Field | Description |
Instance ID | Instance ID, which can be viewed in the console. |
Instance Name | Resource alias, which can be customized and is null if not set. |
Product Name | Tencent Cloud product, such as CVM or TencentDB for MySQL. |
Payer Account ID | Account ID of the payer, which is a user's unique ID at Tencent Cloud and is a reseller ID here. |
Owner Account ID | Account ID of the resource owner, which is a customer ID here. |
Operator Account ID | Account ID of the operator or the user who purchases or activates a product, which is a customer ID here. |
Reseller Account ID | A reseller account ID is the ID of the reseller who directly manages the resource owner. |
Billing Mode | Resource billing mode, which can be monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go. |
Project Name | Project to which a resource belongs. This is user-designated. If a resource has not been assigned to a project, it will automatically belong to the default project. |
Region | Resource region, such as South China (Guangzhou). |
Availability Zone | Resource AZ, such as Guangzhou Zone 3. |
Subproduct Name | Tencent Cloud product subcategory, such as CVM - Standard S1. |
Transaction Type | Transaction type, such as purchase, activation, renewal, and refund. For details, see "Enumerated values of key fields" below. |
Transaction ID | Unique transaction ID. |
Transaction Time | Resource cost deduction time. |
Usage Start Time | Resource usage start time. |
Usage End Time | Resource usage end time. |
Component Type | Component type, such as CPU, memory, bandwidth, and system disk. |
Component Name | Component name, such as Memory - Standard S2 and Premium Cloud Storage - Storage Space. |
Component List Price | Published component price. |
Component Price Measurement Unit | Published component price unit. |
Component Usage | Component usage. |
Component Usage Unit | Component usage unit. |
Usage Duration | Resource usage duration. |
Duration Unit | Resource usage duration unit. |
Reserved Instances | ID of the matched RI, such as s2-RI-1234567890. |
Original Cost | Original resource cost, which is "published price * usage * usage duration". |
Currency | The currency used for component cost settlement, which is USD here. |
Field | Description |
Transaction Type | Enumerated values: Purchase Renewal Modify Refund Deduction Hourly settlement Daily settlement Monthly settlement Offline project deduction Offline deduction adjust-CR adjust-DR One-off RI Fee Spot Hourly RI fee New monthly subscription Monthly subscription renewal Monthly subscription specification adjustment Monthly subscription specification adjustment Monthly subscription refund |
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