platform Service

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud AI Digital Human ivh Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Natural Language Processing

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    TMT tmt Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Optical Character Recognition

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    OCR ocr Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    CKafka ckafka Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Cloud Message Queue cmq Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    RocketMQ trocket Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    IM im Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Simple Email Service-ses ses Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Short Message Service sms Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    Tencent Push Notification Service tpns Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Interactive Video Services

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Low-code interactive classroom lcic Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Tencent Real-Time Communication trtc Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Stream Services

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    StreamLink mdc Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    StreamLive mdl Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    StreamPackage mdp Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Media On-Demand

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    VOD vod Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Media Process Services

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Media Processing Service mps Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Cloud Real-time Rendering

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Application Rendering car Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Game Services

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Game Multimedia Engine gme Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Education Sevices

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Tencent Interactive Whiteboard tiw Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document

    Cloud Resource Management

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud Advisor advisor Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Cloud API api Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud Mini Program Platform tcmpp Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud Infrastructure as Code tic Service level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Management and Audit Tools

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Cloud Access Management cam Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Cloud Audit cloudaudit Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Control Center controlcenter Resource level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Tencent Cloud Organization organization Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

    Monitor and Operation

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    Application Performance Management apm Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document
    cat cat Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document
    Real User Monitoring rum Resource level Supported Supported Reference Document


    Product Abbreviation in CAM Authorization Granularity Console Authorize by Tag Reference Document
    International Partners Management intlpartnersmgt Operation level Supported not supported Reference Document

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