Product | Abbreviation in CAM | Console | Authorization by Tag | Authorization Granularity | IP Restriction |
vpc | vpc | Supported | Supported | Resource level | Partially supported |
The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.
Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
AcceptAttachCcnInstances | Accept Attach Ccn Instances | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
AssignPrivateIpAddresses | AssignPrivateIpAddresses | Operation level | * | Supported |
AttachCcnInstances | AttachCcnInstances | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
AttachNetworkInterface | Elastic network card binding to cloud host | Operation level | * | Supported |
BandwidthLimitForCcnAlarmOnly | Dedicated to cloud networking view bandwidth upper limit monitoring alarm access | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckAssistantCidr | Check assistant CidrBlocks whether are in confilct for an specified VPC. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
CheckBandwidthPackage | Check whether it is an old bandwidth package or a non-upshifted bandwidth package account. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/* | Supported |
CheckDefaultSubnet | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CheckGatewayFlowMonitor | To check where wateway is enabled flow monitor. | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:dcg/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:pcx/${GatewayId} |
Supported |
CheckModifyNetworkLineLabelForLighthouse | Check lighthose addres modify network label | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckNetDetectState | Check network detect | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:netd/${NetDetectId} | Supported |
CheckVmReady | check vm ready | Operation level | * | not supported |
CheckVpcEndPointServiceExist | To check the specified vpc end point service exist. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/${EndPointServiceId} | Supported |
CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface | Create an elastic network card and bind it to a cloud host | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateFlowLog | Create flow log. | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateNetworkInterface | Create Elastic Network Card | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateTrafficPackages | CreateTrafficPackages | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateVpc | Create VPC | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateVpc | Create VPC | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateVpcPeeringConnection | CreateVpcPeeringConnection | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:pcx/${PeeringConnectionId} | Supported |
DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | not supported |
DescribeAddress | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeAddressActionQuota | Query the EIP operation quota. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds} | Supported |
DescribeAddressAssociationQuota | Fixed delivery IP (EIP). | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceIds} | Supported |
DescribeAddressBandwidthConfigs | Monthly and yearly package example contract list. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressId} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} |
Supported |
DescribeAddressChangeQuota | Query and replace the public network IP quota. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceIds} |
Supported |
DescribeAddressGroups | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeAddressInventory | Query Elastic IP (EIP) Inventory. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAddressQuota | Query the elastic public network IP quota. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeAddressTemplateGroups | Describes the specified address template groups or all of your address template groups. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:addressGroup/* | Supported |
DescribeAddressesHistory | Query eip history. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeAssistantCidr | Describe assistant CidrBlocks list for the specified VPCs. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBandwidthAttribute | Query the bandwidth attribute of an account. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceIds} |
Supported |
DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage | DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} | Supported |
DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota | Query bandwidth package quota for a specified region | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/* | Supported |
DescribeBandwidthPackageResources | DescribeBandwidthPackageResources | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} | Supported |
DescribeBandwidthPackages | DescribeBandwidthPackages | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/* | not supported |
DescribeCcnAttachedInstances | DescribeCcnAttachedInstances | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
DescribeCcnIpv6Routes | DescribeCcnIpv6Routes | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCcnLimits | Query Cloud Networking Quota | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeCcnRouteMatchRule | DescribeCcnRouteMatchRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DescribeCcnRouteTableAggregatePolicys | DescribeCcnRouteTableAggregatePolicys | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCcnRouteTables | Describe Ccn Route Tables | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
DescribeCcnRoutes | DescribeCcnRoutes | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
DescribeCcns | DescribeCcns | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnIds} | not supported |
DescribeCdcSharedNatGateways | DescribeCdcSharedNatGateways | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClassicLinkInstances | Describe your classiclink instances. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
DescribeCrossBorderCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | describe cross border Ccn region bandwidth limits | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DescribeCrossBorderCompliance | describe cross border compliance | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCrossBorderFlowMonitor | Query cross-border bandwidth monitoring data | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DescribeCrossBorderRegionConfig | Query the geographical configuration of the leased line | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors | Describe customer gateway vendors. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCustomerGateways | Describe customer gateways. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:cgw/${cgwid} | Supported |
DescribeDedicatedAddressPools | query dedicated address pool information | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeDedicatedClusterEIPAttributes | describe dedicated cluster EIP attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDirectConnectGateway | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Query IDC network segment of dcg for ccn type | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayLimits | DescribeDirectConnectGatewayLimits | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayRoutes | DescribeDirectConnectGatewayRoutes | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeDirectConnectGateways | Display DirectConnect gateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeDirectConnectPortMap | DescribeDirectConnectPortMap | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails | DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} | Supported |
DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetailsQuota | DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetailsQuota | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeDeviceInfo | describe edge device information | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeExpress | describe edge express | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeLimits | describe edge limits | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeEdgeOrders | describe edge orders | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeRoutes | describe edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeSN | describe edge serial number | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeSystemTime | describe edge system time | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeEdgeVersion | describe edge version | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeVports | describe edge vport | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeWlan | describe edge wlan | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeFirewallAttachedEdges | describe firewall attached edges | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeFirewallRules | describe firewall rules | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeFlowLog | Describe flow log | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeFlowLogs | DescribeFlowLogs | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail | Interface to query detail info of gateway flow monitor. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeGatewayFlowQos | Describe flow monitor qos for specified gateway. | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:dcg/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:pcx/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${GatewayId} |
Supported |
DescribeHaVips | Describes the specified HaVip addresses or all of your HaVip addresses. | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeHighPriorityRouteTables | DescribeHighPriorityRouteTables | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeHighPriorityRoutes | DescribeHighPriorityRoutes | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
DescribeIPv6AddressInventory | Query elastic public network IPv6 inventory information. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeIPv6AddressQuota | Query specified region elastic public network IPv6 quota. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstanceCapable | DescribeInstanceCapable | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeInstancesForLighthouse | Query the instance information related to the lightweight application server network. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeIp6Addresses | Querying IPV6 address information. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeIp6TranslatorQuota | Query the quota of the account\\\\\\\'s IPV6 conversion instance and rules in the specified region. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeIp6Translators | Query the IPV6 conversion instance and its binding rule information. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl | This interface is used to get the IP address database download link. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeLocalGateway | Describe Local Gateway | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeLocalIPTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeLocalIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeNatGatewayAvailability | This interface is used to describe availability of public NAT | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute | Query the route of DirectConnect bound NAT | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNatGatewayLimits | DescribeNatGatewayLimits | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNatGatewayQuota | DescribeNatGatewayQuota | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules | Describe NatGateway SourceIp Translation Nat Rules | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNatGateways | DescribeNatGateways | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | not supported |
DescribeNetDetectStates | DescribeNetDetectStates | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNetDetects | Describe NetDetects | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeNetworkAcl | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeNetworkAcls | Describes one or more of your network ACLs. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit | Describe limits of one ENI or CVM. | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeNetworkInterfaces | Describe network interfaces | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeOverseaAccelerator | Query accelerated oversea domains | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} | Supported |
DescribePeerIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribePrivateNatGatewayAvailability | This interface is used to describe availability of private NAT | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules | DescribePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DescribePrivateNatGatewayLimits | DescribePrivateNatGatewayLimits | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} | Supported |
DescribePrivateNatGatewayRegions | DescribePrivateNatGatewayRegions | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRules | DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRules | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRules | DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRules | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DescribePrivateNatGateways | DescribePrivateNatGateways | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DescribeReconciliationCollect | Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Bill Details | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeReconciliationDetail | Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Overview Page | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeReconciliationDirection | Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Direction | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeReserveIpAddresses | DescribeReserveIpAddresses | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRouteConflicts | Describe conflited route item list. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRouteReceivingPolicies | Describe Route Receiving Policies | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeRouteTable | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeRouteTableAssociatedInstances | Describe Route Table Associated Instances | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeRouteTableSelectionPolicies | Describe Route Table Selection Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRoutes | Describe route table items. | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeSecurityGroupLimits | Describe your security group limits. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSecurityGroupReferences | Describe references for one specified security group. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeService | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeServiceGroups | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeServiceTemplateGroups | Describes the specified service template groups or all of your service template groups. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSgSnapshotFileContent | Describe security group content of snapshot file | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${snapshot_id} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:sg/${sgId} |
Supported |
DescribeSnapshotAttachedInstances | Describe Snapshot Attached Instances | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} | Supported |
DescribeSnapshotFiles | Describe Snapshot Files | Resource level | qcs::cvm::uin/${uin}:sg/${sg_id} | Supported |
DescribeSnapshotPolicies | Describe Snapshot Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageResourcesUsedStatistics | DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageResourcesUsedStatistics | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} | Supported |
DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails | DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeSubnet | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeSubnetEx | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeTaskResult | Query the execution result of an asynchronous task. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeTemplateLimits | Describes the limits of template. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTenantCcns | describe tenant Ccns. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTrafficPackageQuota | DescribeTrafficPackageQuota | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTrafficPackageRegionInfo | Describe traffic package region. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTrafficPackageStatistics | DescribeTrafficPackageStatistics | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTrafficPackages | DescribeTrafficPackages | Resource level | qcs::vpc:$region:$account:tfp/$tfpId | Supported |
