Product | Abbreviation in CAM | Console | Authorization by Tag | Authorization Granularity | IP Restriction |
Tencent Kubernetes Engine | tke | Supported | Supported | Resource level | Partially supported |
The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.
Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
AcquireClusterAdminRole | acquire cluster RBAC admin role | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
AcquireEKSClusterAdminRole | Acquire the EKS cluster administrator role | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
AcquireTDCCClusterAdminRole | acquire cluster admin role | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
ActivateEKSCluster | active eks cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
AddClusterCIDR | add cluster CIDRs to cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
AddClusterCIDRToCcn | add cluster CIDRs to Cloud Connect Network | Operation level | * | not supported |
AddExistedInstances | Add existed nodes to cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/$instanceId |
Supported |
AddNodeToNodePool | move nodes in a cluster to a node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
AddTkeEdgeAlarmPolicy | add alarm policy for edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterInstanceId} | Supported |
AddVpcCniSubnets | add subnets in the container network for a VPC-CNI cluster. | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetIds} |
Supported |
CancelClusterRelease | Cancel release installing | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
ConvertRegularToNativeNode | Convert regular node to native node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
CreateBackupStorageLocation | Create Backup Storage Location | Resource level | qcs::cos:${StorageRegion}:uid/${appId}:${Bucket}/${Path} | Supported |
CreateBootstrapToken | Create BootstrapToken | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateCLSLogConfig | create log config | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateCluster | Create cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/${uin}:cluster/* qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/$VpcId qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/$SubnetId qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/$InstanceId qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:image/$ImageId |
not supported |
CreateClusterEndpoint | Enable cluster access endpoint | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:sg/$sg/$SecurityGroupId qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/$BandwidthPackageId qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/$SubnetId |
Supported |
CreateClusterEndpointVip | Enable cluster apiserver access endpoint | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:sg/$SecurityGroup |
Supported |
CreateClusterInstances | Add nodes to cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
CreateClusterNodePool | create a node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateClusterRoute | create a cluster route in cluster route table | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${RouteTableName} | Supported |
CreateClusterRouteTable | create a cluster route table | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${RouteTableName} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} |
Supported |
CreateClusterVirtualNode | Create virtual node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateClusterVirtualNodePool | create virtual node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateECMInstances | Create TKEEdge ECM instance | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateEKSContainerInstances | create EKS Container Instance | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateEdgeCVMInstances | Create TKEEdge CVM instance | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateEdgeLogConfig | Create TKEEdge cluster log collector config | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateEksLogConfig | create eks cluster log config | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateExternalNodePool | create node pool with type of externalNode | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateHealthCheckPolicy | Create health check policy | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateInstantInspectJob | create instant inspect job for tke cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreateNodePool | Create a TKE node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CreatePrometheusAgent | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusAlertPolicy | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusAlertRule | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusClusterAgent | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusConfig | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusDashboard | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusGlobalNotification | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusInstance | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusRecordRule | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYaml | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusTemp | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreatePrometheusTemplate | create | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateReservedInstances | Create Reserved Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateTDCCExternalCluster | create external cluster | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateTDCCHubCluster | create hub cluster | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateTKEEdgeCluster | Create TKEEdge cluster | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateUpdateNodeUnit | create or update a node uint | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterName} | Supported |
DeleteAddon | delete addon | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteBackupStorageLocation | delete backup storage location | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteBootstrapTokens | Delete BootstrapToken | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteCluster | Delete clusters | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DeleteClusterAsGroups | Delete cluster autoscaler groups | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DeleteClusterCIDRFromCcn | delete cluster CIDRs from Cloud Connect Network | Operation level | * | not supported |
DeleteClusterEndpoint | Disable cluster access endpoint | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DeleteClusterEndpointVip | Disable cluster apiserver access endpoint | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DeleteClusterInstances | Delete nodes from cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DeleteClusterMachines | Delete a hosted node pool node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteClusterNodePool | delete a node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteClusterRoute | delete a cluster route in cluster route table | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${RouteTableName} | Supported |
DeleteClusterRouteTable | delete a cluster route table | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${RouteTableName} | Supported |
