tencent cloud


SSL Certificate Service

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-11-26 09:57:16

    Fundamental information

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Console Authorization by Tag Authorization Granularity IP Restriction
    SSL Certification ssl Supported Supported Resource level Partially supported


    The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.

    • Service level: It defines whether a user has the permission to access the service as a whole. A user can have either full access or no access to the service. For the authorization granularity of cloud products at service level, the authorization of specific APIs are not supported.
    • Operation level: It defines whether a user has the permission to call a specific API of the service. For example, granting an account read-only access to the CVM service is an authorization at the operation level.
    • Resource level: It is the finest authorization granularity which defines whether a user has the permission to access specific resources. For example, granting an account read/write access to a specific CVM instance is an authorization at the resource level.

    API authorization granularity

    Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.

    • Resource level: It supports the authorization of a specific resource.
    • Operation level: It does not support the authorization of a specific resource. If the policy syntax restricts a specific resource during authorization, CAM will determine that this API is not within the scope of authorization, and deem it as unauthorized.

    Write operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    AddOneClickHttpsCnameRecord add oneclick https canme record Operation level * Supported
    AddWafProtection Add Waf protection to the domain name Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ApplyCertificate Request a free certificate Operation level * Supported
    BatchDeleteCSR Batch Delete CSR Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} Supported
    CancelAuditCertificate Cancel certificate review Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    CancelCertificateApply Cancellation of Paid Certificate Application Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    CancelCertificateOrder Cancel Certificate Signing Request From CA Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    CancelHostingCertificates Cancel certificate hosting Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* Supported
    CancelRevoke cancel revoked certificate Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    CertificateInfoSubmit Submit certificate information Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertId} Supported
    CertificateOrderSubmit Submit certificate order Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertId} Supported
    CertificateReviewProcessing Reminder based on certificate ID Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    CommitCertificateInformation Commit Certificate Signing Request To CA Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    CompleteCertificate actively trigger certificate verification. Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    CreateCSR Create CSR Operation level * Supported
    CreateCertificate Create certificate order and pay auto Operation level * Supported
    CreateCertificateBindResourceSyncTask Create a certificate-associated cloud resource asynchronous task Operation level * Supported
    CreateCertificateByPackage Create certificates using stake points Operation level * Supported
    CreateCompany Create a pre-approved company Operation level * Supported
    CreateHostingCertificate Create certificate hosting Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* Supported
    CreateManager Create a pre-approved company administrator Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} Supported
    CreateManagerDomain Create manager domain Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    CreatePrivateCACertificate Create Private CA Certificate Operation level * Supported
    CreatePrivateRootCA Create Private Root CA Operation level * Supported
    CreatePrivateSubCA Create Private Sub CA Operation level * Supported
    CreateSaasWafForDnsPod Open small and micro enterprise version waf Operation level * Supported
    CreateWafCnameRecord Add Waf\'s Cname resolution record to DNSPod Operation level * Supported
    DeleteCertificate Delete Certificate Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    DeleteCertificates Batch Delete Certificates Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DeleteCompany delete company Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} Supported
    DeleteHostingCertificates Remove certificate hosting Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* Supported
    DeleteManager Delete Manager Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    DeleteManagerDomain delete manager domain name Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    DeleteOneClickHttps Delete a one-click https instance Operation level * Supported
    DeletePrivateCAResource Delete Private CA Resource Operation level * Supported
    DeleteWafProtection Delete waf domain name protection Operation level * Supported
    DeployCertificateInstance List of certificates deployed to cloud resource instances Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DeployCertificateRecordRetry Cloud resource deployment retry deployment record Operation level * Supported
    DeployCertificateRecordRollback One-click rollback of cloud resource deployment Operation level * Supported
