tencent cloud


Account Information

Last updated: 2022-11-16 15:18:05

    Account management

    Account overview

    A reseller account is a credit account. The credit is managed and adjusted by the channel manager and can be used by the reseller to pay for Tencent Cloud services used by their customers. If the reseller uses Tencent Cloud services, the credit will also be occupied.

    Account top-up

    You can top up your account by credit card or bank transfer.

    Top up by bank transfer

    1. Log in to the Tencent Cloud console with a reseller account.
    2. Click Billing Center > Payment Management > Payment > Bank Transfer.
    3. Query and enable the bank transfer beneficiary account. Check whether bank transfer feature has been enabled for your account. If it is enabled, you will see the bank transfer beneficiary account information, including the beneficiary account name and number, beneficiary bank, and SWIFT code.
    4. Use the bank transfer beneficiary account to pay Tencent Cloud offline. You can directly transfer money into your bank transfer beneficiary account, and the system will automatically check for the transfer. Be sure to enter all the information correctly. A bank transfer usually takes 3–5 business days to complete, subject to the specific bank's system.
    5. Query the payment information and progress. To query the information and progress of a payment, go to Billing Center > Payment Management > Bank Transfer.
    6. The bank transfer beneficiary account feature currently is supported only for reseller entities registered in North America and Singapore. If your entity is registered in Europe, make the payment to the following account, and then contact your channel manager to top up your account on your behalf. Beneficiary name: TENCENT CLOUD EUROPE B.V. Beneficiary account: NL49HSBC2031728156 (USD account) Beneficiary bank: HSBC BANK PLC, Amsterdam z.o. The Netherlands Address: De Entree 236, 1101 EE Amsterdam SWIFT Code: HSBCNL2A Remarks: Cloud service fee + developer account (unique ID)

    Top up by credit card

    1. Log in to the console and go to Billing Center > Payment Management > Payment. Enter the top-up amount and payment account information and click Pay Now.
    2. To avoid duplicate payments, if you top up the same amount twice within a minute, a confirmation window will pop up asking you to check.
    3. The maximum top-up amount by credit card is 500 USD per day and 1,500 USD per month. If your spending is high, the automatic payment mechanism can help meet your needs.
    4. After making the payment, you can go to the Transactions page to view the payment details.
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