DeleteClusterVirtualNode | delete virtual node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteClusterVirtualNodePool | delete a virtual node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteECMInstances | Delete TKEEdge ECM instance | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteEKSContainerInstances | delete EKS Container Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteEdgeCVMInstances | Delete TKEEdge CVM instance | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteEdgeClusterInstances | Delete TKEEdge cluster instance | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteExternalNode | Delete External Node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteExternalNodePool | delete node pool of external node type | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteHealthCheckPolicy | Delete health check policy | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteLogConfigs | delete log configs | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteNodePool | Delete TKE node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteNodeUnit | delete node unit | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterName} | Supported |
DeletePrometheusAgent | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusAlertPolicy | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusAlertRule | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusConfig | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusDashboard | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusInstance | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusRecordRule | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYaml | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusTemp | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusTempSync | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusTemplate | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeletePrometheusTemplateSync | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteReservedInstances | Delete Reserved Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteRetainPod | delete retain pod | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteTDCCExternalCluster | delete external cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
DeleteTKEEdgeCluster | Delete TKE Edge Cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeleteTkeEdgeAlarmPolicies | delete alarm policy of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterInstanceId} | Supported |
DisableClusterAudit | disable cluster audit | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:logset/${LogSet} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:topic/${Topic} |
Supported |
DisableClusterDeletionProtection | Turn off cluster deletion protection | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DisableEdgeClusterAudit | Disable TKEEdge cluster audit | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DisableEdgeEventPersistence | Disable TKEEdge event persistence | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DisableEncryptionProtection | disable encrypted information protection | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DisableEventPersistence | disable cluster event persistenece | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:logset/${LogSet} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:topic/${Topic} |
Supported |
DisableVpcCniNetworkType | disable vpc cni network of a cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DrainClusterNode | Drain nodes of clusters | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DrainClusterVirtualNode | drain of virtual node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DrainExternalNode | Drain External Node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
EnableClusterAudit | enable cluster audit | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:logset/${LogSet} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:topic/${Topic} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:machinegroup/${MachineGroup} |
Supported |
EnableClusterDeletionProtection | Turn on cluster deletion protection | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
EnableEdgeClusterAudit | Enable TKEEdge cluster audit | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
EnableEdgeEventPersistence | Enable TKEEdge event persistence | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
EnableEncryptionProtection | Enable encrypted data protection | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} qcs::kms:${region}:uin/${uin}:key/creatorUin/*/$KeyId |
Supported |
EnableEventPersistence | enable cluster event persistence | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:logset/${LogSet} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:topic/${Topic} qcs::cls:${region}:uin/${uin}:machinegroup/${MachineGroup} |
Supported |
EnableExternalNodeSupport | enable externalNode feature to cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
EnableMetaFeature | Cluster meta feature enabled | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
EnableMetaFeatureForEks | Enable cross-tenant elastic network interface cards in an EKS cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
EnableVpcCniNetworkType | enable vpc cni network of a cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${Subnets} |
Supported |
InstallAddon | install addon | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
InstallEdgeLogAgent | Install TKEEdge log agent | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
InstallLogAgent | install log component to cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterAsGroupAttribute | Modify autoscaler group attribute of cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
ModifyClusterAsGroupOptionAttribute | Modify autoscaler group options atrribute of cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
ModifyClusterAttribute | Modify attribute of cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
ModifyClusterAuthenticationOptions | Modify the cluster authentication configuration | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterDeletionProtectionState | Modifying the status of cluster deletion protection | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterEndpointSP | Modify security group of cluster apiserver access endpoint | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:sg/$SecurityGrouId |
Supported |
