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Tencent Effect SDK

Android(3.3.0 and prior)

Last updated: 2024-07-05 12:35:44

Step 1. Replace resources

1. Download the TRTC demo which has integrated the Tencent Effect SDK. This demo is built based on the Tencent Effect SDK S1-04 edition.
2. Replace the SDK files in the demo with the files for the SDK you actually use. Specifically, follow the steps below:
Replace the .aar file in the libs directory of the Xmagic module with the .aar file in libs of your SDK.
Replace all the files in ../src/main/assets of the Xmagic module with those in assets/ of your SDK. If there are files in the MotionRes folder of your SDK package, also copy them to the ../src/main/assets directory.
Replace all the .so files in ../src/main/jniLibs of the Xmagic module with the .so files in jniLibs of your SDK package (you need to decompress the ZIP files in the jinLibs folder to get the .so files for arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a).
3. Import the Xmagic module in the demo into your project.

Step 2. Open build.gradle in app and do the following:

1. Set applicationId to the package name bound to the trial license.
2. Add Gson dependency settings.
all*.exclude group:'com.google.code.gson'

Step 3. Integrate the SDK APIs

You can refer to the ThirdBeautyActivity class of the demo.
1. Authorize:
// For authentication precautions and error codes, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1143/45385#step-1.-authenticate
XMagicImpl.checkAuth((errorCode, msg) -> {
if (errorCode == TELicenseCheck.ERROR_OK) {
} else {
TXCLog.e(TAG, "Authentication failed. Check the authentication URL and key" + errorCode + " " + msg);
2. Initialize the material:
private void showLoadResourceView() {
if (XmagicLoadAssetsView.isCopyedRes) {
} else {
loadAssetsView = new XmagicLoadAssetsView(this);
loadAssetsView.setOnAssetsLoadFinishListener(() -> {
3. Enable push settings:
mTRTCCloud.setLocalVideoProcessListener(TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_VIDEO_PIXEL_FORMAT_Texture_2D, TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_VIDEO_BUFFER_TYPE_TEXTURE, new TRTCCloudListener.TRTCVideoFrameListener() {
public void onGLContextCreated() {
public int onProcessVideoFrame(TRTCCloudDef.TRTCVideoFrame srcFrame, TRTCCloudDef.TRTCVideoFrame dstFrame) {
public void onGLContextDestory() {
4. Pass textureId to the SDK for rendering: In the onProcessVideoFrame(TRTCCloudDef.TRTCVideoFrame srcFrame, TRTCCloudDef.TRTCVideoFrame dstFrame) method of the TRTCVideoFrameListener API, add the following code:
dstFrame.texture.textureId = mXMagic.process(srcFrame.texture.textureId, srcFrame.width, srcFrame.height);
5. Pause/Terminate the SDK: onPause() is used to pause beauty filter effects, which can be implemented in the Activity/Fragment method. The onDestroy method needs to be called in the GL thread (you can call onDestroy() of the XMagicImpl object in onTextureDestroyed). For more information, see the demo.
mXMagic.onPause(); // Pause, which is bound to the `onPause` method of `Activity`
mXMagic.onDestroy(); // Terminate, which needs to be called in the GL thread
6. Add the SDK beauty filter panel to the layout:
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
7. Initialize the panel:
private void initXMagic() {
if (mXMagic == null) {
mXMagic = new XMagicImpl(this, mBeautyPanelView);
}else {
See the ThirdBeautyActivity.initXMagic(); method of the demo for details.
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