DescribeTrafficPackagesForLighthouse | Query the usage status of the light host traffic package. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} | Supported |
DescribeTrafficQosPolicy | DescribeTrafficQosPolicy | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DescribeUsedIpAddress | Interface to query IP in use. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} |
Supported |
DescribeVpcClassicLink | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeVpcCosPolicy | Describe vpc cos policy | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
DescribeVpcEndPoint | Describes the specified vpc end point or all of your vpc end points. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeVpcEndPointService | Describes the specified end point service or all of your end point services. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeVpcEx | DescribeVpcEx | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses | Decribe the using IPv6 addresses in one VPC. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} |
Supported |
DescribeVpcLimits | DescribeVpcLimits | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeVpcPeeringConnections | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeVpcPrivateIPResources | Query IP related resource Id. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses | Decribe the using IPv4 addresses in one VPC. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
DescribeVpcResourceDashboard | Describe the number of resources for the specified VPC. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/* | Supported |
DescribeVpcTaskResult | DescribeVpcTaskResult | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeVpnConnMonitor | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeVpnConnectionInstanceStatistics | DescribeVpnConnectionInstanceStatistics | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeVpnConnectionLogs | Describe vpn connection logs. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnx/${vpnxid} | Supported |
DescribeVpnConnections | DescribeVpnConnections | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnx/${vpnxId} | not supported |
DescribeVpnGatewayBgpSessionInformation | DescribeVpnGatewayBgpSessionInformation | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${VpnGatewayId} | Supported |
DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes | Describe vpn gateway ccn routes. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes | Describe vpn gateway routes. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | not supported |
DescribeVpnGatewaySslClients | This interface (DescribeVpnGatewaySslClients) is used to query the SSL-VPN-CLIENT list. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnc/* | Supported |
DescribeVpnGatewaySslServerLogs | This interface (DescribeVpnGatewaySslServers) queries SSL-VPN-SERVER logs. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpns/* | Supported |
DescribeVpnGatewaySslServers | This interface (DescribeVpnGatewaySslServers) is used to query the SSL-VPN server list information. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpns/* | Supported |
DescribeVpnGatewaySslSsoUrl | SSO login and logout address | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeVpnGateways | This interface (DescribeVpnGateways) is used to query the list of VPN networks. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
DescribeVpnGw | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DetachNetworkInterface | DetachNetworkInterface | Operation level | * | Supported |
DisableCcnRoutes | DisableCcnRoutes | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration | Download customer gateway configuration. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails | DownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} | Supported |
DownloadVpnGatewaySslClientCert | Download SSL-VPN client certificate | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnc/${vpncId} | Supported |
EnableRoutes | EnableRoutes | Operation level | * | not supported |
GenerateVpnConnectionBgpTunnelCidr | Generate VPN tunnel BGP subnet | Operation level | * | Supported |
GenerateVpnConnectionDefaultHealthCheckIp | Obtain a pair of VPN channel health check addresses | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
GetCreateCcnBandwidthDeal | Operation level | * | Supported | |
GetCrossBorderCosToken | GetCrossBorderCosToken | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetDealStatusByName | get deal status by name | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetDnaptRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
GetPeerWhiteList | Operation level | * | not supported | |
GetRenewCcnBandwidthDeal | Operation level | * | Supported | |
GetRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal | GetRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetUpdateCcnBandwidthDeal | Operation level | * | Supported | |
InquirePriceAllocateIPv6Addresses | Apply for IPv6 2.0 Resource Inquiry. | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquirePriceModifyIPv6AddressesBandwidth | Hour traffic IPv6 adjustment bandwidth inquiry price. | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquirePricePrivateNatGateway | InquirePricePrivateNatGateway | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquiryNatPrice | Operation level | * | not supported | |
InquiryPriceCreateCcnBandwidth | Operation level | * | Supported | |
InquiryPriceNatGateway | InquiryPriceNatGateway | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquiryPriceRenewCcnBandwidth | Operation level | * | Supported | |
InquiryPriceUpdateCcnBandwidth | Operation level | * | Supported | |
MigrateNetworkInterface | MigrateNetworkInterface | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute | Modify bandwidth package attributes | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyFlowLogAttribute | Modify Flow log attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Modify NatGateway Destination IpPort Translation Nat Rule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | not supported |
ModifyNetDetect | Modify NetDetect | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute | Modify network interface attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyVpcAttribute | Modify VPC attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
UnassignPrivateIpAddresses | UnassignPrivateIpAddresses | Operation level | * | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
AcceptVpcPeeringConnection | Operation level | * | Supported | |
AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionEx | Operation level | * | not supported | |
AddBandwidthPackageResources | Increase the resources in the shared bandwidth package. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} | not supported |
AddDnaptRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
AddIp6Rules | Add IPV6 conversion rules. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
AddTemplateMember | add template member | Operation level | * | Supported |
AddUserGw | AddUserGw | Operation level | * | not supported |
AdjustPublicAddress | adjust eip | Operation level | * | Supported |
AdvertiseEdgeRoutes | advertise edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
AllocateAddresses | Create the elastic public IP | Operation level | * | Supported |
AllocateIPv6Addresses | Apply for elastic public network ipv6 addresses. | Operation level | * | Supported |
AllocateIp6AddressesBandwidth | IPv6 address allocation public network bandwidth. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
AssignIpv6Addresses | Assign IPv6 addresses for one ENI. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} | Supported |
AssignIpv6CidrBlock | Assign an IPv6 cidrblock for one vpc. | Operation level | * | Supported |
AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock | Assign an IPv6 cidrblock for one subnet. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
AssociateAddress | AssociateAddress | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressId} | Supported |
AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway | ConnectGateway bind NatGateway | Operation level | * | Supported |
