Product | Abbreviation in CAM | Console | Authorization by Tag | Authorization Granularity | IP Restriction |
SSL Certification | ssl | Supported | Supported | Resource level | Partially supported |
The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.
Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
AddOneClickHttpsCnameRecord | add oneclick https canme record | Operation level | * | Supported |
AddWafProtection | Add Waf protection to the domain name | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ApplyCertificate | Request a free certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
BatchDeleteCSR | Batch Delete CSR | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} | Supported |
CancelAuditCertificate | Cancel certificate review | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
CancelCertificateApply | Cancellation of Paid Certificate Application | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
CancelCertificateOrder | Cancel Certificate Signing Request From CA | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
CancelHostingCertificates | Cancel certificate hosting | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* | Supported |
CancelRevoke | cancel revoked certificate | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
CertificateInfoSubmit | Submit certificate information | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertId} | Supported |
CertificateOrderSubmit | Submit certificate order | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertId} | Supported |
CertificateReviewProcessing | Reminder based on certificate ID | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
CommitCertificateInformation | Commit Certificate Signing Request To CA | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
CompleteCertificate | actively trigger certificate verification. | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
CreateCSR | Create CSR | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCertificate | Create certificate order and pay auto | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCertificateBindResourceSyncTask | Create a certificate-associated cloud resource asynchronous task | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCertificateByPackage | Create certificates using stake points | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCompany | Create a pre-approved company | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateHostingCertificate | Create certificate hosting | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* | Supported |
CreateManager | Create a pre-approved company administrator | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} | Supported |
CreateManagerDomain | Create manager domain | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
CreatePrivateCACertificate | Create Private CA Certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrivateRootCA | Create Private Root CA | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrivateSubCA | Create Private Sub CA | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateSaasWafForDnsPod | Open small and micro enterprise version waf | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateWafCnameRecord | Add Waf\'s Cname resolution record to DNSPod | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteCertificate | Delete Certificate | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
DeleteCertificates | Batch Delete Certificates | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DeleteCompany | delete company | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} | Supported |
DeleteHostingCertificates | Remove certificate hosting | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* | Supported |
DeleteManager | Delete Manager | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
DeleteManagerDomain | delete manager domain name | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
DeleteOneClickHttps | Delete a one-click https instance | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrivateCAResource | Delete Private CA Resource | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteWafProtection | Delete waf domain name protection | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeployCertificateInstance | List of certificates deployed to cloud resource instances | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DeployCertificateRecordRetry | Cloud resource deployment retry deployment record | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeployCertificateRecordRollback | One-click rollback of cloud resource deployment | Operation level | * | Supported |
DownloadCertificate | Download Certificate | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
ModifyCSR | modify csr Infomation | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} | Supported |
ModifyCertificateAlias | Modify Certificate Alias | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
ModifyCertificateDownloadLimitSwitch | Modify Certificate Download Limit | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyCertificateName | Modify Certificate Alias | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyCertificateProject | Assign Certificate To Project | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateIdList} | Supported |
ModifyCertificateResubmit | Re-initiate the audit for paid certificates that fail the audit or cancel the audit | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyCertificateTags | Modify the certificate label | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyCertificatesExpiringNotificationSwitch | Modified to ignore certificate expiration notifications. Turn certificate expiration notifications on or off. | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyCloudMonitorCertificates | Modify the cloud monitoring certificate | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyCompany | Modify pre-approved company information | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} | Supported |
ModifyDomainAuthMethod | Modify the certificate domain name verification method | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyDomainVerification | Modify domain name verification method | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyHostingCertificate | Modify certificate hosting configuration | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyHostingRelatedCertificate | Modify Managed hosting Certificates | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyManager | Modify pre-approval manager | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
ModifyOneClickHttpsDomain | Modify one-click https domain | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyOneClickHttpsDomainAuthMethod | Modify one-click https domain name verification method | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyOneClickHttpsInit | One-click https initialization | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyWafProtection | Modify the domain name to add Waf protection | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ModifyWafProtectionStatus | Modify the enabled status of waf domain name protection | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReceiveVoucherByActivity | Receive Activity Voucher | Operation level | * | Supported |
RefundCertificate | Self Refund | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
RefundCertificateByPackage | Certificate return benefits | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
RefundOneClickHttps | One-click refund for https instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReplaceCertificate | reissue certificate | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ReplaceCertificateRecordRetry | Managed certificate resource replacement failed record retry | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
ReplaceCertificateRecordRollback | Certificate hosting Resource Replacement Success Record Rollback | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
RevokeCertificate | revoke certificate | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
RevokePrivateCA | Revoke Private CA | Operation level | * | Supported |
