tencent cloud


Storing Kafka Data in Hive Through Flume

Last updated: 2025-02-12 16:42:49

    Scenario Description

    Data in Kafka can be collected through Flume and stored in HBase.

    Preparations for Development

    As this job requires access to CKafka, you need to create a CKafka instance first. For more information, please see CKafka.
    Confirm that you have activated Tencent Cloud and created an EMR cluster. When creating the EMR cluster, you need to select the Flume component on the software configuration page.

    Using the Kafka Toolkit in the EMR Cluster

    First, you need to check the private IP and port number of CKafka. Log in to the CKafka Console, select the CKafka instance you want to use, and view its private IP as $kafkaIP in the basic information section, and the port number is generally 9092 by default. Create a topic named kafka_test on the topic management page.

    Configuring Flume

    1. Create the Flume configuration file hbase_kafka.properties.
    vim hbase_kafka.properties
    agent.sources = kafka_source
    agent.channels = mem_channel
    agent.sinks = hbase_sink
    # The following code is used to configure the source
    agent.sources.kafka_source.type = org.apache.flume.source.kafka.KafkaSource
    agent.sources.kafka_source.channels = mem_channel
    agent.sources.kafka_source.batchSize = 5000
    agent.sources.kafka_source.kafka.bootstrap.servers = $kafkaIP:9092
    agent.sources.kafka_source.kafka.topics = kafka_test
    # The following code is used to configure the sink
    agent.sinks.hbase_sink.channel = mem_channel
    agent.sinks.hbase_sink.table = foo_table
    agent.sinks.hbase_sink.columnFamily = cf
    agent.sinks.hbase_sink.serializer = org.apache.flume.sink.hbase.RegexHbaseEventSerializer
    # The following code is used to configure the channel
    agent.channels.mem_channel.type = memory
    agent.channels.mem_channel.capacity = 100000
    agent.channels.mem_channel.transactionCapacity = 10000
    2. Create an HBase table.
    hbase shell
    create 'foo_table','cf'
    3. Run Flume.
    ./bin/flume-ng agent --conf ./conf/ -f hbase_kafka.properties -n agent -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
    4. Run the Kafka producer.
    [hadoop@172 kafka]$ ./bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $kafkaIP:9092 --topic kafka_test


    Enter information on the client of the Kafka producer and press Enter.
    Check whether there is corresponding data in the HBase table.

    Reference Documentation

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