The enterprise account, CompanyExample (ownerUIN: 12345678), has a sub-account, Developer, that requires read-only permission for VPC services under the CompanyExample enterprise account. This permission allows the sub-account to query VPCs and related resources, but will not permit the sub-account to create, update, or delete CLBs.
Solution A:
The enterprise account, CompanyExample, associates the Developer sub-account with the preset policy QcloudVPCReadOnlyAccess. To learn how to associate a policy with a user account, see Authorization Management. Solution B:
Step 1: create the following policy by using policy syntax.
"version": "2.0",
"statement": [
"action": [
"resource": "*",
"effect": "allow"
Step 2: associate the sub-account with the policy. To learn how to associate a policy with a user account, see Authorization Management.
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