Product | Abbreviation in CAM | Console | Authorization by Tag | Authorization Granularity | IP Restriction |
TDSQL for MySQL | dcdb | Supported | Supported | Resource level | Partially supported |
The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.
Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
ActivateFromPolaris | activate instance from polaris service. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | not supported |
ActiveDedicatedDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
ActiveHourDCDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
AssociateSecurityGroups | Associate security groups | Resource level | qcs::dcdb::uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
BindPolarisForDcn | bind polaris service for DCN instances. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CancelDcnJob | stop the DCN sync connection。 | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CloseDBExtranetAccess | This API is used to disable public network access for a TencentDB instance, which will make the public IP address inaccessible. The DescribeDCDBInstances API will not return the public domain name and port information of the corresponding instance. |
Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CopyAccountPrivileges | This API is used to copy the permissions of a TencentDB account.Note: Accounts with the same username but different hosts are different accounts. Permissions can only be copied between accounts with the same Readonly attribute. |
Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CreateAccount | Create Account | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CreateDCDBInstance | Operation level | * | not supported | |
CreateDedicatedClusterDCDBInstance | - | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateHourDCDBInstance | Operation level | * | Supported | |
CreateOnlineDDLJob | Create online DDL job | Resource level | qcs::dcdb::uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CreateTmpDCDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
DeleteAccount | DeleteAccount | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DeleteTmpInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | not supported | |
DestroyDCDBInstance | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DestroyHourDCDBInstance | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DisassociateSecurityGroups | Disassociate instance security groups | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
FlushBinlog | FlushBinlog | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | Supported |
GrantAccountPrivileges | GrantAccountPrivileges | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
InitDCDBInstances | This API is used to initialize instances, including setting the default character set and table name case sensitivity. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
IsolateDCDBInstance | IsolateDCDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
IsolateDedicatedDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
IsolateFromPolaris | isolate instance from polaris service. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | not supported |
IsolateHourDCDBInstance | IsolateHourDCDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
KillSession | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAccount | ModifyAccount | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAccountConfig | Modify some user configurations, such as max_ user_ connections | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyAccountDescription | ModifyAccountDescription | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyAccountPrivileges | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAutoRenewFlag | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
ModifyBackupConfigs | modify backup configs | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyBackupDownloadRestriction | - | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyBackupTime | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyDBEncryptAttributes | This interface is used for modify DB encryption attributes. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups | Modify instance security groups | Resource level | qcs::dcdb::uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyDBInstancesProject | This API is used to modify the project to which TencentDB instances belong. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyDBParameters | ModifyDBParameters | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyInstanceNetwork | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
ModifyInstanceRemark | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | not supported | |
ModifyInstanceSSLAttributes | This interface is used to modify instance ssl attributes. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyInstanceVip | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
ModifyInstanceVport | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | Supported |
ModifyLogFileRetentionPeriod | This API is used to modify the number of days for retention of database backup logs. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyRealServerAccessStrategy | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
OpenDBExtranetAccess | This API is used to enable public network access for a TencentDB instance. After that, you can access the instance with the public domain name and port obtained through the DescribeDCDBInstances API. |
Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ReleaseNetResource | Release reserved network resources | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
RenewDCDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
ResetAccountPassword | Reset Password | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
RestartDBInstances | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | Supported |
StartSmartDBA | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
SwitchDBInstanceHA | SwitchDBInstanceHA | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
SwitchDcnJob | switch the master and slave dcn instances. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
SwitchRollbackInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | not supported | |
TerminateDedicatedDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
UnbindPolaris | unbind polaris service for DCN instances. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
UpgradeDCDBInstance | upgrade instance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
UpgradeDedicatedDCDBInstance | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
CheckIpStatus | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
CloneAccount | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeAccountPrivileges | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeAccounts | This API is used to query the list of accounts of a specified TencentDB instance. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeBackupConfigs | describe backup configs | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DescribeBackupDownloadRestriction | - | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupFiles | - | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupMonitorData | - | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupOverview | - | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupSummaries | - | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupTime | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DescribeBatchDCDBRenewalPrice | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
DescribeCommonDBInstances | Get instance list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDBCharsets | Get character set information | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDBDetailMetrics | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:region:uin/account:instance/instanceId | not supported |
DescribeDBEncryptAttributes | This interface is used to describe DB encryption attributes. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDBEngines | Get DB engine version list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceHAInfo | DescribeDBInstanceHAInfo | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceRsip | Describe instance rsip | Resource level | qcs::dcdb::uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBLogFiles | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDBMetrics | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | not supported | |
DescribeDBParameters | This API is used to get the current parameter settings of a database. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBSecurityGroups | Describe instance security groups | Resource level | qcs::dcdb::uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBSlowLogAnalysis | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
DescribeDBSlowLogs | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDBSyncMode | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDBTmpInstances | DescribeDBTmpInstances | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDCDBBinlogTime | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDCDBInstanceDetail | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
DescribeDCDBInstanceNodeInfo | Get instance node info | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDCDBInstanceShardInfo | DescribeDCDBInstanceShardInfo | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDCDBInstances | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDCDBPrice | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDCDBRenewalPrice | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
DescribeDCDBRollbackInstances | DescribeDCDBRollbackInstances | Resource level | qcs::${ApiModule}:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDCDBSaleInfo | Query available zones for sale | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDCDBShards | Describe DCDB shards info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDCDBUpgradePrice | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
DescribeDatabaseObjects | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDatabaseTable | This API is used to query the table information of a TencentDB instance. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDatabases | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeDcnDetail | DescribeDcnDetail | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDcnRelations | list all DCN instances. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeFenceShardSpec | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeFileDownloadUrl | - | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeFlow | This API is used to query flow status. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstanceProxyConfig | This interface is used to describe instance proxy config. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DescribeInstanceSSLAttributes | This interface is used to describe DB SSL attributes. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/instanceId | Supported |
DescribeInstances | Describe instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeLatestCloudDBAReport | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported | |
DescribeLogFileRetentionPeriod | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeOrders | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeProjectSecurityGroups | This API is used to query the security group details of a project. | Resource level | qcs::dcdb:${Region}:uin/:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeProjects | This API is used to query the project list. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePublicKey | Describe public key | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeShardSpec | Operation level | * | Supported | |
DescribeUserTasks | DescribeUserTasks | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyDBSyncMode | Operation level | * | Supported | |
UpgradeHourDCDBInstance | Operation level | * | Supported |
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