    DownloadCertificate Download Certificate Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    ModifyCSR modify csr Infomation Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} Supported
    ModifyCertificateAlias Modify Certificate Alias Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    ModifyCertificateDownloadLimitSwitch Modify Certificate Download Limit Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyCertificateName Modify Certificate Alias Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCertificateProject Assign Certificate To Project Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateIdList} Supported
    ModifyCertificateResubmit Re-initiate the audit for paid certificates that fail the audit or cancel the audit Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyCertificateTags Modify the certificate label Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyCertificatesExpiringNotificationSwitch Modified to ignore certificate expiration notifications. Turn certificate expiration notifications on or off. Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyCloudMonitorCertificates Modify the cloud monitoring certificate Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyCompany Modify pre-approved company information Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} Supported
    ModifyDomainAuthMethod Modify the certificate domain name verification method Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyDomainVerification Modify domain name verification method Operation level * Supported
    ModifyHostingCertificate Modify certificate hosting configuration Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyHostingRelatedCertificate Modify Managed hosting Certificates Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyManager Modify pre-approval manager Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    ModifyOneClickHttpsDomain Modify one-click https domain Operation level * Supported
    ModifyOneClickHttpsDomainAuthMethod Modify one-click https domain name verification method Operation level * Supported
    ModifyOneClickHttpsInit One-click https initialization Operation level * Supported
    ModifyWafProtection Modify the domain name to add Waf protection Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ModifyWafProtectionStatus Modify the enabled status of waf domain name protection Operation level * Supported
    ReceiveVoucherByActivity Receive Activity Voucher Operation level * Supported
    RefundCertificate Self Refund Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    RefundCertificateByPackage Certificate return benefits Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    RefundOneClickHttps One-click refund for https instances Operation level * Supported
    ReplaceCertificate reissue certificate Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ReplaceCertificateRecordRetry Managed certificate resource replacement failed record retry Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    ReplaceCertificateRecordRollback Certificate hosting Resource Replacement Success Record Rollback Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    RevokeCertificate revoke certificate Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    RevokePrivateCA Revoke Private CA Operation level * Supported
    RevokePrivateCACertificate Revoke Private CA Certificate Operation level * Supported
    SetAutoRenewFlag This interface (SetAutoRenewFlag) is used to set the certificate automatic renewal flag Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertId} Supported
    SubmitAuditManager Resubmit to the review manager Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    SubmitCertificateInformation Submit Certificate Signing Request Information Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    SubmitOneClickHttpsDomain Submit one-click https domain name Operation level * Supported
    TransferInPackage Transfer to equity points Operation level * Supported
    TransferOutPackage Transfer Out Equity Points Operation level * Supported
    UpdateBindResourceCertificateConfig Update the configuration information of the associated cloud resource certificate Operation level * Supported
    UpdateCertificateInstance One-click update of old certificate resources Operation level * Supported
    UpdateCertificateRecordRetry Cloud resource update retry deployment record Operation level * Supported
    UpdateCertificateRecordRollback One-click rollback of cloud resource updates Operation level * Supported
    UpdateUploadedCertificate Update an uploaded certificate Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/{CertificateId} Supported
    UploadConfirmLetter upload confirm letter Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    UploadConfirmLetterFile This interface (UploadConfirmLetterFile) is used to upload the certificate confirmation letter file. Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    UploadExclusiveCertificate Upload the certificate. If you upload the same certificate content, the previous certificate ID will be returned directly. Operation level * Supported
    UploadRevokeLetter Upload revoke letter Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId Supported
    UploadRevokeLetterFile This interface (UploadRevokeLetterFile) is used to upload the certificate revocation confirmation letter file. Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    UploadSMCertificate Upload the national secret certificate Operation level * Supported
    VerifyDomainAgain Administrator domain name resubmission for verification Operation level * Supported
    VerifyManager Re-verify the manager Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    VerifyManagerDomain Pre-approved domain names actively trigger verification Operation level * Supported

