, Masonry.framework
, XMagic.framework
, YTCommonXMagic.framework
from the SDK directory. If the version of XMagic SDK used is 2.5.1 or later, import libpag.framework
, Masonry.framework
, XMagic.framework
, YTCommonXMagic.framework
, Audio2Exp.framework
, TEFFmpeg.framework (renamed to TECodec.framework after version 3.0.0)
from the SDK directory.Type | Dependency Library |
System dependent library | Accelerate AssetsLibrary AVFoundation CoreMedia CoreFoundation CoreML Foundation JavaScriptCore libc++.tbd libz.b libresolv.tbd libsqlite3.0.tbd MetalPerformanceShaders MetalKit MobileCoreServices OpneAL OpneGLES Security ReplayKit SystemConfiguration UIKit |
Built-in library | YTCommon (static authentication library) XMagic (static beauty filter library) libpag (dynamic video decoding library) Masonry (control layout library) TXLiteAVSDK_Professional TXFFmpeg (renamed TECodec.framework after version 3.0.0) TXSoundTouch Audio2Exp (included in xmagic sdk version 2.5.1 and later) TEFFmpeg (included in xmagic sdk version 2.5.1 and later) |
import XMagic
, and add the following code #import "XMagic.h".BuildSetting
of the project's Objective-c Bridging Header
option. Set the path of the bridging file and add it to the Objective-c Bridging Header
(e.g., $(SRCROOT)/SwiftCallOC/***-Bridging-Header.h, according to the specific project path), then compile and run.AppDelegate
's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
method. Where the LicenseURL
and LicenseKey
are the authorization information generated when binding the License in the console. For SDK version before 2.5.1, TELicenseCheck.h
is within XMagic.framework
; For SDK version 2.5.1 and later, TELicenseCheck.h
is within YTCommonXMagic.framework
.[TELicenseCheck setTELicense:LicenseURL key:LicenseKey completion:^(NSInteger authresult, NSString * _Nonnull errorMsg) {if (authresult == TELicenseCheckOk) {NSLog(@"success");} else {NSLog(@"failed");}}];
TELicenseCheck.setTELicense(LicenseURL, key: LicenseKey) { authresult, errorMsg inif authresult == 0{print("success")}else{print("failed")}}
Error code | Description |
0 | Successful |
-1 | Invalid input parameters. URL, KEY, etc. is empty. |
-3 | Download stage failed. Please check your network settings. |
-4 | The TE authorization information read from local is empty. It may be caused by IO failure. |
-5 | Content of VCUBE TEMP License file is empty. It may be caused by IO failure. |
-6 | JSON fields in the v_cube.license file are incorrect. Please contact the Tencent Cloud team for assistance. |
-7 | Signature verification failed. Please contact the Tencent Cloud team for assistance. |
-8 | Decryption failed. Please contact the Tencent Cloud team for assistance. |
-9 | JSON fields in the TELicense field are incorrect. Please contact the Tencent Cloud team for assistance. |
-10 | The TE authorization information parsed from the network is empty. Please contact the Tencent Cloud team for assistance. |
-11 | Failed to write TE authorization information to local file. It may be caused by IO failure. |
-12 | Download failed. Local asset parsing also failed. |
-13 | Authentication failed. |
Other | Please contact the Tencent Cloud team for assistance. |
- (void)buildBeautySDK:(int)width and:(int)height texture:(unsigned)textureID {NSDictionary *assetsDict = @{@"core_name":@"LightCore.bundle",@"root_path":[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]};// Initialize SDK: 'width' and 'height' are respectively the width and height of the texture.self.xMagicKit = [[XMagic alloc] initWithRenderSize:CGSizeMake(width,height) assetsDict:assetsDict];}
///Initialize SDKfunc buildBeautySDK(width:UInt32,height:UInt32,texture:GLuint){let assetsDict:[String:String] = ["core_name":"LightCore.bundle", "root_path":Bundle.main.bundlePath]let sise = CGSize(width: CGFloat(width), height: CGFloat(height))xMagic = XMagic.init(renderSize: sise, assetsDict: assetsDict)}
// Register log[self.xMagicKit registerSDKEventListener:self];[self.xMagicKit registerLoggerListener:self withDefaultLevel:YT_SDK_ERROR_LEVEL];
