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Tencent Effect SDK
Last updated: 2024-07-05 14:33:26


Each filter is an image in png format. When using it, you need to pass the image path to the SDK. See below for the operation steps.

Scenario1: Using TEBeautyKit

TEBeautyKit is a UI panel library for Tencent Effect. It is designed for users to use and manage beauty features quickly and conveniently.
See below for the operation steps.
2. Adding Filter Resources
Place the newly added filter image in your project's assets/lut directory. Then, modify the panel configuration file assets/beauty_panel/lut.json, adding a new item based on the existing content in json. When the APP runs, calling the TEBeautyKit``copyRes method will copy the filter image from the assets directory to the downloadPath directory configured in lut.json.
3. Configuring Filter Icons
The icon field in lut.json represents the icon of the filter. Place the icon in the assets/beauty_panel/panel_icon/lut_icon directory. The value of the icon field can also be the URL of the icon, starting with http or https, and TEBeautyKit will fetch the icon from the internet.
4. Configuring Filter Resources
The resourceUri field in lut.json is the path where the filter image is saved in the app's private directory. Configure the resources based on the existing items and change the suffix of resourceUri from "xxx.png" to the file name of the newly added filter, avoiding conflicts with existing filters in lut.json. The resourceUri field can also be the URL of the filter image, starting with http or https. When the URL is clicked, the filter image will be downloaded from the internet and saved in the downloadPath directory configured in lut.json.

Scenario 2: Integrating the Tencent Effect SDK Directly

1. Place the newly added filter image in any directory of your project's assets. Then, upon app initialization, copy the image to the app's private directory or SD card to get the image path, marked as /path/to/your/lut_xxx.png. For simplicity, it is recommended to place the image in the assets/lut directory and then copy the copyRes code of TEBeautyKit from the demo project for use.
2. When using a filter, call the SDK's setEffect method and pass the filter image path to the SDK.

Animation Stickers

Each animation is a folder. When using it, you need to pass the path of the folder to the SDK. See below for the operation steps.

Scenario 1: Using TEBeautyKit

TEBeautyKit is a UI panel library for Tencent Effect. It is designed for users to use and manage the beauty features quickly and conveniently.
See below for the operation steps.
2. Adding Animation Materials
Place the newly added animation folder in the assets/MotionRes directory of your project. Then, modify the panel configuration file assets/beauty_panel/motions.json, adding a new item based on the existing content. When the APP runs, calling the TEBeautyKit's copyRes method will copy the animation folder from the assets directory to the downloadPath directory configured in motions.json.
3. Configuring Animation Icons
The icon field in motions.json represents the icon of the animation. Place the icon in the assets/beauty_panel/panel_icon/motions_icon directory. The value of the icon field can also be the URL of the icon, starting with http or https, and TEBeautyKit will fetch the icon from the internet.
4. Configuring Animation Materials
The resourceUri field in motions.json is the path where the animation is saved in the app's private directory. Configure the materials based on the existing items, avoiding conflicts with existing animations in motions.json. The resourceUri field can also be the URL of the animation zip file, starting with http or https. When the URL is clicked, the zip file will be downloaded from the internet and saved in the downloadPath directory configured in motions.json.

Scenario 2: Integrating the Tencent Effect SDK Directly

Place the newly added animation folder in any directory of your project's assets. Then, upon app initialization, copy the folder to the app's private directory or SD card to get the animation folder, marked as /path/to/your/motion. When using the animation, call the SDK's setEffect method and pass the path to the SDK.

Beauty Makeup and Background Segmentation

Their usage is the same as the Animation Sticker described above, with the corresponding json files being makeup.json and segmentation.json, respectively.
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