The enterprise account, CompanyExample (ownerUin: 12345678), has a sub-account, Developer, that requires operating permissions for a specific VPC (ID: vpc-id1) and relevant resources (e.g., subnets, routing tables, but not CVMs and databases) of the VPC service belonging to the CompanyExample enterprise account.
Step 1: create the following policy according to policy syntax.
"version": "2.0",
"statement": [
"action": "vpc:*",
"resource": "*",
"effect": "allow",
"condition": {
"string_equal_if_exist": {
"vpc:vpc": [
"vpc:accepter_vpc": [
"vpc:requester_vpc": [
Step 2: associate the sub-account with the policy. To learn how to associate a policy with a user account, see Authorization Management.
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