tencent cloud


CAM Users and Permissions

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-23 18:03:29

    How do I grant permissions to the root account?

    The root account has all permissions by default and doesn't need to be authorized.

    How do I grant a sub-account specific operation permissions of specific products?

    You can create a custom policy with the policy generator, select the products and operations you need, and associate the policy with the user. After association, your sub-account will be able to manage the resources under the root account within the scope of permissions you set.

    After a sub-account is authorized, which account owns the resources purchased by the sub-account?

    Resources purchased by the sub-account are owned by the root account.

    How do I reset a sub-account's password?

    For more information on how to change a sub-user's password, please see Resetting Login Passwords for Sub-Users. For more information on how to change a collaborator's password, please see Modifying Account Password.

    How will the fees incurred by resource purchases made by a sub-account be paid?

    Fees incurred by the sub-account will be deducted from the balance of the root account.

    Why do I get a prompt saying that "The account is not on the allowlist" when creating a policy?

    Some of Tencent Cloud products are still in beta test, and a few products do not support CAM yet. Please see CAM-Enabled Products to check whether and at what granularity you can manage permissions of a product in CAM.
    If you want to use CAM to manage permissions of a product in beta test, please submit a ticket.

    How do I implement granular permission management for project resources?

    You can implement granular permission management by using tags.

    Why can't a sub-account access certain Tencent Cloud products after it has been authorized with the read-only policy (ReadOnlyAccess)?

    The read-only policy (ReadOnlyAccess) only covers read APIs of Tencent Cloud products where the authorization granularity is operation level or resource level. If you access service-level products or the write APIs of operation-level/resource-level products, the prompt for no access will be displayed. For the authorization granularity of Tencent Cloud products, please see CAM-Enabled Products.

    How do I grant permissions to allow a sub-account to view only part of my resources?

    The following example describes how to allow a sub-account to view only part of the resources:
    The enterprise account CompanyExample (ownerUin: 12345678) has a sub-account Developer. CompanyExample wants to allow the sub-account to view only part of its resources in the console.
    For example, to allow the sub-account to view in the console two CVM instances ins-xxx1 and ins-xxx2 in the gz region:
    1. Create the following policy by using policy syntax:
    "version": "2.0",
    "statement": [
    "action": [
    "resource": ["qcs::cvm:gz::instance/ins-xxx1",
    "effect": "allow"
    You can also grant the sub-account a wider permission, such as full access. To grant the sub-account full access to CVM instances in the Guangzhou region, create the following policy:
    "version": "2.0",
    "statement": [
    "action": [
    "resource": "qcs::cvm:gz::*",
    "effect": "allow"
    2. Associate the policy with the sub-account. For more information on authorization, please see Authorization Management.
    The products that support read-only permission at the resource level include CVM, TencentDB for MySQL, and TKE. Other products do not support granting read-only permission of specific resources. A sub-account either has the permission to view all the resources or has no permission to view any resources.

    Which Tencent Cloud services support limiting access via IPs?

    Limiting Access via IP
    TKE - CI
    TKE - Cluster
    Dayu Anti-DDoS - Anti-DDoS Advanced

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