AssociateHaVipInstance | Associate HaVip instances or networkinterfaces | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eni/${InstanceId} qcs::cvm::uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} |
Supported |
AssociateIPv6Address | Associate elastic IPv6 address. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eipv6/${uid} | Supported |
AssociateInstancesToCcnRouteTable | Associate Instances To Route Table | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
AssociateNatGatewayAddress | AssociateNatGatewayAddress | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
AssociateNetworkAclSubnets | Associate subnets for specified Network ACL. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/${NetworkAclId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} |
Supported |
AssociateNormalAddressForLighthouse | This interface (AssociateNormalAddressForLighthouse) is used for purchasing a public network IP after the production machine of the light host. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${instanceId} |
Supported |
AssociateRouteTable | Operation level | * | not supported | |
AttachClassicLinkVpc | Attach classic link vpc with vpc | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${instance} |
Supported |
AttachEdgeFirewall | attach edge firewall | Operation level | * | Supported |
AttachEdgeSN | attach edge serial number | Operation level | * | Supported |
AttachSnapshotInstances | Attach Snapshot Instances | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:sg/${SgId} |
Supported |
AuditCrossBorderCompliance | audit cross border compliance. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ClearRouteTableSelectionPolicies | Clear route table selection policies. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
CreateAddress | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CreateAddressGroup | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CreateAddressTemplate | Create an address template. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateAddressTemplateGroup | Create an address template group. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateAssistantCidr | Create assistant CidrBlocks for an specified VPC. | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateBandwidthPackage | This interface (CreateBandwidthPackage) supports the creation of device bandwidth packages and IP bandwidth packages. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:bwp/* | not supported |
CreateCcn | CreateCcn | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/* | Supported |
CreateCcnBandwidth | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CreateCcnRouteMatchRule | CreateCcnRouteMatchRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
CreateCcnRouteTables | Create Ccn Route Tables | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
CreateCdcSharedNatGateway | CreateCdcSharedNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateCrossBorderCompliance | Create cross border compliance. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCustomerGateway | This interface is used to create a peer gateway. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:cgw/${cgwId} | Supported |
CreateCustomerOrder | Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Create Network Commission Orders | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannel | CreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannel | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:dcac/${dcacId} | Supported |
CreateDirectConnectGateway | Create dedicated gateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateEdge | create edge | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateEdgeFirewall | create edge firewall | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateEdgeRoute | create edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateEdgeVport | create edge vport | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateFirewallRules | create firewall rules | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateHaVip | Create a HaVip. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:havip/* | not supported |
CreateHighPriorityRouteTable | CreateHighPriorityRouteTable | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateHighPriorityRoutes | CreateHighPriorityRoutes | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateIp6Translators | Create an IPV6-to-IPV4 instance. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
CreateLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateLocalGateway | Create Local Gateway | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:lgw/* | Supported |
CreateLocalIPTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateLocalIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateNatGateway | Create a nat gateway instance | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpc} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eip} |
Supported |
CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | not supported |
CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule | create natgateway source Ip translation nat rule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
CreateNetDetect | Create Net Detect | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:netd/* | Supported |
CreateNetworkAcl | Create network ACL | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateOverseaAccelerator | Accelerate specific domains | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} | Supported |
CreatePeerIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreatePrivateNatGateway | CreatePrivateNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreatePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | CreatePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule | CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule | CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
CreateReserveIpAddresses | CreateReserveIpAddresses | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateRoute | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateRouteReceivingPolicies | Create Route Receiving Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateRouteTable | Create route table | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateService | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CreateServiceGroup | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CreateServiceTemplate | Create a service template. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateServiceTemplateGroup | Create a service template group. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateSnapshotPolicies | Create Snapshot Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateSubnet | CreateSubnet | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateTrafficMirror | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CreateTrafficPackageForLighthouse | Flow envelope for building machinery. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/* | Supported |
CreateTrafficQosPolicy | CreateTrafficQosPolicy | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
CreateVpcEndPoint | Create a vpc end point. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpce/* | Supported |
CreateVpcEndPointService | Create a vpc end point service. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Create a vpc end point service white list. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateVpcPeeringConnectionEx | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateVpnConnection | Create VPN tunnel | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnx/${conId} | Supported |
CreateVpnGateway | CreateVpnGateway | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpnGwId} | Supported |
CreateVpnGatewayRoutes | Create a vpn gateway routes. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${VpnGatewayId} | Supported |
CreateVpnGatewaySslClient | Create SSL-VPN client | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnc/${vpncId} | Supported |
CreateVpnGatewaySslServer | Create SSL-VPN Server | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpns/${vpnsId} | Supported |
DeleteAddress | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DeleteAddressGroup | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DeleteAddressTemplate | Delete an address template. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:address/${AddressTemplateId} | Supported |
