. When the panel file is used for the first time, it will be copied to the installation directory.
corresponds to the first item of the menu.subTabs
on the left corresponds to the second-level
/*** Used to load the avatar resources** @param xmagicApi: The `XmagicApi` object.* @param avatarResName: The name.* @param avatarSaveData: The default configuration of the loading model. If there isn’t a default configuration, pass null.*/public void loadAvatarRes(XmagicApi xmagicApi, String avatarResName, String avatarSaveData)
/*** Get the avatar panel data** @param avatarResName: The avatar material name.* @param avatarDataCallBack: This API accesses files. The operation is performed in a child thread, and the data obtained is returned in a callback in the main thread.* The returned data already contains the data in the `resources` folder.*/public void getAvatarData(String avatarResName, String avatarSaveData, LoadAvatarDataCallBack avatarDataCallBack)
// Get the user’s settings or the default settings from the panel filepublic static List<AvatarData> getUsedAvatarData(List<MainTab> mainTabList)
/*** Parse the corresponding avatarData from bindData.** @param bindDataList* @return Return the corresponding list of avatarData.*/public static List < AvatarData > getAvatarDataByBindData(Map < String, MainTab > mainTabList, List < BindData > bindDataList, boolean isFromSaveData)
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Yes | The globally unique identifier of a main menu option. |
label | String | No | The Chinese name of a main menu option (this is not displayed in the demo). |
labelEn | String | No | The English name of a main menu option (this is not displayed in the demo). |
avatarPanelType | Int | Yes | Panel type: 0: Dress-up panel 1: Face customization panel 2: Background panel 3: Action panel |
iconUrl | String | Yes | The URL of the icon when not selected. |
checkedIconUrl | String | Yes | The URL of the icon when selected. |
subTabs | A list of SubTab | Yes | The options of the second-level menu. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
label | String | Yes | The Chinese name of a second-level menu option. |
labelEn | String | Yes | The English name of a second-level menu option. |
category | String | Yes | The category of a second-level menu option, which is defined in the com.tencent.xmagic.avatar.AvatarCategory class of the SDK. |
type | int | Yes | UI type: 0: Represents the icon type, default value. 1: Represents the slider adjustment type. |
bindData | A list of BindData | No | Configuration field for dependent properties. This field can be configured under the Subtab node or the AvatarItem node. Configuring it under the Subtab node means that all items under the Subtab node depend on the properties configured in this binData. Configuring it under the AvatarItem node means that only this item will depend on the configuration data in the binData.
For example:
There is a dependency between hairstyle and hair color. When modifying the hairstyle, the hair color that the user previously set needs to be used. In this case, this field needs to be set in the hairstyle.
For the relationship between dresses and tops/pants, when setting a dress, the tops and pants need to be set to none, otherwise the page display will be abnormal. Therefore, this field can be configured under the dress node, please refer to the AvatarTPose_panel.json in the demo for details.
There is a dependency between glasses and lenses, so the corresponding bindData field is configured under each glasses item to associate lens information. |
onNoneListener | A list of
BindData | No | Field explanation: Used when there is no selection in the items, the configuration information in this field is used.
For example: for pants, tops, and dresses, this property is configured in the dress. When the user clicks on the dress, no item in the tops and pants is selected. However, when the customer clicks on the top again, at this time, a default pair of pants needs to be set for the avatar (otherwise the avatar will not have pants), and the default pants configured in this field can be parsed and set. Please refer to AvatarTPose_panel.json in the demo for details. |
items | A list of AvatarItem | Yes |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Yes | The property ID, which corresponds to the ID in AvatarData returned by the SDK. |
icon | String | Yes | The URL of the icon or the color in ARGB format (“#FF0085CF”). |
type | Int | Yes | The display type. Valid values: AvatarData.TYPE_SLIDER (slider), AvatarData.TYPE_SELECTOR (icon). |
selected | boolean | Yes | If type is AvatarData.TYPE_SELECTOR , this field indicates whether the item is selected. |
downloadUrl | String | No | The dynamic download address of the configuration file. |
category | String | Yes | Same as category in SubTab . |
labels | Map<String, String> | No | The Chinese labels on the left of the panel. This field is not empty if type is AvatarData.TYPE_SLIDER . |
enLabels | Map<String, String> | No | The English labels on the left of the panel. This field is not empty if type is AvatarData.TYPE_SLIDER . |
bindData | A list of BindData | No | Configuration field for dependent properties. This field can be configured under the Subtab node or the AvatarItem node. Configuring it under the Subtab node means that all items under the Subtab node depend on the properties configured in this binData. Configuring it under the AvatarItem node means that only this item will depend on the configuration data in the binData.
For example:
There is a dependency between hairstyle and hair color. When modifying the hairstyle, the hair color that the user previously set needs to be used. In this case, this field needs to be set in the hairstyle.
For the relationship between dresses and tops/pants, when setting a dress, the tops and pants need to be set to none, otherwise the page display will be abnormal. Therefore, this field can be configured under the dress node, please refer to the AvatarTPose_panel.json in the demo for details.
There is a dependency between glasses and lenses, so the corresponding bindData field is configured under each glasses item to associate lens information. |
avatarData | AvatarData | No | The property operation class defined in the SDK. |
animation | AvatarAnimation | No | The property operation class defined in the SDK. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
category | String | Yes | Same as category in SubTab. |
id | String | Yes | The ID of each property corresponds to the ID in the AvatarData data returned by the SDK. |
firstLevelId | String | Yes | The ID of the top-level category to which this data belongs. |
avatarData | AvatarData | Yes | The property operation class defined in the SDK. |
isTraverseOnSave | Boolean | Yes | When saving, whether to traverse the data in this bindData depends on the specific situation. In general, it needs to be traversed, except for the hairstyle and hair color configured in the hat, and the hat and hair color configured in the hairstyle, which do not need to be traversed. |
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