ModifyClusterExtraArgs | modify cluster extra args | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterImage | modify the cluster image | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterInspection | Update cluster inspection configuration | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterMachine | Update TKE node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterNodePool | modify a node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterRuntimeConfig | modify the cluster runtime configuration | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterTags | modify cluster tags | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterUpgradingState | Cluster Upgrade Mission Control | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyClusterVirtualNodePool | modify virtual node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyExternalNodePool | Modify node pool of ExternalNode type | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyGrafanaAdminPassword | mpdify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyMachinesKeyIds | modify some machine keyIds | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyNodePool | Update TKE node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyNodePoolDesiredCapacityAboutAsg | Modify the desired number of instances for the scaling group corresponding to the node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyNodePoolInstanceTypes | modify nodepool instance types | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyOpenPolicyList | modify OPA policy list for TKE clusters | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabels | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicy | alert | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusAlertRule | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusConfig | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusDashboard | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotification | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusInstance | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusRecordRule | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYaml | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusTemp | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPrometheusTemplate | modify | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyReservedInstanceScope | Modify Reserved Instance Scope | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyTkeEdgeAlarmPolicy | modify alarm policy of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterInstanceId} | Supported |
NotifyResult | Notify Result | Operation level | * | Supported |
OpUpgradeClusterInstances | node upgrade task status control | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
RebootMachines | reboot tke native node | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
RemoveNodeFromNodePool | remove nodes from a node pool but retain it in the cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
RenewReservedInstances | Renew Reserved Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReservedResource | reserve resource for reserved instance | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:eksri/${RiId} | not supported |
RestartEKSContainerInstances | Restart EKS Container Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
RollbackClusterRelease | Rollback release | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
RunPrometheusInstance | init | Operation level | * | Supported |
ScaleInClusterMaster | Reduce master nodes | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ScaleNodePool | Set the expected node number of TKE node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ScaleOutClusterMaster | Increase master nodes | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
SetMachineLogin | Set whether to enable node login | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
SetMachineScaleDownProtection | Whether the node enables scaling protection settings | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
StartMachines | start machines | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
StopMachines | stop machines | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
SyncPrometheusTemp | sync | Operation level | * | Supported |
UninstallClusterRelease | Uninstall release | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
UninstallEdgeLogAgent | Uninstall TKEEdge log agent | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UninstallLogAgent | uninstall log component to cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateAddon | update addon | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateClusterAuthStatus | enable or disable the cluster to automatically clean up expired sub-accounts | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateClusterKubeconfig | Update the kubeconfig information of the cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateClusterVersion | upgrade cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateEKSContainerInstance | update EKS Container Instance | Operation level | * | Supported |
UpdateEdgeClusterVersion | Update TKEEdge cluster version | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateEdgeEni | update support state of eni ethernet for edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
UpdateEdgeSSH | update state of enable access node via ssh for edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
UpdateGrayScaleDeploymentGrid | update gray scale of deployment grid in edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterName} | Supported |
UpdateGrayScaleStatefulSetGrid | updatge statefulset grid for edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterName} | Supported |
UpdateMetaFeatureForEks | EKS cluster updates cross-tenant elastic network card configuration | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateTDCCClusterKubeconfig | update custer kubeconfig | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
UpdateTDCCExternalCluster | update external cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
UpdateTKEEdgeCluster | Update TKEEdge cluster information | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateTKEEdgeExternalKubeconfig | Update TKEEdge external kubeconfig | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpdateUnitCluster | Enable the public network access of the kins cluster of the edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpgradeClusterAuthorizationMode | upgrade cluster authorization mode to RBAC | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
UpgradeClusterInstances | upgrade cluster nodes | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
UpgradeEKSClusterAuthorizationMode | Upgrade the EKS cluster authorization mode to RBAC | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
CheckClusterCIDR | check if cluster CIDRs are conflict with others | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckClusterExtraArgs | check cluster extra args | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckClusterHostName | check cluster host name | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckClusterImage | check cluster image | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckClusterRuntimeConfig | check cluster runtime | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CheckComponentVersion | check component version | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CheckEdgeClusterCIDR | check whether cidr of edge cluster is conflict | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckEksClusterCIDR | check eks cluster cidr | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckInstancesUpgradeAble | whether the node can be upgraded | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CheckPodRetain | check pod retain | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CheckSubaccountAuthority | verify sub-account permissions | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