DeleteAddressTemplateGroup | Delete an address template group. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:addressGroup/${AddressTemplateGroupId} | Supported |
DeleteAssistantCidr | Delete assistant CidrBlocks for an specified VPC. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
DeleteBandwidthPackage | Deleting a shared bandwidth package. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/{BandwidthPackageId} | Supported |
DeleteCcn | Delete Ccn | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DeleteCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | DeleteCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:fcr/${RegionFlowControlIds} | Supported |
DeleteCcnRouteMatchRule | DeleteCcnRouteMatchRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DeleteCcnRouteTables | Delete Ccn Route Tables | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
DeleteCdcSharedNatGateway | DeleteCdcSharedNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
DeleteCustomerGateway | Delete peer gateway | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:cgw/${cgwid} | Supported |
DeleteDirectConnectAccelerateChannel | DeleteDirectConnectAccelerateChannel | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:dcac/${dcacId} | Supported |
DeleteDirectConnectGateway | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Delete IDC network segment of dcg for ccn type | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteDnaptRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteEdgeFirewall | delete edge firewall | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteEdgeRoutes | delete edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteEdgeVport | delete edge vport | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteFirewallRules | delete firewall rules | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteFlowLog | Delete flow log | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${flowlog_instance} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${flowlog_instance} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${flowlog_instance} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${flowlog_instance} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:ccn/${flowlog_instance} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:dcg/${flowlog_instance} |
Supported |
DeleteHaVip | Delete the specified HaVip. | Operation level | * | not supported |
DeleteHighPriorityRouteTables | DeleteHighPriorityRouteTables | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
DeleteHighPriorityRoutes | DeleteHighPriorityRoutes | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
DeleteIp6Translators | Release IPV6 conversion instance. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
DeleteLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteLocalGateway | Delete Local Gateway | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:lgw/${localGatewayId} | Supported |
DeleteLocalIPTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteLocalIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteNatGateway | DeleteNatGateway | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule | delete natgateway source Ip translation nat rule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
DeleteNetDetect | Delete Network Probe | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteNetworkAcl | Delete network acl | Resource level | * | Supported |
DeleteNetworkInterface | Delete network interface | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} | Supported |
DeleteOverseaAccelerator | Stop acceleration for specific domains | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} | Supported |
DeletePeerIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeletePrivateNatGateway | DeletePrivateNatGateway | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DeletePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | DeletePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule | DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule | DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
DeleteReserveIpAddresses | DeleteReserveIpAddresses | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:rsvip/${ReserveIpId} | Supported |
DeleteRoute | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DeleteRouteReceivingPolicies | Delete Route Receiving Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteRouteTable | Delete route table | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} | Supported |
DeleteService | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DeleteServiceGroup | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DeleteServiceTemplate | Delete a service template. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:service/${ServiceTemplateId} | Supported |
DeleteServiceTemplateGroup | Delete a service template group. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:serviceGroup/${ServiceTemplateGroupId} | Supported |
DeleteSnapshotPolicies | Delete Snapshot Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteSubnet | Deleter subnet | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} | Supported |
DeleteTemplateMember | delete template member | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteTrafficMirror | Delete traffic mirror | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
DeleteTrafficPackages | DeleteTrafficPackages | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageIds} | Supported |
DeleteTrafficQosPolicy | DeleteTrafficQosPolicy | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
DeleteUserGw | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteVpc | Delete vpc | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | not supported |
DeleteVpcCosPolicy | Delete vpc cos policy | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
DeleteVpcEndPoint | Delete a vpc end point. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteVpcEndPointAndServiceAll | Delete the vpc end point and service when the service runs out of credit. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/* | Supported |
DeleteVpcEndPointService | delete a vpc end point service. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Delete a vpc end point service white list. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/${EndPointServiceId} | Supported |
DeleteVpcPeeringConnection | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionEx | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteVpnConn | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DeleteVpnConnection | Delete VPN tunnel | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnx/${vpnxid} | Supported |
DeleteVpnGateway | Delete VPN Gateway | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes | Delete vpn gateway routes. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
DeleteVpnGatewaySslClient | Delete SSL-VPN client | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnc/${vpncId} | Supported |
DeleteVpnGatewaySslServer | Delete SSL-VPN server | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpns/${vpnsId} | Supported |
DestroyTrafficPackageForLighthouse | Delete the traffic package of the light host. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} | Supported |
DetachCcnInstances | DetachCcnInstances | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
DetachClassicLinkVpc | Detach classic link vpc from vpc | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${instance} |
Supported |
DetachEdgeFirewall | detach edge firewall | Operation level | * | Supported |
DetachEdgeSN | detach edge serial number | Operation level | * | Supported |
DetachSnapshotInstances | Detach Snapshot Instances | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:sg/${SgId} |
Supported |
DisableCcnIpv6Routes | DisableCcnIpv6Routes | Operation level | * | Supported |
DisableEdgeRoutes | disable edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
DisableFlowLogs | Disable Flow Logs | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${ResourceId} | Supported |
DisableGatewayFlowMonitor | Disable flow monitor(qos) for specified gateway. | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:dcg/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:pcx/${GatewayId} |
Supported |
