If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. For example:
"Response": {
"Error": {
"Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
"Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."
"RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"
Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the specific information of the error.
Error Code | Description |
ActionOffline | This API has been deprecated. |
AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization | Authorization in the request header is invalid. |
AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId | Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type). |
AuthFailure.MFAFailure | MFA failed. |
AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound | Key does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key. |
AuthFailure.SignatureExpire | Signature expired. Timestamp and server time cannot differ by more than five minutes. Please ensure your current local time matches the standard time. |
AuthFailure.SignatureFailure | Invalid signature. Signature calculation error. Please ensure you’ve followed the signature calculation process described in the Signature API documentation. |
AuthFailure.TokenFailure | Token error. |
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation | The request is not authorized. For more information, see the CAM documentation. |
DryRunOperation | DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used. |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InvalidAction | The API does not exist. |
InvalidParameter | Incorrect parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue | Invalid parameter value. |
InvalidRequest | The multipart format of the request body is incorrect. |
IpInBlacklist | Your IP is in uin IP blacklist. |
IpNotInWhitelist | Your IP is not in uin IP whitelist. |
LimitExceeded | Quota limit exceeded. |
MissingParameter | A parameter is missing. |
NoSuchProduct | The product does not exist. |
NoSuchVersion | The API version does not exist. |
RequestLimitExceeded | The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.GlobalRegionUinLimitExceeded | Uin exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.IPLimitExceeded | The number of ip requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.UinLimitExceeded | The number of uin requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestSizeLimitExceeded | The request size exceeds the upper limit. |
ResourceInUse | Resource is in use. |
ResourceInsufficient | Insufficient resource. |
ResourceNotFound | The resource does not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable | Resource is unavailable. |
ResponseSizeLimitExceeded | The response size exceeds the upper limit. |
ServiceUnavailable | Service is unavailable now. |
UnauthorizedOperation | Unauthorized operation. |
UnknownParameter | Unknown parameter. |
UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |
UnsupportedProtocol | HTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported. |
UnsupportedRegion | API does not support the requested region. |
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.CheckIfSupportPodStretch | Operation failed. |
FailedOperation.DescribeResourceTagsFailed | Failed to fetch resource tag. |
FailedOperation.DuplicateOrderNotAllowed | Duplicate order. Please check the EMR console. |
FailedOperation.GetCamRoleFailed | Failed to query the CAM role. |
FailedOperation.GetCamServerFailed | Failed to call the CAM service. |
FailedOperation.GetCvmConfigQuotaFailed | Failed to fetch the specifications of the CVM. |
FailedOperation.GetCvmServerFailed | Failed to call the CVM service. |
FailedOperation.GetTradeServerFailed | Failed to call the price inquiry center service. |
FailedOperation.NotSupportPod | Operation failed. The pods are not supported. |
FailedOperation.RefundCvmFailed | Operation failed. |
InternalError.AccountCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CamCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CamError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CbsCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CbsError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CdbCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CdbError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CheckQuotaErr | CVM or CBS resources are insufficient, or the software is invalid. |
InternalError.ConfigCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CvmError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.DBQueryException | Database query error. |
InternalError.EKSError | Error in calling EKS. |
InternalError.KmsError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.ProjectCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.SgError | An error occurred when calling a security group API. |
InternalError.TKEError | An error occurred while calling TKE. |
InternalError.TagError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.TradeCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.VpcCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.VpcError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.WoodServerError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InvalidParameter.AppIdResourceNotMatch | Parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.DisplayStrategyNotMatch | Incorrect display policy. |
InvalidParameter.HALessMasterCount | Parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.ImpalaQueryException | Impala query parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.IncorrectCommonCount | The number of common nodes is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.IncorrectMasterCount | The number of master nodes is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidAllNodeResourceSpec | Invalid AllNodeResourceSpec . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidAppId | Invalid AppId . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidAutoRenew | Invalid auto-renewal flag. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidClickHouseCluster | Invalid ClickHouse cluster. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidClientToken | Invalid ClientToken . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidClusterId | Invalid parameter: ClusterId. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCommonDiskType | Invalid parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidComponent | Invalid component. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCoreCount | The number of core nodes is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCoreDiskType | Parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCosFileURI | |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCount | The count must be greater than 0. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCountNum | A scale-out request only applies to task nodes or core nodes. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCustomizedPodParam | Error message: Invalid PodParameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDependServiceAndEnableKerberosConflict | Conflict betweenDependService and EnableKerberos . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDiskNum | Invalid number of disks. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDiskSize | Invalid disk size. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidEksInstance | Invalid EKS instance. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidExtendField | Invalid CustomConfig . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidFilterKey | Invalid filter parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceChargeType | Invalid instance billing mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceName | Invalid cluster name. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceType | Invalid model. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidJobFlow | Invalid process task. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidLoginSetting | Invalid login settings. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidMasterDiskType | Invalid parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidMetaDataJdbcUrl | Invalid metadatabase URL. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidMetaType | Invalid metadata table type. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidModifySpec | Invalid target specification. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidNodeFlag | Incorrect node type. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidNodeType | Invalid NodeType . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPassword | Invalid password. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPaymode | Invalid billing mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPreExecutedFile | Invalid bootstrap script. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidProductId | Invalid product ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidProductVersion | Invalid product version. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidProjectId | Invalid project ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidRenewFlag | Invalid auto-renewal identifier. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidResourceIds | Invalid resource ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidResourceSpec | Invalid resource specification. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidScriptBootstrapActionConfig | Invalid bootstrap script execution parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSecuritySupport | This EMR version does not support the security mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSercurityGrpupId | Invalid security group ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidServiceName | The service name is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidServiceNodeInfo | The ServiceNodeInfo parameter is invalid or incorrect. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftDeployInfo | The InvalidSoftDeployInfo parameter is invalid or incorrect. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftInfo | Invalid SoftInfo . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftWare | Incorrect parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftWareName | The software name is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftWareVersion | The software version is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidStartTimeOrEndTime | Invalid StartTime or EndTime parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSubnetId | Invalid subnet ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSupportHA | Invalid high availability parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTaskCount | The number of task nodes cannot exceed 20. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeSpan | Invalid timespan . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeUnit | Invalid TimeUnit . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTkeInstance | The TKE cluster ID is invalid, or the TKE cluster is not eligible. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidUnifyMeta | Invalid unified metadatabase. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidVpcId | Invalid VPC ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidZone | Invalid AZ. |
InvalidParameter.KerberosSupport | Invalid identifier for Kerberos support. |
InvalidParameter.NotContainMustSelectSoftware | Invalid parameter. Necessary components are missing. |
InvalidParameter.OrderFieldNotMatch | Invalid sorting field. |
InvalidParameter.PayModeResourceNotMatch | The billing mode and resource do not match. |
InvalidParameter.ProjectResourceNotMatch | The project does not match the resource. |
InvalidParameter.SoftwareNotInProduct | There is an invalid product component. |
InvalidParameter.UngrantedPolicy | The policy is not authorized. |
InvalidParameter.UngrantedRole | The role is not authorized. |
InvalidParameter.ZoneResourceNotMatch | The AZ and resource do not match. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTkeInstance | The TKE cluster ID is invalid, or the TKE cluster is not eligible. |
LimitExceeded.SecurityGroupNumLimitExceeded | The number of security groups exceeds the limit. |
ResourceInUse.InstanceInProcess | The instance is under workflow. |
ResourceInsufficient.DiskInsufficient | The disk specification is insufficient. |
ResourceInsufficient.InstanceInsufficient | The node specification is unsupported or has been sold out. |
ResourceNotFound.ClusterNotFound | The instance was not found. |
ResourceNotFound.CvmInstanceNotFound | Unable to find the specified CVM instance. |
ResourceNotFound.HardwareInfoNotFound | No hardware information found. |
ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotFound | The instance was not found. |
ResourceNotFound.ResourceNotFound | Unable to find the monitoring metadata. |
ResourceNotFound.SubnetNotFound | No corresponding subnet found. |
ResourceNotFound.TKEPreconditionNotFound | Preset components of the TKE cluster are not deployed. |
ResourceNotFound.TagsNotFound | No specified tag found. |
ResourceUnavailable.ResourceSpecNotDefaultSpec | There is no default value of the current resource spec. |
ResourcesSoldOut | The resources have been sold out. |
ResourcesSoldOut.CbsSoldOut | The CBS resources have been sold out. |
ResourcesSoldOut.CvmSoldOut | CVM instances have been sold out. |
UnauthorizedOperation.AppIdMismatched | The appId is inconsistent. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CheckCamAuth | Unauthorized operation. |
UnsupportedOperation.NotInWhiteList | This function is included in the allowlist. |
UnsupportedOperation.ServiceNotSupport | This operation is not supported. |
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