tencent cloud


Storing Ranger Audit Logs in Tencent Cloud ElasticSearch

Last updated: 2024-10-30 12:30:25


    1. Supports Ranger 2.1.0 and later versions, corresponding to EMR-2.7.0, EMR-3.2.1, and later.
    2. Prepare a Tencent Cloud ElasticSearch cluster. For the creation process, see Creating ES cluster.
    Capacity reference: Assuming the size of a single Hive SQL query is 1 KB, a single record will be approximately 20 KB, meaning 1 GB can store around 52,428 Hive SQL records.
    3. Open port 9200 in the security group, allowing only private network access, requiring that the EMR cluster and ElasticSearch cluster are in the same VPC.
    4. Example: Key information for the ElasticSearch cluster:
    Username: elastic
    Password: MyPassword
    Private IP address:
    Port: 9200
    Protocol: http

    EMR Console Directions

    1. Log in to the EMR Console and go to Cluster Services > RANGER > Configuration Management > ranger-admin-site.xml file. Modify the configuration items as follows:
    ranger.audit.source.type = elasticsearch
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.user = elastic
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.password = MyPassword
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.urls =
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.protocol = httpot
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.port = 9200
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.index = ranger_audits
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.bootstrap.enabled = true
    2. Restart the Ranger service role EmbeddedServer.
    3. Take HIVE as an example (other services are similar). Go to Cluster Services > HIVE > Configuration Management and modify the ranger-hive-audit.xml file with the following configuration, ensuring the values are consistent with those in the ranger-admin-site.xml file.
    ranger.audit.source.type = elasticsearch
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.user = elastic
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.password = MyPassword
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.urls =
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.protocol = httpot
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.port = 9200
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.index = ranger_audits
    ranger.audit.elasticsearch.bootstrap.enabled = true
    4. Restart the HIVE role HiveServer2。
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