CheckUseEks | check user use serverless or not | Operation level | * | not supported |
CheckUseTKE | check use TKE | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAddon | describe addon | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeAddonValues | describe addon values | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeAggregationData | Display the aggregated data | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeAvailableClusterVersion | get all versions that the cluster can upgrade | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAvailableInstanceConfigInfo | describe available instance configInfo | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAvailableMajorVersion | Obtain in batches whether the cluster can be upgraded to a major version | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAvailableTKEEdgeVersion | get available k8s version for edge cluster | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupStorageLocations | describe backup storage locations | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBatchModifyTagsStatus | describe batch modify tags status | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeBootstrapTokens | Describe BootstrapTokens | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeCcnInstances | query the list of ccn instances of a vpc | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
DescribeCcnRoutes | query the list of ccn routes of a cluster CIDR | Resource level | qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterAsGroupOption | Get autoscaler group options of cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterAuthStatus | whether the cluster automatically cleans up expired sub-accounts | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterAuthenticationOptions | Describe the cluster authentiaton configuration | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterAuthorizationMode | get cluster authorization mode | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterAvailableExtraArgs | query the custom parameters available to the cluster | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterCIDRs | query the list of cluster CIDRs of a vpc | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterCloudResources | describe cluster cloud resources | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterCommonNames | obtain the mapping relationship of the cluster sub-account CommonName | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterControllers | query the status of the Kubernetes controller | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterCreateProgress | get cluster creation progress | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterEndpointStatus | Query status of cluster access endpoint | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterEndpointVipStatus | Query status of enabling cluster apiserver access endpoint | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterEndpoints | get the cluster access address | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterExtraArgs | query cluster custom parameters | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterGlobalStat | describe cluster global stat | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterGlobalStatistics | obtain statistics on the number of all geographical clusters | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterHealthyStatus | query cluster health status | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterInspectionOverviews | Get a list of cluster health checks | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterInspectionReport | Get the details of the cluster inspection report page | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterInspectionResultsOverview | Query the overview information of all cluster inspection results in the user\'s region. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterInspections | Cluster inspection overview | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterInstanceIds | get a list of cluster node IDs | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterLevelAttribute | Describe Cluster Level Attribute | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterLevelChangeRecords | Describe Cluster Level Change Records | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
DescribeClusterMetricsData | Obtain cluster monitoring data | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterMigration | describe cluster migration | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterNamespaces | describe cluster namespaces | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterNodePoolDetail | query detailed information of a node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterPendingReleases | Describe installing applications | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterPods | describe cluster pods | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterReleaseDetails | Describe release details | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterReleaseHistory | Describe release history | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterResourceDetails | Obtain detailed information about the resources corresponding to the cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterRouteTables | Query the cluster routing table | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterRoutes | query the list of cluster routes of a cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${RouteTableName} | Supported |
DescribeClusterRuntimeVersion | query the cluster runtime version information | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterSchedulerPolicy | describe the cluster scheduling policy | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterSecurity | Query the secret key of cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterSecurityGroup | query cluster security group information | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterServices | describe cluster services | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterStaticInstaller | describe cluster static installer | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterStatus | view the list of cluster status | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeClusterVirtualNode | describe the list of virtual nodes | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterVirtualNodePools | describe the list of virtual node pools | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClustersResourceStatus | describe clusters resource status | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDeletionEvents | get the list of cluster deletion interception events | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeECMInstances | get ecm instances info | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