RevokePrivateCACertificate | Revoke Private CA Certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
SetAutoRenewFlag | This interface (SetAutoRenewFlag) is used to set the certificate automatic renewal flag | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertId} | Supported |
SubmitAuditManager | Resubmit to the review manager | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
SubmitCertificateInformation | Submit Certificate Signing Request Information | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
SubmitOneClickHttpsDomain | Submit one-click https domain name | Operation level | * | Supported |
TransferInPackage | Transfer to equity points | Operation level | * | Supported |
TransferOutPackage | Transfer Out Equity Points | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateBindResourceCertificateConfig | Update the configuration information of the associated cloud resource certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateCertificateInstance | One-click update of old certificate resources | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateCertificateRecordRetry | Cloud resource update retry deployment record | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateCertificateRecordRollback | One-click rollback of cloud resource updates | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateUploadedCertificate | Update an uploaded certificate | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/{CertificateId} | Supported |
UploadConfirmLetter | upload confirm letter | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
UploadConfirmLetterFile | This interface (UploadConfirmLetterFile) is used to upload the certificate confirmation letter file. | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
UploadExclusiveCertificate | Upload the certificate. If you upload the same certificate content, the previous certificate ID will be returned directly. | Operation level | * | Supported |
UploadRevokeLetter | Upload revoke letter | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/$uin:certificate/$CertificateId | Supported |
UploadRevokeLetterFile | This interface (UploadRevokeLetterFile) is used to upload the certificate revocation confirmation letter file. | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
UploadSMCertificate | Upload the national secret certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
VerifyDomainAgain | Administrator domain name resubmission for verification | Operation level | * | Supported |
VerifyManager | Re-verify the manager | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
VerifyManagerDomain | Pre-approved domain names actively trigger verification | Operation level | * | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
CheckCSRAndPrivateKey | Check CSR And Private Key Matched | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckCertificate | Certificate check | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckCertificateChain | This interface (CheckCertificateChain) is used to check whether the certificate chain is complete. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckCertificateDomainVerification | check certificate domain verification | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
CheckCreateFreeCertificate | This interface (CheckCreateFreeCertificate) is used to check whether the domain name and account can create a free certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckDomainCAA | Check whether the domain name has passed CAA verification | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckDomainResolvedInDNSPod | Check whether the domain name is resolved normally in DNSPod | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckInsureWhiteList | Detect whitelist list of insured price | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckIntermediateCertIsSame | check intermediate cert is same | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckInternalAccount | Check whether it is an internal account | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckOneClickHttpsDomain | One-Click https check domain | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckOneClickHttpsDomainVerification | Detect one-click https domain name verification | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeployCertificateClbInstance | Deploy the certificate to the clb cloud resource instance list | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeActivityVoucherReceived | Describe Activity Voucher Received Number | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAverageIssueTime | Obtain the average certificate issuance time | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBindResourceCertificateConfig | Query the configuration information of the associated cloud resource certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCAARecords | Query domain name CAA records | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCSR | Describe CSR Infomation | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} | Supported |
DescribeCSRContent | Parse CSR Content | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCSRSet | Describe CSR Set | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:csr/${CSRId} | Supported |
DescribeCertificate | Get certificate information | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeCertificateBindResourceTaskDetail | Query the result of the certificate association cloud resource task - return the association details | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCertificateBindResourceTaskResult | Query the result of the cloud resource task associated with the certificate - only the total number is returned | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCertificateBindResources | describe certificate Bound cloud resources | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCertificateDetail | Get certificate details | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeCertificateDomainMonitorStatusFromSSLPod | Query the domain name of the certificate corresponding to the monitoring status of SSLPod | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeCertificateOperateLogs | Get Certificate Operate Log List | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCertificateOwners | Get additional information about the certificate holder | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCertificateWebServer | Query the domain name subject associated with the certificate The deployed WebSerber service type can only check single domain name certificates | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeCertificates | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeCertificatesByDomains | Obtain a list of certificates by domain name | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeCertificatesMatchDomains | Obtain a list of certificates by domain name | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeCloudMonitorCertificates | Get list of certificates with cloud monitoring status | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCompanies | Query company list | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} | Supported |
