tencent cloud


ADFS SSO to Tencent Cloud

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-12-16 17:15:58


    Microsoft Windows Server's Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a new technology for authenticating users of multiple web applications during one session. Tencent Cloud supports identity federation with Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0). SAML 2.0 is an open standard used by many identity providers (IdPs). SAML 2.0-based federation can be used to integrate ADFS with Tencent Cloud. Then, federated single sign-on (SSO) can be implemented by using an ADFS account, and admins can authorize users that have their federated identity authenticated to log in to the Tencent Cloud console for resource management, eliminating the need to create a CAM sub-user for each employee in the organization.


    You have a Windows Server CVM instance. For more information on how to purchase one, see Billing Overview.
    You have entered the Server Management > Dashboard page and found the Add Roles and Features Wizard in your computer (see Install or Uninstall Roles, Role Services, or Features).
    You have a verified domain name.


    Installing the AD domain services and DNS services

    1. On the dashboard management page, click Add Roles and Features, keep the default settings for options on the page, and click Next repeatedly to enter the Add Roles and Features Wizard page.
    2. On the Add Roles and Features Wizard page, keep the default settings for options on the page, and click Next repeatedly.
    en, select Active Directory Domain Services and DNS Server on the Server Roles page.
    3. Keep the default settings for options on the page, click Next repeatedly, and click Install. On the page indicating the successful installation, click
    in the top-right corner.
    4. Click Promote this server to a domain controller to go to the deployment configuration page.
    5. Click Next. After the installation is completed, enter the password. Keep the default settings for options on the page and click Next repeatedly.
    6. Click Install and restart the server after the installation is completed.
    7. At this point, the AD domain services and DNS service have been installed, and the server has been promoted to a domain controller.

    Installing the web server

    1. Refer to step 2 in Installing the AD domain services and DNS services to enter the Server Roles page. Select Web Server.
    2. Keep the default settings for options on the page and click Next > Install repeatedly to install the web server.

    Applying for a certificate

    If you already have an SSL certificate, you can directly install ADFS.
    1. Click the Windows icon in the bottom-left corner, enter the "mmc" command in the search box, and press Enter to run it and access the Console 1-[Console Root] page.
    2. On the Console 1-[Console Root] page, click File>Add/Remove Snap-in, select a certificate in the pop-up window, and click Add>* Finish*.
    3. Click Certificates - Current User. I
    n the e
    xpanded directory, right-click Personal, click All Tasks > Advanced Operations > Create Custom Request.
    4. Keep the default settings for options on the page, click Next repeatedly to enter the Certificate Enrollment page, and click Proceed without enrollment policy.
    5. On the Custom request page, select the following information:
    Template: (No template) Legacy key
    Request format: PKCS#10
    6. Click Details > Properties. On the General tab, enter a friendly name and description.
    7. On the Subject tab, enter Value (*.example.com in this example) and click Add.
    8. On the Private Key tab, select Microsoft RSA SChanel Cytographic Provider (Encryption) and Make private key exportable.
    9. Click OK > Next, select the directory for saving the certificate, and click Finish.

    Installing an ADC (AD certificate server)

    1. Refer to step 2 in Installing the AD domain services and DNS services to select Active Directory Certificate Services.
    2. Keep the default settings and click Next repeatedly. On the Role Services page, select Certification Authority and Certification Authority Web Enrollment.
    3. Click Install. On the page indicating the successful installation, click
    in the top-right corner and click Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on the destination server.
    4. Keep the default settings for options on the page and click Next repeatedly. On the Role Services page, select Certification Authority and Certification Authority Web Enrollment. 5 Keep the default settings for options on the page, click Next repeatedly, and click Configure to install the ADC.

    Generating an SSL certificate

    1. Visit http://localhost/certsrv and click Request a certificate.
    2. On the Request a Certificate page, click advanced certificate request.
    3. On the Advanced Certificate Request page, click Submit a certificate request by using a base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS#10 file, or submit a renewal request by using a base-64-encoded PKCS#7 file.
    4. Copy and paste the certificate file content saved in Applying for a certificate to the input box, select Web Server for Certificate Template, and click Submit.
    5. After the application succeeds, click Download certificate to download the certificate
    in both form
    6. Refer to step 3 in Applying for a certificate, right-click Personal, and click All Tasks > Import.
    7. Select the certificate file saved in step 5, keep the default settings for options on the page, click Next repeatedly, and click Finish.
    8. Refer to step 3 in Applying for a certificate, right-click Personal, and click All Tasks > Export.
    9. On the
    te Export Wizard page, select Yes, export the private key and Group or user names (recommended), and click Next to export the saved file.