xMagic?.register(self)xMagic?.registerLoggerListener(self, withDefaultLevel: YtSDKLoggerLevel.YT_SDK_DEBUG_LEVEL)
// @brief Configure effects// @param propertyType Effect type character string: beauty, lut, motion// @param propertyName Effect name// @param propertyValue Effect value// @param extraInfo Reserved for expansion and additional dict configuration// @return Returns 0 if successful, others if failed- (int)configPropertyWithType:(NSString *_Nonnull)propertyType withName:(NSString *_Nonnull)propertyName withData:(NSString*_Nonnull)propertyValue withExtraInfo:(id _Nullable)extraInfo;
[self.trtcCloud setLocalVideoProcessDelegete:self pixelFormat:TRTCVideoPixelFormat_Texture_2D bufferType:TRTCVideoBufferType_Texture];
trtcCloud.setLocalVideoProcessDelegete(self, pixelFormat: TRTCVideoPixelFormat._Texture_2D, bufferType:.texture)
#pragma mark - TRTCVideoFrameDelegate- (uint32_t)onProcessVideoFrame:(TRTCVideoFrame *_Nonnull)srcFrame dstFrame:(TRTCVideoFrame *_Nonnull)dstFrame {if (srcFrame.width != _renderSize.width || srcFrame.height != _renderSize.height) {_renderSize = CGSizeMake(srcFrame.width, srcFrame.height);if (!_xMagicKit) {[self buildBeautySDK:srcFrame.width and:srcFrame.height];} else {[_xMagicKit setRenderSize:_renderSize];}}YTProcessInput *input = [[YTProcessInput alloc] init];input.textureData = [[YTTextureData alloc] init];input.textureData.texture = srcFrame.textureId;input.textureData.textureWidth = srcFrame.width;input.textureData.textureHeight = srcFrame.height;input.dataType = kYTTextureData;YTProcessOutput *output = [self.xMagicKit process:input withOrigin:YtLightImageOriginTopLeft withOrientation:YtLightCameraRotation0];dstFrame.textureId = output.textureData.texture;return 0;}
#pragma mark - TRTCVideoFrameDelegatefunc onProcessVideoFrame(_ srcFrame: TRTCVideoFrame, dstFrame: TRTCVideoFrame) -> UInt32 {if xMagic == nil {buildBeautySDK(width: srcFrame.width, height: srcFrame.height, texture: srcFrame.textureId)}if xMagic != nil && (heightF != srcFrame.height || widthF != srcFrame.width) {widthF = srcFrame.widthheightF = srcFrame.heightlet rendersize = CGSize(width: CGFloat(srcFrame.width), height: CGFloat(srcFrame.height))xMagic?.setRenderSize(rendersize)}let input = YTProcessInput.init()input.textureData = YTTextureData.init()input.textureData?.texture = Int32(srcFrame.textureId)input.textureData?.textureWidth = Int32(srcFrame.width)input.textureData?.textureHeight = Int32(srcFrame.height)input.dataType = kYTTextureDatalet output = xMagic?.process(input, with: YtLightImageOrigin(rawValue: 0)!, with: YtLightDeviceCameraOrientation(rawValue: 0)!)dstFrame.textureId = GLuint((output?.textureData?.texture)!)return 0}
//Pause SDK[self.xMagicKit onPause];//Resume SDK[self.xMagicKit onResume];//Destroy SDK[self.xMagicKit clearListeners];[self.xMagicKit deinit];self.xMagicKit = nil;
//Pause SDKxMagic?.onPause()//Resume SDKxMagic?.onResume()//Destroy SDKxMagic?.clearListeners()xMagic?.deinit()xMagic = nil
UIEdgeInsets gSafeInset;#if __IPHONE_11_0 && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_11_0if(gSafeInset.bottom > 0){}if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {gSafeInset = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.safeAreaInsets;} else#endif{gSafeInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;}dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{// Effect option UIself.beautyContainer = [[BeautyView alloc] init];[self.view addSubview:self.beautyContainer];[self.beautyContainer mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {make.width.mas_equalTo(self.view);make.centerX.mas_equalTo(self.view);make.height.mas_equalTo(254);if(gSafeInset.bottom > 0.0){ // Adapt to full-view screenmake.bottom.mas_equalTo(self.view.mas_bottom).mas_offset(0);} else {make.bottom.mas_equalTo(self.view.mas_bottom).mas_offset(-10);}}];});
// After initializing xMagic, pass the xMagic object to beautyViewbeautyView.beautyKitRef = xMagicview.addSubview(beautyView)beautyView.snp.makeConstraints { make inmake.height.equalTo(200)make.bottom.equalTo(}
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