DescribeConfirmLetterDownloadUrl | Describe Confirm Letter Download Url | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeDNSPodSaaSAllDomain | Query all domain names protected by waf for small and micro enterprises | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDNSPodSaaSInfo | Query the domain name protection details of the small and micro enterprise version | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDNSPodSaaSList | Small and Micro Enterprise Edition Waf Instance Protection List | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDeleteCertificatesTaskResult | Describe Delete Certificates Task Result | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDeployedResources | Certificate query associated resources | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeDnsResolution | Query whether DNS resolution takes effect in batches | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDomainInIcp | Query whether the domain name is filed | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDomainValidateOptions | This interface (DescribeDomainValidateOptions) is used to query domain name validation options | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDomainVerification | Obtain pre-approved domain verification information | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDomainVerificationMethods | Query the verification method of the domain name | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDomainVerifyInWaf | Query whether the domain name can add waf | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDownloadCertificateUrl | Get the download certificate link | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeExpiringCertificates | Query for certificates that are about to expire | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeFreeCertificateList | This interface (DescribeFreeCertificateList) is used to obtain the free certificate application list. | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* | Supported |
DescribeFreeQuota | Query the free certificate quota | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostApiGatewayInstanceList | Query the list of certificate apiGateway cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostCdnInstanceList | Query the list of certificate CDN cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostClbInstanceList | Query the list of certificate clb cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostCosInstanceList | Query the list of certificate cos cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostDdosInstanceList | Query the list of certificate ddos cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostDeployRecord | Query the list of certificate cloud resource deployment records | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeHostDeployRecordDetail | Query the detailed list of certificate cloud resource deployment records | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostDisasterConfig | Query certificate automated disaster downgrade configuration | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostLighthouseInstanceList | Querying the List of Certificate Lighthouse Cloud Resource Deployment Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostLiveInstanceList | Query the list of certificate live cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostTCMInstanceList | Query the list of deployable instances of the Container Service Gateway | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeHostTSEInstanceList | Query the list of deployable instances of the certificate native gateway | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostTeoInstanceList | Query the list of certificate teo cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostTkeInstanceList | Query certificate tke cloud resource deployment instance list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostUpdateRecord | Query the list of certificate cloud resource update records | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostUpdateRecordDetail | Query the detailed list of certificate cloud resource update records | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostVodInstanceList | Querying the List of Certificate Vod Cloud Resource Deployment Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostWafInstanceList | Query the list of certificate waf cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHostingList | Describe the certificate hosting list | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* | Supported |
DescribeHostingReplaceRecordDetail | Query the details of certificate hosting resource deployment records | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeManagerDetail | Describe Manager Detail Info | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
DescribeManagerDomains | Query the domain name of the administrator | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:manager/${ManagerId} | Supported |
DescribeManagers | DescribeManagers | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:company/${CompanyId} | Supported |
DescribeOneClickDetail | One-Click https detail | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePackage | Get the benefits package details | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribePackageConsumeByCertificates | Query the consumption information of interest points according to the certificate ID | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribePackageLogs | Obtain the operation details of the benefit package | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePackages | Get a list of benefit packages | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePeakPoints | Get the peak QPS of multiple time periods | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePeakQps | Get the client\'s QPS peak value | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePreDetectionRecords | Query the certificate records that failed the pre-test | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:* | Supported |
DescribePrivateCACertificate | Describe Private CA Certificate Detail | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrivateRootCA | Describe Private Root CA Detail | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrivateSubCA | Describe Private Sub CA Detail | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRecommendWildcardCertificates | Describe Recommend Buy Wildcard Certificates | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRecordExisted | Query whether there is a corresponding resolution record for the domain name | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeResourceInstanceCount | Query the list of certificate clb cloud resource deployment instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRevokeLetterDownloadUrl | Describe Revoke Letter Download Url | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeRevokeLetterInfo | Describe Revoke Letter information | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/${uin}:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeTCBEnvironments | Describe TCB Environments | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTopDomainQuota | Query the free certificate main domain quota | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeUploadLetterPreSignUrl | This interface (DescribeUploadLetterPreSignUrl) is used to generate a pre-signed link | Resource level | qcs::ssl::uin/:certificate/${CertificateId} | Supported |
DescribeVIPLevel | Query user VIP level | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeWafCnameRecords | Batch query whether there are Cname records | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeWafInstancePackageInfo | waf instance package details | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeWafInstances | Get the list of user Waf instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeWafProtectionList | Query the Waf Instance Protection List for Non-Small and Micro Enterprises | Operation level | * | Supported |
DownloadPrivateCA | Download PrivateCA | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetCertificatePrice | get certificate price | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetInnerCertByFingerprint | Query internal account certificate information by certificate fingerprint | Operation level | * | not supported |
GetUbiTradeParam | get ubi trade param | Operation level | * | not supported |
GetUserProject | Get user project | Operation level | * | Supported |
UploadCertificate | Upload Certificate | Operation level | * | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
DescribeCountGroupByStatus | Obtain the number of certificates according to the state | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeOneClickList | One-Click https list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrivateCACertificates | Describe Private CA Certificate List | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrivateRootCAs | Describe Private Root CA List | Operation level | * | Supported |
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