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Tencent Effect SDK
Last updated: 2023-05-06 15:45:32
This document describes the core parameters and methods of the Beauty AR Web SDK.
The Beauty AR Web SDK relies on hardware acceleration to achieve smooth rendering (this does not need to be checked in mini programs). The SDK allows you to check whether a browser supports hardware acceleration. You can block the browser if it does not support hardware acceleration.
import {ArSdk, isWebGLSupported} from 'tencentcloud-webar'

if(isWebGLSupported()) {
const sdk = new ArSdk({
} else {
// The browser blocking logic

Initialization Parameters

import { ArSdk } from 'tencentcloud-webar'
// Initialize the SDK
const sdk = new ArSdk({
Config of the SDK supports the following initialization parameters:
The module configuration
type ModuleConfig = {
beautify: boolean // The default is `true`.
segmentation: boolean // The default is `false`.
No. It is {beautify: true, segmentation: false} by default.
The authentication parameter
type AuthConfig = {
licenseKey: string // It can be obtained on the **Web licenses** page in the console.
appId: string // It can be viewed in **Account Info** > **Basic Info** in the console.
authFunc:() => Promise<{
}> // Refer to the license configuration.
Built-in Camera
type CameraConfig = {
width: number, // The video width.
height: number, // The video height.
mirror: boolean, // Whether to horizontally flip the video.
frameRate: number // The capturing frame rate.
The beauty filter parameter
type BeautifyOptions = {
whiten?: number, // The brightening effect. Value range: 0-1.
dermabrasion?: number // The smooth skin effect. Value range: 0-1.
lift?: number // The slim face effect. Value range: 0-1.
shave?: number // The face width. Value range: 0-1.
eye?: number // The big eyes effect. Value range: 0-1.
chin?: number // The chin effect. Value range: 0-1.
The background parameter
type BackgroundOptions = {
type: 'image' | 'blur' | 'transparent',
src?: string
The configuration of the built-in loading icon
type loadingConfig = {
enable: boolean,
size?: number
lineWidth?: number
strokeColor?: number

The language (supported since v1.0.6). Chinese (zh) and English (en) are supported.
String: zh | en
No. Default value: `zh`.


let effectList = [];
let filterList = [];
// Using the callbacks of the SDK
sdk.on('created', () => {
// Pull and display the filter and effect list in the `created` callback
Type: 'Preset',
Label: 'Makeup',
}).then(res => {
effectList = res
sdk.getCommonFilter().then(res => {
filterList = res
sdk.on('cameraReady', async () => {
// By getting the output stream in the `cameraReady` callback, you can display a video image sooner, but the initialization parameters have not taken effect at this point.
// You can choose this method if you want to display a video image as soon as possible but do not need to apply effects to the video the moment it is displayed.
// You don’t need to update the stream after the effects start to work.
const arStream = await ar.getOutput();
// Play the stream locally
// localVideo.srcObject = arStream

sdk.on('ready', () => {
// Get the output stream in the `ready` callback. The initialization parameters have taken effect at this point.
// You can get the output stream in `ready` if you want your video to show effects the moment it is displayed but do not expect it to be displayed as soon as possible.
// Between the two methods, choose the one that fits your needs.
const arStream = await ar.getOutput();
// Play the stream locally
// localVideo.srcObject = arStream

// Call `setBeautify`, `setEffect`, or `setFilter` in the `ready` callback
whiten: 0.3
id: effectList[0].EffectId,
intensity: 0.7
id: effectList[0].EffectId,
intensity: 0.7,
filterIntensity: 0.5 // In v0.1.18 and later, you can use this parameter to set the filter strength of a special effect. If you do not pass this parameter, the strength specified for the effect will be used.
sdk.setFilter(filterList[0].EffectId, 0.5)