DescribeEKSClusterCredential | describe eks cluster credential | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEKSClusterStatus | describe cluster status | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEKSContainerInstances | describe EKS Container Instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeAvailableExtraArgs | get avaliable args for edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeCVMInstances | describe cvm instance info of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeClusterExtraArgs | describe available extra args of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeClusterInstances | describe node info of edge clusters | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeClusterUpgradeInfo | describe upgrade info of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeDashboardID | describe dashboard id of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeEni | check whether edge cluster support enable eni ethernet | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeLogSwitches | describe logs witches of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeNodeScript | Get the script link for TKE edge clusters | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeRegion | get region list which support edge cluster | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEdgeSSH | describe whether support access node via ssh in edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
DescribeEdgeUserBillingWhiteList | check whether uin is in billing white list for edge cluster | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEksMetaFeatureProgress | Query the activation status of cross-tenant elastic network cards in the EKS cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEksTaskResult | Query Task Result | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeEnableVpcCniProgress | query the progress of enabling vpc cni network for a cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeEncryptionStatus | Query whether etcd data is encrypted | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeExistedInstances | Query existing nodes to judge if they can join the cluster | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeExternalNode | describe node details of externalNode type | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeExternalNodePools | list node pools of ExternalNode type | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeExternalNodeScript | get script which can ben used to add externalNode into cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeExternalNodeSupportConfig | describe the configuration for enable ExternalNode feature | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeGPUInfo | Describe GPU Info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeHealthCheckPolicies | DescribeHealthCheckPolicies | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeHealthCheckPolicyBindings | DescribeHealthCheckPolicyBindings | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeHealthCheckTemplate | query health check template | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeIPAMD | query the status of eniipamd component | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeImageRegistryCredentials | describe image registry credentials | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/${uin}:imgcred/${name} | Supported |
DescribeImages | describe images | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstanceCreateProgress | get node creation progress | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeInstanceTypesForDirectENI | query the list of supported instance types for tke direct eni | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstancesVersion | query version statistics of worker nodes | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeInstantInspectTask | describe cluster inspect task result | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeLogConfigs | describe log configs | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeMachineConfiguration | Describe Machine Configuration | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeMetaFeatureProgress | Query the progress of enabling cross-tenant features | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeNodeGroup | describe nodegroup info of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterName} | Supported |
DescribeNodeUnit | describe node unit info of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterName} | Supported |
DescribeOSImageId | describe OS image id | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeOSImages | describe OS images | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeOldStaticIPSubnets | query the old vpc cni mode used subnets | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeOpenPolicyList | Get the opa policy list for TKE edge clusters | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribePodChargeInfo | Query Pod’s billing information | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribePodDeductionRate | query pod deduction rate | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePodsBySpec | query pods by spec | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePostNodeResources | Query Post Node Resources | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusConfig | config | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusCreatingProgress | info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusGlobalConfig | config | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusGlobalNotification | get | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusInstance | info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusInstanceDetail | detail | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatus | status | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusRecordRule | get | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusRecordRules | get | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusScrapeStatistics | get | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusTargets | targets | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusTempSync | info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusTransferProgress | status | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeQuota | describe quota | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRIPodDetail | get reserved instances and pods num | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeRIUtilizationDetail | Reserved instance usage query | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRegionStat | describe region stat | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRegions | describe regions | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeReservedInstanceUtilizationRate | query reserved instance utilization rate | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeReservedInstances | Query the list of reserved instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeResourceUsage | get cluster resource usage | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeRouteTableConflicts | query the list of route table conflicts. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSupportedInstanceFamilies | Describe supported instance families list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSupportedRuntime | describe supported runtime | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTDCCClusterCommonNames | describe cluster common names | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