    Read operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    CheckCSRAndPrivateKey Check CSR And Private Key Matched Operation level * Supported
    CheckCertificate Certificate check Operation level * Supported
    CheckCertificateChain This interface (CheckCertificateChain) is used to check whether the certificate chain is complete. Operation level * Supported
    CheckCertificateDomainVerification check certificate domain verification Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    CheckCreateFreeCertificate This interface (CheckCreateFreeCertificate) is used to check whether the domain name and account can create a free certificate Operation level * Supported
    CheckDomainCAA Check whether the domain name has passed CAA verification Operation level * Supported
    CheckDomainResolvedInDNSPod Check whether the domain name is resolved normally in DNSPod Operation level * Supported
    CheckInsureWhiteList Detect whitelist list of insured price Operation level * Supported
    CheckIntermediateCertIsSame check intermediate cert is same Operation level * Supported
    CheckInternalAccount Check whether it is an internal account Operation level * Supported
    CheckOneClickHttpsDomain One-Click https check domain Operation level * Supported
    CheckOneClickHttpsDomainVerification Detect one-click https domain name verification Operation level * Supported
    DeployCertificateClbInstance Deploy the certificate to the clb cloud resource instance list Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeActivityVoucherReceived Describe Activity Voucher Received Number Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAverageIssueTime Obtain the average certificate issuance time Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBindResourceCertificateConfig Query the configuration information of the associated cloud resource certificate Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCAARecords Query domain name CAA records Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCSR Describe CSR Infomation Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} Supported
    DescribeCSRContent Parse CSR Content Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCSRSet Describe CSR Set Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} Supported
    DescribeCertificate Get certificate information Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeCertificateBindResourceTaskDetail Query the result of the certificate association cloud resource task - return the association details Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCertificateBindResourceTaskResult Query the result of the cloud resource task associated with the certificate - only the total number is returned Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCertificateBindResources describe certificate Bound cloud resources Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCertificateDetail Get certificate details Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeCertificateDomainMonitorStatusFromSSLPod Query the domain name of the certificate corresponding to the monitoring status of SSLPod Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeCertificateOperateLogs Get Certificate Operate Log List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCertificateOwners Get additional information about the certificate holder Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCertificateWebServer Query the domain name subject associated with the certificate The deployed WebSerber service type can only check single domain name certificates Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeCertificates Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCertificatesByDomains Obtain a list of certificates by domain name Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeCertificatesMatchDomains Obtain a list of certificates by domain name Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeCloudMonitorCertificates Get list of certificates with cloud monitoring status Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCompanies Query company list Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} Supported
    DescribeConfirmLetterDownloadUrl Describe Confirm Letter Download Url Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeDNSPodSaaSAllDomain Query all domain names protected by waf for small and micro enterprises Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDNSPodSaaSInfo Query the domain name protection details of the small and micro enterprise version Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDNSPodSaaSList Small and Micro Enterprise Edition Waf Instance Protection List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDeleteCertificatesTaskResult Describe Delete Certificates Task Result Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDeployedResources Certificate query associated resources Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeDnsResolution Query whether DNS resolution takes effect in batches Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainInIcp Query whether the domain name is filed Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainValidateOptions This interface (DescribeDomainValidateOptions) is used to query domain name validation options Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainVerification Obtain pre-approved domain verification information Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainVerificationMethods Query the verification method of the domain name Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainVerifyInWaf Query whether the domain name can add waf Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDownloadCertificateUrl Get the download certificate link Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeExpiringCertificates Query for certificates that are about to expire Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeFreeCertificateList This interface (DescribeFreeCertificateList) is used to obtain the free certificate application list. Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* Supported