Callback Parameter
The SDK authentication was completed and the instance was created successfully.
The SDK generated a video output (the video is not yet processed).
Detection has been initialized. Effects are now applied to the output video. You can change the effect settings.
This callback is triggered when the SDK encounters an error.
The error object


async getOutput(fps)
fps (optional): The output frame rate.
This API is available only on web and not supported in mini programs.
type BeautifyOptions = {
whiten?: number, // The brightening effect. Value range: 0-1.
dermabrasion?: number // The smooth skin effect. Value range: 0-1.
lift?: number // The slim face effect. Value range: 0-1.
shave?: number // The face width. Value range: 0-1.
eye?: number // The big eyes effect. Value range: 0-1.
chin?: number // The chin effect. Value range: 0-1.
This API is used to set the beauty filter parameter. You need to enable the beauty filter module.
setEffect(effects, callback)
effects: Effect ID | Effect object | Effect ID / An effect array
id: string,
intensity: number, // The effect strength. Value range: 0-1. Default: 1.
filterIntensity: number // The filter strength of an effect (supported in v0.1.18 and later). Value range: 0-1. By default, this parameter is the same as `intensity`.
callback: The callback for successful configuration
This API is used to set an effect. You need to enable the beauty filter module.
3D effects are supported by Advanced licenses only.
mode: 'AR' | 'VR',
effectId?: string, // Pass through `effectId` to use the built-in model
url?: string, // Pass through `url` to use the custom model
backgroundUrl?: string, // Background image URL, which takes effect only in VR mode.
This API is used to set an animoji or virtual avatar.
Supported by Advanced licenses only
type: 'image|blur|transparent',
src: string // This parameter is required only if `type` is `image`.
This API is used to set a background. You need to enable the keying module.
setFilter(id, intensity, callback)
id: The filter ID
intensity: The filter strength. Value range: 0–1.
callback: The callback for successful configuration
This API is used to set a filter.
PageNumber: number,
PageSize: number,
Name: '',
Label: Array,
Type: 'Custom|Preset'
The list of effects
This API is used to pull the list of effects.
type = 'AR' | 'VR'
The list of virtual avatars
This API is used to pull the list of virtual avatars.
effectId: The effect ID
The information of a single effect
This API is used to pull the information of the specified effect.
The list of built-in filters
This API is used to get the list of built-in filters.
async updateInputStream(src:MediaStream) (supported since v0.1.19)
src: New input stream (MediaStream)
This API is used to update the input stream.
This API is used to disable facial detection, which can reduce CPU usage. After it's disabled, the original stream will be returned.
This API is used to enable facial detection. After it's enabled, the stream returned will have been processed.
async startRecord()
This API is used to start recording (supported only in mini programs).
async stopRecord()
useOriginAudio: boolean, // Whether to record the original audio
musicPath: string, // The background music URL, which takes effect when `useOriginAudio` is `false`.
This API is used to stop recording and return the recording result (supported only in mini programs).
async takePhoto()
data: Uint8Array,
width: number,
height: number
This API is used to take a photo and return an object containing the buffer data (supported only in mini programs).
This API is used to terminate the current SDK instance and relevant texture resources.

Error Handling

The error object returned by the error callback includes the error code and error message, which facilitate troubleshooting.
sdk.on('error', (error) => {
// Handle an error in the error callback
const {code, message} = error
Error Code
The current browser environment is incompatible.
Recommend that the user use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or the Weixin browser.
The render context is missing.
The rendering is slow.
Consider reducing the video resolution or disabling the feature.
An error occurred while parsing the input source.
Lag may occur due to insufficient browser support.
Recommend that the user use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or the Weixin browser.
An error occurred while configuring the effect.
An error occurred while configuring the filter.
The effect strength parameter is incorrect.
Failed to turn on the camera.
The camera stopped.
Failed to get the camera permission.
The user needs to enable the camera permission by going to Settings > Privacy > Camera.
The authentication parameter is missing.
Authentication failed
Make sure you have created a license and the signature is correct.
The API request failed.
The error callback will return the data returned by the API. For details, see API Error Codes.
Failed to authenticate the effect configuration API.
The API is inaccessible. A Standard license cannot use the features of an Advanced license.
Failed to call startRecord in the mini program.
Failed to call stopRecord in the mini program.
An uncaught exception occurred.
As the current SDK version is too early, certain effects cannot be correctly displayed. Upgrade the SDK version.
The effect is lost due to the resolution change.
The effect needs to be reconfigured.

Handling the missing render context error

On some computers, if the SDK is in the background for a long time, the contextlost error may occur. In such cases, you can call ArSdk.prototype.resetCore(input: MediaStream) to resume rendering.
sdk.on('error', async (error) => {
if (error.code === 10000002) {
const newInput = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({...})
await sdk.resetCore(newInput)

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