DescribeTDCCClusterMetricData | describe external cluster metric data | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeTDCCExternalClusterSpec | describe external cluster spec | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeAppChartList | get app list of tkeedge cluster | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeClusterCredential | Describe TKEEdge cluster credential | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeClusterResources | get resources of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeClusterStatus | describe status of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeDefaultsettings | describe default setting of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeExternalKubeconfig | Describe TKEEdge external kubeconfig | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeInternalKubeconfig | Describe TKEEdge internal kubeconfig | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterID} | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeScript | Describe TKEEdge node adding script link | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeTasks | describe task related information | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTkeEdgeAlarmPolicies | describe alarm polices of edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterInstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeTkeEdgeAlarmSetting | check whetcher monitor alarm for edge cluster is setted | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeUnitClusterKubeconfig | Obtain the kubeconfig of the k3s cluster deployed on the edge nodes of the edge cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeUpgradeClusterProgress | get cluster upgrade progress | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeVersions | describe versions | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeVpcCniPodLimits | query the maximum number of Pods in the VPC-CNI mode by instance types | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetClusterLevelPrice | Get Cluster Level Price | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetDashboardID | query dashboardID information | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
GetPrometheusTransMapping | mapping | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetQuota | get cluster pod quota | Operation level | * | not supported |
GetTkeAppChartList | get app chart list of tke | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetTkeAppUpgradeInfo | get app upgarde info of tke cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
GetUpgradeInstanceProgress | get the current progress of node upgrade | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
InquirePriceConvertNativeNode | inquire convert native node price | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquirePricePurchaseNativeNode | inquire purchase native node price | Operation level | * | Supported |
ListClusterCertificates | get a list of cluster certificates | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ListClusterInspectionResults | Query the details of the inspection results of the specified cluster. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ListClusterInspectionResultsItems | Query the list of group inspection history reports. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ListEKSClusterCertificates | list eks cluster certificates | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ListExpiredClusterAuth | get expired permission information in the cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
ListTDCCClusterCertificates | List user certificates in cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke::uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | not supported |
ValidateClusterAddVirtualNodeConditions | Verify the conditions for adding virtual nodes to the cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${Region}:uin/:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
VerifyQGPU | This interface is designed to validate the compatibility of the InstanceType and GPU driver version in the input parameters, in order to ensure the pr | Operation level | * | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
CheckIsPrometheusNewUser | check | Operation level | * | Supported |
ClearExpiredClusterAuth | clear expired permission information in the cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DeletePrometheusClusterAgent | delete | Operation level | * | Supported |
DestroyPrometheusInstance | destory | Operation level | * | Supported |
ProbePrometheusTargets | probe | Operation level | * | Supported |
SetNodePoolNodeProtection | enable removal protection for the nodes automatically created by the scaling group in a node pool | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
SyncPrometheusTemplate | sync | Operation level | * | Supported |
TransferPrometheusInstance | trans | Operation level | * | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
DescribeClusterAsGroups | Get autoscaler groups list of cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterInstances | Query cluster nodes | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterMachines | query native node list | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterNodePools | query the node pool list | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusterReleases | Describe all installed applications in cluster | Resource level | qcs::tke:$Region:uin/:cluster/$ClusterId | Supported |
DescribeClusterResourceLabels | query the list of cluster resource tags | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribeClusters | Access to the list of clusters | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeLogSwitches | describe log switches | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeNodePools | query the node pool list | Resource level | qcs::tke:${region}:uin/${uin}:cluster/${ClusterId} | Supported |
DescribePrometheusAgentInstances | list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusAgents | clusters | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusAlertHistory | history | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusAlertPolicy | list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusAlertRule | alert | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusBasicMetrics | list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusClusterAgents | agents | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusDashboard | dashboard | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusInstancesOverview | list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusOverviews | instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYaml | list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusRegions | describe regions | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusTemp | list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusTemplateSync | template | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePrometheusTemplates | template | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTKEEdgeClusters | Describe TKEEdge clusters | Operation level | * | Supported |
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