tencent cloud


Tencent Effect SDK
Last updated: 2024-11-22 13:23:19

SDK Integration

1. Integration TencentEffect
2. Integration TEBeautyKit
Add panel JSON file(optional if not using default panel)
3. Integrationte_adapter_live
Maven Dependencies
AAR Dependencies
Add the dependency for te_adapter_live in dependencies
implementation 'com.tencent.mediacloud:te_adapter_live:Version number'
Download AAR file (a zip file will be downloaded; extract it to get the AAR file).
Add the downloaded te_adapter_live_xxxx.aar file to the app project libs directory.
Open build.gradle in the app module and add a dependency reference:
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar','*.aar']) //add *.aar
Refer to MLVB Demo project.
To run the code, you need to add your applied License information in the file com.tencent.thirdbeauty.xmagic.LicenseConstant.java, and modify the applicationId in the build.gradle file under the App module to the package name you provided when applying for the License.
Due to the dependency on MLVB capability, you need to find the file com.tencent.mlvb.debug.GenerateTestUserSig.java under the Debug module and add the corresponding LICENSEURL, LICENSEURLKEY, SDKAPPID, and SECRETKEY.
For the main code integration of beauty effects, please refer to the file com.tencent.mlvb.thirdbeauty.ThirdBeautyActivity.java.

SDK Usage Steps

Step 1: Set Panel's JSON File

Please append the path of the JSON file added to your project in the second step of the 'How to Integrate' section in the TEBeautyKit Integration Document. If there is no JSON file, then the path Setting should be null.
TEPanelViewResModel resModel = new TEPanelViewResModel();
String combo = "S1_07"; //Set according to your package. If your package does not include a certain feature, the customer is set to null.
resModel.beauty = "beauty_panel/"+combo+"/beauty.json";
resModel.lut = "beauty_panel/"+combo+"/lut.json";
resModel.beautyBody = "beauty_panel/"+combo+"/beauty_body.json";
resModel.motion = "beauty_panel/"+combo+"/motions.json";
resModel.lightMakeup = "beauty_panel/"+combo+"/light_makeup.json";
resModel.segmentation = "beauty_panel/"+combo+"/segmentation.json";
Note: If you do not use the provided beauty panel, please ignore this step.

Step 2: Authenticate and copy resource

TEBeautyKit.setupSDK(this.getApplicationContext(),LicenseConstant.mXMagicLicenceUrl,LicenseConstant.mXMagicKey, (i, s) -> { if (i == LicenseConstant.AUTH_STATE_SUCCEED) {
runOnUiThread(() -> { Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ThirdBeautyActivity.class); startActivity(intent);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "te license check is failed,please checke ");
Resource copying is based on the SDK version number, so resources will only be successfully copied once for the same SDK version number.

Step 3: Initialize the adapter and the panel

this.beautyLiveAdapter = new TEBeautyLiveAdapter();
// Set the phone orientation this.beautyLiveAdapter.notifyScreenOrientationChanged(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
// Set the camera to front-facing or rear-facing, and whether to use encoding mirror this.beautyLiveAdapter.notifyCameraChanged(isFront, this.isEncoderMirror);

private void initBeautyPanelView() { RelativeLayout panelLayout = findViewById(R.id.live_pusher_bp_beauty_panel); this.tePanelView = new TEPanelView(this); if (lastParamList != null) { // Used to restore the last beauty effects this.tePanelView.setLastParamList(lastParamList); }
this.tePanelView.showView(this); panelLayout.addView(this.tePanelView); }
Note:If you do not want to use the provided panel, you can skip creating TEPanelView and configure the beauty attributes yourself by calling TEBeautyKit's setEffect to set beauty attributes.

Step 4. Create Beauty

this.beautyLiveAdapter.bind(this, mLivePusher, new ITEBeautyAdapter.CallBack() {
public void onCreatedTEBeautyKit(TEBeautyKit beautyKit) {
mBeautyKit = beautyKit;
Log.e("beautyLiveAdapter", "onCreatedTEBeautyKit");

public void onDestroyTEBeautyKit() {
mBeautyKit = null;
Log.e("beautyLiveAdapter", "onDestroyTEBeautyKit");

Step 5. Notify adapter while Parameter Changed

//Notify adapter of the latest status when the camera or screen mirror changes this.beautyLiveAdapter.notifyCameraChanged(isFront, this.isEncoderMirror);
//When the screen orientation changes, you need to call the notifyScreenOrientationChange method

Step 6: Destroy Effect

//You can call the unbind method to unbind when the beauty filter is no longer needed

Step 7: Resume Audio

/** * Used to restore sound in stickers * Restore gyroscope sensor, usually called in the onResume method of Activity */ this.mBeautyKit.onResume()

Step 8: Pause Audio

/** * Used to pause sound in stickers * Pause gyroscope sensor, usually called in the onPause method of Activity */ this.mBeautyKit.onPause()
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