<script charset="utf-8" src="https://webar-static.tencent-cloud.com/ar-sdk/resources/latest/webar-sdk.umd.js"></script>
const trtc = TRTC.create();await trtc.enterRoom({ roomId: 8888, sdkAppId, userId, userSig });// Collect the default microphone and publishawait trtc.startLocalAudio();// Collect the default camera and publishawait trtc.startLocalVideo({view: document.getElementById("localVideo"), // Preview the video on the element with the DOM elementId of localVideo.});
// Get the custom streamconst stream = await ar.getOutput();// update trtc video trackawait trtc.updateLocalVideo({option: { videoTrack: mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0] },});
const { ArSdk } = window.AR/** ----- Authentication configuration ----- *//*** The APPID of your Tencent Cloud account.** You can view your APPID in the [Account Center](https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer).*/const APPID = ''; // Set it to your Tencent Cloud account APPID./*** Web LicenseKey** Log in to the RT-Cube console and click [Web Licenses](https://console.tencentcloud.com/vcube/web) on the left sidebar. A license key will be automatically generated after you create a license.*/const LICENSE_KEY = ''; // Set it to your license key./*** The token used to calculate the signature.** Note: This method is only suitable for debugging. In a production environment, you should store the token and calculate the signature on your server. The front end can get the signature by calling an API. For details, see* [Signature](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/616/71370?from_cn_redirect=1#.E7.AD.BE.E5.90.8D.E6.96.B9.E6.B3.95)*/const token = ''; // Set it to your token./** ----------------------- *//*** Get the signature** Note: This method is only suitable for debugging. In a production environment, you should calculate the signature on your server. The front end can get the signature by calling an API.** Example:* async function () {* return fetch('http://xxx.com/get-ar-sign').then(res => res.json());* };*/const getSignature = function () {const timestamp = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);const signature = sha256(timestamp + token + APPID + timestamp).toUpperCase();return { signature, timestamp };};// get trtc video track(original)const arInputStream = new MediaStream([trtc.getVideoTrack()]);// The basic settings for the Tencent Effect SDKconst config = {input: arInputStream,auth: {licenseKey: LICENSE_KEY,appId: APPID,authFunc: getSignature},// Configure the initial effects (optional)beautify: {whiten: 0.1, // The brightening effect. Value range: 0-1.dermabrasion: 0.5, // The smooth skin effect. Value range: 0-1.lift: 0.3, // The slim face effect. Value range: 0-1.shave: 0, // The V shape effect. Value range: 0-1.eye: 0, // The big eyes effect. Value range: 0-1.chin: 0, // The chin effect. Value range: 0-1.},language: 'en',……}// Pass `config` to the Tencent Effect SDKconst ar = new ArSdk(config);// You can display the effect and filter list in the `created` callback.ar.on('created', () => {// Get the built-in makeup effects and stickersar.getEffectList({Type: 'Preset'}).then((res) => {const list = res.map(item => ({name: item.Name,id: item.EffectId,cover: item.CoverUrl,url: item.Url,label: item.Label,type: item.PresetType,}));const makeupList = list.filter(item=>item.label.indexOf('Makeup')>=0)const stickerList = list.filter(item=>item.label.indexOf('Sticker')>=0)// Show the makeup and sticker lists}).catch((e) => {console.log(e);});// Get the built-in filtersar.getCommonFilter().then((res) => {const filterList = res.map(item => ({name: item.Name,id: item.EffectId,cover: item.CoverUrl,url: item.Url,label: item.Label,type: item.PresetType,}));// Show the filter list}).catch((e) => {console.log(e);});});ar.on('ready', (e) => {// After receiving the `ready` callback, you can call `setBeautify`, `setEffect`, or `setFilter` to configure effects.// ar.setBeautify()// ar.setEffect()// ar.setFilter()// update trtc video track (with AR effect)const mediaStream = await ar.getOutput();await trtc.updateLocalVideo({option: { videoTrack: mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0] },});});ar.on('error', (e) => {console.log(e);});
const mediaStream = await ar.getOutput();// update trtc video track (with AR effect)await trtc.updateLocalVideo({option: { videoTrack: mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0] },});
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