, not available in some basic editions of the SDK) from a URL and, after download, pass the path of the resources to the SDK.https://server address/
.NSDictionary *assetsDict = @{@"core_name":@"LightCore.bundle",@"root_path":_filePath ,//_filePath is the folder to which effect resources are downloaded: Documents/Xmagic,@"tnn_"@"beauty_config":beautyConfigJson};// Init beauty kit @"root_path":Documents/Xmagic,self.beautyKit = [[XMagic alloc] initWithRenderSize:_inputSize assetsDict:assetsDict];
NSMutableArray *arrayModels = [NSMutableArray array];for (NSDictionary* dict in motionArray) {BeautyCellModel* model = [BeautyCellModel beautyWithDict:dict];// Load default mainbundle path of motionresif ([model.title isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(@"item_none_label",nil)]) {model.icon = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.png", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath], model.key];[arrayModels addObject:model];} else {if(_useNetResource && _filePath != nil){ //When using resources from the internetNSString *DirPath = [_filePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"2dMotionRes.bundle/"]; //Get the absolute path of effect resourcesmodel.icon = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/template.png", DirPath, model.key];}else{model.icon = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/template.png", [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"2dMotionRes" ofType:@"bundle"], model.key];}if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:model.icon]) {[arrayModels addObject:model];}}}
/// @brief Configure effects/// @param propertyType: The effect type, which is a string. Valid values: beauty, lut, motion./// @param propertyName: The effect name./// @param propertyValue: The effect value./// @param extraInfo: A reserved parameter, which can be used for dictionary configuration./// @return: If 0 is returned, the configuration is successful. If other values are returned, the configuration has failed./// @note: Notes/**| Effect Type | Effect Name | Effect Value| Description | Remarks || :---- | :---- |:---- | :---- | :---- || beauty | Name of beautification effect | Effect strength |Beautification effect API | - || lut | Filter path + Filter name | Filter strength | Filter API | - || motion | Name of animated effect | Path of animated effect | Animated effect API| Make sure the path you pass in is writable. For ZIP files, you must manually unzip them first if you want to build the resources into your app. |**/- (int)configPropertyWithType:(NSString *_Nonnull)propertyType withName:(NSString *_Nonnull)propertyName withData:(NSString*_Nonnull)propertyValue withExtraInfo:(id _Nullable)extraInfo;
[self.beautyKitRef configPropertyWithType:@"beauty" withName:@"beauty.whiten" withData:@"30" withExtraInfo:nil];
Parameter | Value |
propertyType | beauty |
propertyName | beauty.whiten |
propertyValue | 30 |
extraInfo | nil |
first. You can use the SDK’s built-in effect resources or resources downloaded from the internet.NSString *key = [_model.lutIDs[index] path];if (key != nil) {key = [@"lut.bundle/" stringByAppendingPathComponent:key];//The relative path of the filter effect image}if(_useNetResource && _filePath != nil){ //If a resource downloaded from the internet is usedkey = [_filePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:key];//Get the absolute path of the image}[self.beautyKitRef configPropertyWithType:@"lut" withName:key withData:[NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%f",value] withExtraInfo:nil];
Parameter | Value (Local Resource) | Value (Internet Resource) | Remarks |
propertyType | lut | lut | - |
propertyName | lut.bundle/n_baixi.png | /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/25C7D01A-73F6-4F1B-AEB6-5EE03A221D18/Documents/Xmagic/lut.bundle/n_baixi.png | The file path. |
propertyValue | 60.000000 | 60.000000 | - |
extraInfo | null | null | - |
first. You can use the SDK’s built-in effect resources or resources downloaded from the internet.NSString *key = [_model.motionIDs[index] key];NSString *path = [_model.motionIDs[index] path];NSString *motionRootPath = path==nil?[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MotionRes" ofType:@"bundle"]:path;if(_useNetResource && _filePath != nil){ //If a resource downloaded from the internet is usedmotionRootPath = [_filePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"2dMotionRes.bundle"];//Get the absolute path of `2dMotionRes`}[self.beautyKitRef configPropertyWithType:@"motion" withName:key withData:motionRootPath withExtraInfo:nil];
Parameter | Value (Local Resource) | Value (Internet Resource) | Remarks |
propertyType | motion | motion | - |
propertyName | video_keaituya | video_keaituya | - |
propertyValue | /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/FD2D7912-E58E-4584-B7E4-8715B8D2338F/ | /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/25C7D01A-73F6-4F1B-AEB6-5EE03A221D18/Documents/Xmagic/2dMotionRes.bundle | The file path. |
extraInfo | nil | nil | - |
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