<script charset="utf-8" src="https://webar-static.tencent-cloud.com/ar-sdk/resources/latest/webar-sdk.umd.js"></script>
<script src="https://video.sdk.qcloudecdn.com/web/TXLivePusher-2.0.0.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
const { ArSdk } = window.AR;/** ----- Authentication configuration ----- *//**Tencent Cloud account's APPID** You can view your APPID in the [Account Center](https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer).*/const APPID = ''; // Set it to your Tencent Cloud account APPID./*** Web LicenseKey** Log in to the RT-Cube console and click [Web Licenses](https://console.tencentcloud.com/vcube/web) on the left sidebar. A license key will be automatically generated after you create a license.*/const LICENSE_KEY = ''; // Set it to your license key./*** The token used to calculate the signature.** Note: This method is only suitable for debugging. In a production environment, you should store the token and calculate the signature on your server. The front end can get the signature by calling an API. For details, see* [Signature](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/616/71370?from_cn_redirect=1#.E7.AD.BE.E5.90.8D.E6.96.B9.E6.B3.95)*/const token = ''; // Set it to your token./** ----------------------- *//*** Get the signature** Note: This method is only suitable for debugging. In a production environment, you should calculate the signature on your server. The front end can get the signature by calling an API.* Example:* async function () {* return fetch('http://xxx.com/get-ar-sign').then(res => res.json());* };*/const getSignature = function () {const timestamp = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);const signature = sha256(timestamp + token + APPID + timestamp).toUpperCase();return { signature, timestamp };};let w = 720;let h = 480;// Get the input streamconst stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true,video: { width: w, height: h }})// The basic settings for the Tencent Effect SDKconst config = {input: stream,auth: {licenseKey: LICENSE_KEY,appId: APPID,authFunc: getSignature},// Configure the initial effects (optional)beautify: {whiten: 0.1, // The brightening effect. Value range: 0-1.dermabrasion: 0.5, // The smooth skin effect. Value range: 0-1.lift: 0.3, // The slim face effect. Value range: 0-1.shave: 0, // The V shape effect. Value range: 0-1.eye: 0, // The big eyes effect. Value range: 0-1.chin: 0, // The chin effect. Value range: 0-1.……},language: 'en',……}// Pass `config` to the Tencent Effect SDKconst ar = new ArSdk(config);// You can display the effect and filter list in the `created` callback.ar.on('created', () => {// Get the built-in makeup effects and stickersar.getEffectList({Type: 'Preset'}).then((res) => {const list = res.map(item => ({"name": *item.Name,id: item.EffectId,cover: item.CoverUrl,url: item.Url,label: item.Label,type: item.PresetType,}));const makeupList = list.filter(item=>item.label.indexOf('Makeup')>=0)const stickerList = list.filter(item=>item.label.indexOf('Sticker')>=0)// Show the makeup and sticker listsrenderMakeupList(makeupList);renderStickerList(stickerList);}).catch((e) => {console.log(e);});// Get the built-in filtersar.getCommonFilter().then((res) => {const list = res.map(item => ({"name": *item.Name,id: item.EffectId,cover: item.CoverUrl,url: item.Url,label: item.Label,type: item.PresetType,}));// Show the filter listrenderFilterList(list);}).catch((e) => {console.log(e);});});ar.on('ready', async (e) => {// After receiving the `ready` callback, you can call `setBeautify`, `setEffect`, or `setFilter` to configure effects.// For example, you can use `range input` to set the smooth skin effect:$('#dermabrasion_range_input').change((e) => {ar.setBeautify({dermabrasion: e.target.value, // The smooth skin effect. Value range: 0-1.});});// In the `created` callback, apply the effects based on user interactions with the makeup effect and sticker lists. The `setEffect` API supports three types of request parameters. For details, see the SDK integration guide.$('#makeup_list li').click(() => {ar.setEffect([{id: effect.id, intensity: 1}]);});$('#sticker_list li').click(() => {ar.setEffect([{id: effect.id, intensity: 1}]);});// In the `created` callback, apply the filter based on user interactions with the filter list. The value `1` for the second parameter of `setFilter` indicates the filter strength. For details, see the SDK integration guide.ar.setFilter(filterList[0].id, 1);$('#filter_list li').click(() => {ar.setFilter(filter.id, 1);});// Get the output stream of the Tencent Effect SDKconst arStream = await ar.getOutput();});ar.on('error', (e) => {console.log(e);});
callback of the SDK, publish it over WebRTC:let livePusher = new TXLivePusher()// Set the basic stream publishing parameters (begin)let DOMAIN = 'Your push domain'let AppName = 'Your app name'let StreamName = 'Your stream name'let txSecret = 'Your txSecret'let txTime = 'Your txTime'// Set the basic stream publishing parameters (end)let pushUrl = `webrtc://${DOMAIN}/${AppName}/${StreamName}?txSecret=${txSecret}&txTime=${txTime}`// Set the preview (optional)livePusher.setRenderView('id_local_video')// Capture the streamlivePusher.startCustomCapture(arStream).then(()=>{// Publish the stream immediately (you can also use another API to control when to start publishing the stream)livePusher.startPush(pushUrl)})
and txTime
need to be calculated. You can use the address generator of the CSS console to quickly generate the parameters and get the publishing URL. For detailed directions, see Address Generator.
After the stream is successfully published (`startPush), you should be able to see the video with effects applied.AR_LEB_WEB
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