tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-12-09 09:55:23
    When you apply for a refund, the voucher cannot be refunded. For detailed rules, see Refunds.

    Applying for a Voucher

    Customers' vouchers are managed by the reseller. A customer who needs a voucher can contact the reseller to issue it.

    Viewing a Voucher

    After the reseller issues a voucher to a customer, the customer can view it through Billing Center > Vouchers.
    Click the Unused, Used, and Expired menus to view details of vouchers in different states.
    Click Usage Details to view or download detailed usage data for corresponding vouchers.

    Using a Voucher

    The system will automatically deduct the voucher first and then deduct the credit.
    Vouchers (discount vouchers) are not displayed on the customer order page. The system will automatically deduct matching vouchers based on voucher usage conditions. After the order is successfully paid, you can view the voucher deduction amount via Order Management, Voucher Usage Details or Bill Details.
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