    DescribeFreeQuota Query the free certificate quota Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostApiGatewayInstanceList Query the list of certificate apiGateway cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostCdnInstanceList Query the list of certificate CDN cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostClbInstanceList Query the list of certificate clb cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostCosInstanceList Query the list of certificate cos cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostDdosInstanceList Query the list of certificate ddos cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostDeployRecord Query the list of certificate cloud resource deployment records Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeHostDeployRecordDetail Query the detailed list of certificate cloud resource deployment records Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostDisasterConfig Query certificate automated disaster downgrade configuration Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostLighthouseInstanceList Querying the List of Certificate Lighthouse Cloud Resource Deployment Instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostLiveInstanceList Query the list of certificate live cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostTCMInstanceList Query the list of deployable instances of the Container Service Gateway Operation level * not supported
    DescribeHostTSEInstanceList Query the list of deployable instances of the certificate native gateway Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostTeoInstanceList Query the list of certificate teo cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostTkeInstanceList Query certificate tke cloud resource deployment instance list Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostUpdateRecord Query the list of certificate cloud resource update records Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostUpdateRecordDetail Query the detailed list of certificate cloud resource update records Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostVodInstanceList Querying the List of Certificate Vod Cloud Resource Deployment Instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostWafInstanceList Query the list of certificate waf cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeHostingList Describe the certificate hosting list Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* Supported
    DescribeHostingReplaceRecordDetail Query the details of certificate hosting resource deployment records Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeManagerDetail Describe Manager Detail Info Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    DescribeManagerDomains Query the domain name of the administrator Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} Supported
    DescribeManagers DescribeManagers Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} Supported
    DescribeOneClickDetail One-Click https detail Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackage Get the benefits package details Operation level * not supported
    DescribePackageConsumeByCertificates Query the consumption information of interest points according to the certificate ID Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribePackageLogs Obtain the operation details of the benefit package Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackages Get a list of benefit packages Operation level * Supported
    DescribePeakPoints Get the peak QPS of multiple time periods Operation level * Supported
    DescribePeakQps Get the client\'s QPS peak value Operation level * Supported
    DescribePreDetectionRecords Query the certificate records that failed the pre-test Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* Supported
    DescribePrivateCACertificate Describe Private CA Certificate Detail Operation level * Supported
    DescribePrivateRootCA Describe Private Root CA Detail Operation level * Supported
    DescribePrivateSubCA Describe Private Sub CA Detail Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRecommendWildcardCertificates Describe Recommend Buy Wildcard Certificates Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRecordExisted Query whether there is a corresponding resolution record for the domain name Operation level * Supported
    DescribeResourceInstanceCount Query the list of certificate clb cloud resource deployment instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRevokeLetterDownloadUrl Describe Revoke Letter Download Url Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeRevokeLetterInfo Describe Revoke Letter information Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeTCBEnvironments Describe TCB Environments Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTopDomainQuota Query the free certificate main domain quota Operation level * Supported
    DescribeUploadLetterPreSignUrl This interface (DescribeUploadLetterPreSignUrl) is used to generate a pre-signed link Resource level qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} Supported
    DescribeVIPLevel Query user VIP level Operation level * Supported
    DescribeWafCnameRecords Batch query whether there are Cname records Operation level * Supported
    DescribeWafInstancePackageInfo waf instance package details Operation level * Supported
    DescribeWafInstances Get the list of user Waf instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeWafProtectionList Query the Waf Instance Protection List for Non-Small and Micro Enterprises Operation level * Supported
    DownloadPrivateCA Download PrivateCA Operation level * Supported
    GetCertificatePrice get certificate price Operation level * Supported
    GetInnerCertByFingerprint Query internal account certificate information by certificate fingerprint Operation level * not supported
    GetUbiTradeParam get ubi trade param Operation level * not supported
    GetUserProject Get user project Operation level * Supported
    UploadCertificate Upload Certificate Operation level * Supported

    List Operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    DescribeCountGroupByStatus Obtain the number of certificates according to the state Operation level * Supported
    DescribeOneClickList One-Click https list Operation level * Supported
    DescribePrivateCACertificates Describe Private CA Certificate List Operation level * Supported
    DescribePrivateRootCAs Describe Private Root CA List Operation level * Supported

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