    Installing the ADFS

    1. R
    r to step 2 in Installing the AD domain services and DNS services to enter the Server Roles page. Select Active Directory Federation Services.
    2. Keep the default settings for options on the page, click Next repeatedly, and click Finish. On the result page, click Configure the federation service on this server.
    3. Keep the default settings for options on the page, click Next repeatedly to enter the Specify Service Properties page, and enter and import the following information: SSL Certificate: Import the certificate file saved in step 9 in Generating an SSL certificate. Federation Service Name: Enter the name of the destination server (same as the name in the top-right corner) or an sts. or .adfs domain name. Federation Service Display Name: Enter the name displayed during login.
    4. On the Specify Service Account page, enter an account
    name an
    d password, keep the default settings for other options, and click Next repeatedly until the ADFS is installed successfully.
    5. Visit the following link to download the XML file.
    https://federation service name/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml
    6. Run Set-AdfsProperties –EnableIdpInitiatedSignonPage $True in PowerShell: Access the following entry for login:
    https://federation service name/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedSignOn.htm
    7. Enter the account name and password configured in step 4 to log in.
    If 400 Bad Request is returned in the browser, perform the following operations in PowerShell: Get the user starting the ADFS service, open PowerShell, and run the script setspn -s http/URL of ADFS server domain controller\\user. For example, if the full name of the ADFS server is 172_21_0_13.weezer.club, the domain controller is WEEZER, and the user is Administrator, you need to run the script setspn -s http/172_21_0_13.weezer.club WEEZER\\Administrator.

    Creating an IdP in Tencent Cloud

    You can perform this step to configure the trust between ADFS and Tencent Cloud.
    Create a SAML IdP in Tencent Cloud and save the IdP name, which can contain only letters.For
    more in
    formation, see Creating IdP.

    Creating a role for an IdP

    You can perform this step to grant the ADFS user the Tencent Cloud SSO access permission.
    Create a role for your IdP and save the role name, which can contain only letters.Fo
    r more infor
    mation, see Creating Role. Here, select the IdP created in Creating an IdP in Tencent Cloud.

    Configuring a user and user group

    1. On the Dashboard page in the Server Manager, click Tools in the top-right corner and select Active Directory Users and Computers.
    2. On the Active Directory Users and Computers page, click Action > New > Group.
    3. On the New Object - Group page, enter the group name.
    Replace your root account ID with your Tencent Cloud account ID, which can be viewed in Account Center in the console.
    Replace Tencent Cloud role name with the role name created for the IdP in Tencent Cloud.
    4. On the Active Directory Users and Computers page, click Action > New > User.
    5. Create an employee, enter the basic employee information, set a username that can contain only letters, and save the username.
    6. On the Active Directory Users and Computers page, find the new user in the Users directory and add the user to the user group.

    Configuring a mapping rule

    1. On the AD FS page in the Server Manager, click Tools in the top-right corner.
    2. Select AD FS Management and click Add Relying Party Trust.
    3. On the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard page, select Claims aware and click Start.
    4. Visit the following link to download the XML file provided by Tencent Cloud IdP.
    5. Import the file of the Tencent Cloud IdP.
    6. Keep the default settings for options on the page, click Next repeatedly, and click Finish.
    7. Click Relying Party Trusts > Edit Claim Issuance Policy > Add Rule.
    8. On the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard page, click Choose Rule Type > Transform an Incoming Claim > Next.
    9. On the Configure Rule page, enter the rule information and click OK.
    Claim rule name: Enter NameID.
    Incoming claim type: Select Windows account name.
    Outgoing claim type: Select Name ID.
    Outgoing name ID format: Select Persistent Identifier.
    Select Pass through all claim values.
    10. On the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard page, click Choose Rule Type > Send Claims Using a Custom Rule > Next.
    11. On the Configure Rule page, enter the rule information and click OK.
    Claim rule name: Enter Get AD Groups.
    Custom rule: Add the following information:
    c:[Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsaccountname", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]
    => add(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://temp/variable"), query = ";tokenGroups;{0}", param = c.Value);
    12. On the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard page, click Choose Rule Type > Send Claims Using a Custom Rule > Next.
    13. On the Configure Rule page, enter the rule information and click OK.
    Claim rule name: Enter Role.
    Custom rule: Add the following information:
    c:[Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsaccountname", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]
    => add(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://temp/variable"), query = ";tokenGroups;{0}", param = c.Value);
    Here, replace IdP name with the name of the IdP created in Creating an IdP in Tencent Cloud.
    14. On the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard page, click Choose Rule Type > Send Claims Using a Custom Rule > Next.
    15. On the Configure Rule page, enter the rule information and click OK as shown below:
    Claim rule name: Enter RoleSessionName.
    Custom rule: Add the following information:
    c:[Type == "http://temp/variable", Value =~ "(?i)^Tencent-([\\d]+)"]
    => issue(Type = "https://cloud.tencent.com/SAML/Attributes/RoleSessionName", Value = RegExReplace(c.Value, "Tencent-([\\d]+)-(.+)", "test"));
    To enable SSO to Tencent Cloud in another browser other than the ADFS server, you can configure a subdomain (your federation service name) at your IdP for access and login.

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