DisableRoutes | Disable routes for the specified route table. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} | Supported |
DisableSnapshotPolicies | Disable Snapshot Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
DisableVpnGatewaySslClientCert | Disable SSL-VPN client certificate | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnc/${vpncId} | Supported |
DisassociateAddress | DisassociateAddress | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressId} | Supported |
DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway | Unbind the dedicated line gateway and the NAT gateway. After unbinding, the dedicated line gateway will not be able to access the public network throu | Operation level | * | Supported |
DisassociateHaVipInstance | Disassociate HaVip instances or network interfaces. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eni/${InstanceId} qcs::cvm::uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} |
Supported |
DisassociateIPv6Address | Disassociate Elastic IPv6 Address | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eipv6/${uid} | Supported |
DisassociateNatGatewayAddress | DisassociateNatGatewayAddress | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets | Disassociate subnets for specified Network ACL. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/${NetworkAclId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} |
Supported |
DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups | Disassociate vpc end point for specified security groups. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DowngradeEdgeVersion | downgrade edge version | Operation level | * | Supported |
EipBindNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported | |
EipUnBindNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported | |
EnableCcnIpv6Routes | EnableCcnIpv6Routes | Operation level | * | Supported |
EnableCcnRoutes | Enable Ccn routing | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
EnableFlowLogs | Enable Flow Logs | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${ResourceId} | Supported |
EnableGatewayFlowMonitor | Enable flow monitor(qos) for specified gateway. | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:dcg/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:pcx/${GatewayId} |
Supported |
EnableSnapshotPolicies | Enable Snapshot Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
EnableVpcEndPointConnect | You can enable the vpc end point to connect the service. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpce/${point} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/${EndPointServiceId} |
Supported |
EnableVpcPeeringConnection | Operation level | * | not supported | |
EnableVpcPeeringConnectionEx | Operation level | * | not supported | |
EnableVpnGatewaySslClientCert | Start with SSL-VPN client certificate | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnc/${vpncId} | Supported |
HaVipAssociateAddressIp | Associates an Elastic IP address with an HaVip. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} | not supported |
HaVipDisassociateAddressIp | Disassociates an Elastic IP address with an HaVip. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} | not supported |
LockCcnBandwidths | lock Ccn bandwidths. | Operation level | * | Supported |
LockCcns | lock Ccns. | Operation level | * | Supported |
MigrateBandwidthPackageResources | This interface (MigrateBandwidthPackageResources) is used to migrate resources between shared bandwidth packages. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${bwpId} | Supported |
MigratePrivateIpAddress | Migrate private IP from source network interface to destination network interface | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${SourceNetworkInterfaceId} | Supported |
ModifyAddressAttribute | Operation level | * | Supported | |
ModifyAddressGroupAttribute | Operation level | * | Supported | |
ModifyAddressInternetChargeType | Adjust the billing mode of the elastic public network ip. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressId} | Supported |
ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute | Modifies the specified address template attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute | Modifies the specified address template group attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyAddressesAttribute | This interface (ModifyAddressesAttribute) for batch modifyingElastic Public IP (EIP) properties | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds} | Supported |
ModifyAddressesRenewFlag | modify addresses renew flag | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds} | Supported |
ModifyAssistantCidr | Modify assistant CidrBlocks for an specified VPC. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyBandwidthPackageBandwidth | Adjust shared bandwidth package bandwidth. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${bwpId} | Supported |
ModifyBandwidthPackageChargeType | This interface (ModifyBandwidthPackageChargeType) is used to modify the bandwidth package charging mode. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} | Supported |
ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute | Modify CCN attached instances attribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ModifyCcnAttribute | ModifyCcnAttribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType | ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ModifyCcnRouteMatchRule | ModifyCcnRouteMatchRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ModifyCcnRoutePriority | modify ccn route priority | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ModifyCcnRouteTables | Modify Ccn Route Tables | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ModifyCdcLDCXAttribute | Modify IDC channel information | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:ldcx/${LDCXId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} |
not supported |
ModifyCdcNetPlaneAttribute | Modifying a virtual connection | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:np/${NetPlaneId} | not supported |
ModifyCdcSharedNatGatewayAttribute | ModifyCdcSharedNatGatewayAttribute | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyCrossBorderCompliance | modify cross border compliance. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute | Modify VPN Customer Gateway Attribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:cgw/${cgwid} | Supported |
ModifyDirectConnectGateway | ModifyDirectConnectGateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute | Modify attributes for specified direct connect gateway. | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyDnaptRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyEdgeAttribute | modify edge attribute | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyEdgeFirewall | modify edge firewall | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyEdgePort | modify edge port information | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyEdgeRoute | modify edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyEdgeVport | modify edge vport | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyEdgeWlan | modify edge wlan | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyFirewallRules | modify firewall rules | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyGatewayFlowQos | Modify flow montior bandwidth(qos) for specified gateway. | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:dcg/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${GatewayId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:pcx/${GatewayId} |
Supported |
ModifyHaVipAttribute | Modifies the specified HaVip attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyHighPriorityRouteAttribute | ModifyHighPriorityRouteAttribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
ModifyHighPriorityRouteECMPAlgorithm | ModifyHighPriorityRouteECMPAlgorithm | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
ModifyHighPriorityRouteTableAttribute | ModifyHighPriorityRouteTableAttribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
ModifyIPv6AddressesAttributes | Batch adjustment IPv6 address attributes. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eipv6/${uid} | Supported |
ModifyIPv6AddressesBandwidth | Adjust the elastic public network ipv6 address network bandwidth. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eipv6/${uid} | Supported |
