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Tencent Effect SDK

2D Makeup and Filter Specification

Last updated: 2024-03-22 18:45:44

Model Picture

Expressionless state

Mouth open state
The makeup PSD internal source file contains the above two images, take as needed.
(Open-mouth pictures are generally used for effect verification, and the actual makeup needs to be drawn on the expressionless model image.)
The output size of the standard makeup png is: 1536x2048.
(Please ensure the output PNG size, otherwise the makeup preview will not be available.)
Makeup PSD template download link.

Model Image Grid Description

Makeup should be drawn within the grid protection range, exceeding it may cause stretch distortion risk.
(PSD file contains grid maps for various parts, refer as needed.)

Colored Contact Lens Material Production

Colored contact lens material output size: 125x125.
Colored contact lens effect should be drawn in the white area of the image above, the black area is the instant transition area, and the material is not displayed.
Colored contact lens PSD template download link.

Makeup Output

Makeup grid is divided into five parts: eyes, eyebrows, lips, full face makeup, and colored contact lenses.
When exporting from Photoshop, it is recommended to use layer export to file and check Visible Layers Only.

The file structure of the exported makeup package can refer to the above figure.
In general, the blending mode for contouring parts such as eyeshadow, blush, and contouring is multiply; the highlight category for brightening parts is color burn or soft light.

Filter Output

Apply color adjustment files in PS, apply to LUT, and export PNG image.
Do not compress the LUT image.
Filter standard LUT image download link.

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