tencent cloud


Using Animojis and Virtual Avatars

Last updated: 2024-05-08 16:34:16
    The Tencent Effect SDK supports animojis and VR virtual avatars starting from v0.3.0.

    Checking Support

    Animojis and VR virtual avatars rely on a WebGL2 environment. The SDK offers a static method for you to check whether a browser supports the capability.
    import {ArSdk} from 'tencentcloud-webar'
    if (ArSdk.isAvatarSupported()) {
    // Initialize the feature
    } else {
    alert('This browser does not support virtual avatars')
    // Hide the feature


    Getting models

    After initialization, you can get the built-in models. Currently, the SDK offers four built-in animoji models.
    const avatarARList = await sdk.getAvatarList('AR')
    Configuring animojis and virtual avatars will automatically remove other effects such as makeup and stickers, and vice versa.

    Setting a model

    After you get the list of built-in models, you can select one by specifying the EffectId parameter.
    mode: 'AR', // Set the mode to `VR`
    effectId: avatarARList[0].EffectId// Pass in the built-in ID
    }, () => {
    // success callback

    Customizing a model

    If you need to customize a model, feel free to contact us.

    VR Virtual Avatars

    Getting models

    The list of built-in models can be obtained after the SDK is initialized. Currently, the SDK offers 10 virtual avatars.
    const avatarVRList = await sdk.getAvatarList('VR')

    Setting a scene

    mode: 'VR', // Set `mode` to `VR`
    effectId: avatarVRList[0].EffectId, // Pass in the built-in ID
    backgroundUrl: 'https://webar-static.tencent-cloud.com/assets/background/1.jpg',
    }, () => {
    // success callback
    To set a VR scene, you need to set the background image URL, or the black background will be used by default.

    Customizing a model

    You can quickly customize a virtual avatar in two ways and directly use it in the SDK.
    Option 1. readyplayer.me
    Option 2. Vroid
    With either option, you need to upload the exported model to CDN and use the URL to set the SDK.
    mode: 'VR', // Set `mode` to `VR`
    url: 'https://xxxx.glb', // Pass in the built-in ID
    backgroundUrl: 'https://webar-static.tencent-cloud.com/assets/background/1.jpg',
    }, () => {
    // success callback
    Currently, a custom model can be either in GLB or VRM format.
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