ModifyIngressRouteECMPAlgorithm | Modify the ingress routing table ECMP algorithm | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:igr/${IngressRouteTableId} | not supported |
ModifyInstanceNetworkLineLabelForLighthouse | Modify instance network line label. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyInternetChargeTypeForLighthouse | Lightweight application server billing mode conversion interface. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${instanceId} |
not supported |
ModifyIp6AddressesBandwidth | Modify the bandwidth of IPV6 access to the internet. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
ModifyIp6Rule | Modify the properties of the IPV6 conversion rule. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
ModifyIp6Translator | Modify IP6 translation instance properties. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute | Modify the attribute of IPv6 addresses. | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyLocalGateway | Modify Local Gateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyLocalIPTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyLocalIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyNatGateway | ModifyNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyNatGatewayAddressAttribute | This interface is used to modify attribute of EIP in public NAT | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
ModifyNatGatewayAttribute | ModifyNatGatewayAttribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule | Modify NatGateway SourceIp Translation Nat Rule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} | Supported |
ModifyNetworkAclAttribute | Modify attributes for specified Network ACL. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/${NetworkAclId} | Supported |
ModifyNetworkAclEntries | Modify entries for specified Network ACL. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyNetworkInterface | ModifyNetworkInterface | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyNetworkInterfaceQos | modify network interface QoS level | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyPeerIPTranslationNatRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyPrivateIPAddressResource | The interface is to modify resource id of private IP address. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
ModifyPrivateIpAddress | Operation level | * | Supported | |
ModifyPrivateNatGatewayAttribute | ModifyPrivateNatGatewayAttribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
ModifyPrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | ModifyPrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule | ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} | Supported |
ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule | ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId) | Supported |
ModifyReserveIpAddress | ModifyReserveIpAddress | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:rsvip/${ReserveIpId} | not supported |
ModifyRoute | Operation level | * | Supported | |
ModifyRouteTableAttribute | ModifyRouteTableAttribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} | Supported |
ModifyRouteTableSelectionPolicies | Modify Route Table Selection Policies | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute | Modify SecurityGroup Attribute | Resource level | qcs::cvm::uin/${uin}:sg/${sgId} | Supported |
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute | Modify SecurityGroup Attribute | Resource level | qcs::cvm::uin/${uin}:sg/${sgId} | Supported |
ModifyServiceAttribute | Operation level | * | Supported | |
ModifyServiceGroupAttribute | Operation level | * | Supported | |
ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute | Modifies the specified service templaste attributes. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute | Modifies the specified service template group attributes. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:serviceGroup/${ServiceTemplateGroupId} | Supported |
ModifySnapshotPolicies | Modify Snapshot Policies | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} | Supported |
ModifySubnetAttribute | ModifySubnetAttribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} | Supported |
ModifyTemplateMember | modify template member | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyTrafficMirrorAttribute | Modify traffic mirror attribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
ModifyTrafficPackageAttribute | ModifyTrafficPackageAttribute | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyTrafficPackageAttributeForLighthouse | Modify the attributes of the lightweight application server traffic package. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${tfpId} | Supported |
ModifyTrafficQosPolicy | ModifyTrafficQosPolicy | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ModifyUserGw | ModifyUserGw | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute | Modifies the specified vpc end point attribute. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute | Modifies the specified vpc end point service attribute. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Modifies the specified vpc end point service white list. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyVpcPeeringConnection | ModifyVpcPeeringConnection | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionEx | ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionEx | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyVpnConnEx | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute | Modify VPN Connection Attribute | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnx/${vpnxid} | Supported |
ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute | Modify VPN Gateway Properties | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes | Modify vpn gateway ccn routes. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
ModifyVpnGatewayHub | ModifyVpnGatewayHub | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${VpnGatewayId} | Supported |
ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes | Modify vpn gateway routes status. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
ModifyVpnGatewaySslClientCert | Modify Vpn Gateway Ssl Client Cert | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyVpnGatewaySslServer | Modify SSL-VPN server properties | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpns/${vpnsId} | Supported |
ModifyVpnGatewaySslServerLocalAddressStatus | ModifyVpnGatewaySslServerLocalAddressStatus | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpns/${SslVpnServerId} | Supported |
ModifyVpnGw | ModifyVpnGw | Operation level | * | not supported |
NotifyRoutes | Notify Routes to Ccn | Resource level | * | Supported |
PrivateIp6Addresses | Cancel the ability of IPV6 addresses to access the Internet. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
PublicIp6Addresses | Open the Internet access capability of the IPV6 address. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | not supported |
RecoverEdgeRoutes | recover edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
RecoverEdgeVport | recover edge vport | Operation level | * | not supported |
RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway | Refresh the direct NAT route of the dedicated line, and update the route table from the NAT to the dedicated line | Operation level | * | Supported |
RejectAttachCcnInstances | RejectAttachCcnInstances | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
RejectVpcPeeringConnection | Operation level | * | Supported | |
RejectVpcPeeringConnectionEx | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ReleaseIPv6Addresses | Release elastic public network IPv6 addresses. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eipv6/${uid} | Supported |
ReleaseIp6AddressesBandwidth | Release bandwidth of elastic public network IPv6 addresses. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
RemoveBandwidthPackageResources | RemoveBandwidthPackageResources | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} | not supported |
RemoveIp6Rules | Delete IPV6 translation rules. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
RenewCcnBandwidth | RenewCcnBandwidth | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:fcr/${RegionFlowControlId} | Supported |
