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Tencent Effect SDK
Last updated: 2022-12-01 09:33:11

Step 1. Replace resources

1. Download the UGSV demo which has integrated the Tencent Effect SDK S1 - 04.
2. Replace the SDK files in the demo with the files for the SDK you actually use. Specifically, follow the steps below:
In the build.gradle file of the xmagickit module, find the following:
api 'com.tencent.mediacloud:TencentEffect_S1-04:latest.release'
Replace it with the SDK edition you purchased as described in Integrating the Tencent Effect SDK (Android).
If your SDK edition includes animated effects and filters, you need to download the corresponding SDK package and add the resources for animated effects and filters to the following directories of xmagickit:
Animated effects: ../assets/MotionRes.
Filters: ../assets/lut.
3. Import xmagickit in the demo project into your own project.

Step 2. Modify the package name

Open build.gradle in app and set applicationId to the package name bound to your trial license.

Step 3. Integrate the SDK APIs

You can refer to the UGCKitVideoRecord class of the demo.
1. Set the license:
// For details about authentication and the error codes, see https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/1143/45385#.E6.AD.A5.E9.AA.A4.E4.B8.80.EF.BC.9A.E9.89.B4.E6.9D.83
XMagicImpl.checkAuth(new TELicenseCheck.TELicenseCheckListener() {
public void onLicenseCheckFinish(int errorCode, String msg) {
if (errorCode == TELicenseCheck.ERROR_OK) {
} else {
Log.e("TAG", "auth fail ,please check auth url and key" + errorCode + " " + msg);
2. Initialize the resources:
private void loadXmagicRes() {
if (XMagicImpl.isLoadedRes) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
XMagicImpl.isLoadedRes = true;
new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
3. Bind UGSV and Tencent Effect:
private void initBeauty() {
TXUGCRecord instance = TXUGCRecord.getInstance(UGCKit.getAppContext());
instance.setVideoProcessListener(new TXUGCRecord.VideoCustomProcessListener() {
public int onTextureCustomProcess(int textureId, int width, int height) {
if (xmagicState == XMagicImpl.XmagicState.STARTED && mXMagic != null) {
return mXMagic.process(textureId, width, height);
return textureId;

public void onDetectFacePoints(float[] floats) {

public void onTextureDestroyed() {
if (Looper.getMainLooper() != Looper.myLooper()) { // Not the main thread
boolean stopped = xmagicState == XMagicImpl.XmagicState.STOPPED;
if (stopped || xmagicState == XMagicImpl.XmagicState.DESTROYED) {
if (mXMagic != null) {
if (xmagicState == XMagicImpl.XmagicState.DESTROYED) {
4. Pause/Terminate the SDK:
onPause() is used to pause effects, which can be implemented in an Activity/Fragment lifecycle method. The onDestroy method needs to be called in an OpenGL thread (you can call onDestroy() of the XMagicImpl object in onTextureDestroyed). For more information, see onTextureDestroyed in the demo.
public void onTextureDestroyed() {
if (Looper.getMainLooper() != Looper.myLooper()) { // Not the main thread
boolean stopped = xmagicState == XMagicImpl.XmagicState.STOPPED;
if (stopped || xmagicState == XMagicImpl.XmagicState.DESTROYED) {
if (mXMagic != null) {
if (xmagicState == XMagicImpl.XmagicState.DESTROYED) {
5. Add layout for the effect panel:
6. Create an effect object and add the effect panel:
private void initXMagic() {
if (mXMagic == null) {
mXMagic = new XMagicImpl(mActivity, getBeautyPanel());
} else {
For detailed directions, see the UGCKitVideoRecord class of the demo.
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