RenewTrafficPackageForLighthouse | Renew light host traffic package. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${tfpId} | Supported |
RenewVpnGateway | This interface is used for prepaid VPN gateway renewal. Currently only IPSEC gateways are supported. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | not supported |
ReplaceCcnRouteTableAggregatePolicys | ReplaceCcnRouteTableAggregatePolicys | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReplaceCcnRouteTableBroadcastPolicys | Replace Ccn Route Table Broadcast Policy | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Modify IDC network segment of dcg for ccn type | Operation level | * | not supported |
ReplaceDirectConnectPortMap | ReplaceDirectConnectPortMap | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReplaceFirewallRule | replace firewall rule | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReplaceHighPriorityRouteTableAssociation | ReplaceHighPriorityRouteTableAssociation | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
ReplaceHighPriorityRoutes | ReplaceHighPriorityRoutes | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
ReplaceRouteTableAssociation | Changes the route table associated with a given subnet, internet gateway, or virtual private gateway in a VPC. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} |
Supported |
ResetAttachCcnInstances | ResetAttachCcnInstances | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ResetAttachCcnInstances | ResetAttachCcnInstances | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
ResetEdgePassword | reset edge password | Operation level | * | Supported |
ResetHaVip | Reset HaVip | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} | Supported |
ResetHighPriorityRoutes | ResetHighPriorityRoutes | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:hprtb/${HighPriorityRouteTableId} | not supported |
ResetNatGatewayConnection | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ResetTrafficMirrorFilter | Reset traffic mirror filter | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
ResetTrafficMirrorSrcs | Reset traffic mirror sources | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
ResetTrafficMirrorTarget | Reset traffic mirror target | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
ResetVpnConnSA | Operation level | * | not supported | |
ResetVpnConnection | Reset VPN tunnel | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnx/${vpnxid} | Supported |
ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth | Adjust the upper limit of VPN gateway bandwidth | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${vpngwId} | Supported |
ResumeSnapshotInstance | Resume Snapshot Instance | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:sg/${SgId} |
Supported |
ReturnNormalAddresses | Unbind and release common public IP. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIps} | Supported |
RunVpnGw | Operation level | * | not supported | |
SetCcnBandwidthRenewFlag | set ccn bandwidth renew flag | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:fcr/${RegionFlowControlIds} | Supported |
SetCcnDefaultBillingMode | SetCcnDefaultBillingMode | Operation level | * | Supported |
SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
SetCcnRegionDefaultQosBandwidthLimit | SetCcnRegionDefaultQosBandwidthLimit | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | Supported |
SetCcnRegionDefaultQosBandwidthLimits | SetCcnRegionDefaultQosBandwidthLimits | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} | not supported |
SetCcnRegionFixedBandwidthLimits | SetCcnRegionFixedBandwidthLimits | Operation level | * | Supported |
SetDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthRenewFlag | SetDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthRenewFlag | Operation level | * | Supported |
SetEdgeWanPrimary | set edge wan primary | Operation level | * | Supported |
SetLocalIPTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
SetLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule | Operation level | * | not supported | |
SetVpnGatewaysRenewFlag | set vpngw renew flag | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpngw/${VpnGatewayIds} | Supported |
StartTrafficMirror | Start traffic mirror | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
StopTrafficMirror | Stop traffic mirror | Resource level | * | Supported |
TransformAddress | Common IP to Elastic IP. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} | Supported |
UnassignIpv6Addresses | Unassign IPv6 addresses for one ENI. | Operation level | * | Supported |
UndoAdvertiseEdgeRoutes | undo advertise edge route | Operation level | * | Supported |
UnlockCcnBandwidths | unlock Ccn bandwidths. | Operation level | * | Supported |
UnlockCcns | unlock Ccns | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateCcnBandwidth | UpdateCcnBandwidth | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:fcr/${RegionFlowControlId} | Supported |
UpdateReconciliationCollect | Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Update Details Page | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateReconciliationDetail | Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Updated Overview Page | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateTrafficMirrorAllFilter | Update filter rule or collector target for traffic mirror | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
UpdateTrafficMirrorDirection | Update traffic mirror direction | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} | Supported |
UpdateVpcCosPolicy | Update vpc cos policy | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
UpgradeEdgeVersion | upgrade edge version | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpgradeNatGateway | Operation level | * | not supported | |
WithdrawNotifyRoutes | Withdraw Notify Routes To Ccn | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} |
Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
DescribeAddressTemplates | Describes the specified address templates or all of your address templates. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:address/* | Supported |
DescribeAddresses | DescribeAddresses | Resource level | qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* | Supported |
DescribeCdcLDCXList | Query IDC channel information | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:ldcx/* | not supported |
DescribeDirectConnectAccelerateChannel | DescribeDirectConnectAccelerateChannel | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:dcac/${dcacId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeFirewalls | describe edge firewalls | Resource level | qcs::vpc:$region:uin/$account:firewall/$firewallId | Supported |
DescribeEdges | describe edges | Resource level | qcs::vpc:$region:uin/$account:edge/$edgeId | not supported |
DescribeIPv6Addresses | Describe IPv6 addresses information. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eipv6/* | not supported |
DescribeIpGeolocationInfos | This interface is used to query IP address information, including geographic location information and network information. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeServiceTemplates | Describes the specified service templates or all of your service templates. | Resource level | qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:service/* | Supported |
DescribeTrafficMirrors | Query traffic mirrors | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/* | Supported |
DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Describes the specified vpc end point service white list or all of your vpc end point service white list. | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/* | Supported |
DescribeVpcInstances | Describe vpc cvm instances. | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal | GetCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal | GetUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth | InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquirePriceRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth | InquirePriceRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquirePriceUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth | InquirePriceUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth | Operation level | * | Supported |
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