public void setFeatureEnableDisable(String featureName, boolean enable);
void setAIDataListener(XmagicApi.OnAIDataListener aiDataListener)public interface OnAIDataListener {void onFaceDataUpdated(List<TEFaceData> faceDataList);void onHandDataUpdated(List<TEHandData> handDataList);void onBodyDataUpdated(List<TEBodyData> bodyDataList);void onAIDataUpdated(String data);}
- (void)setFeatureEnableDisable:(NSString *_Nonnull)featureName enable:(BOOL)enable;
- (void)registerSDKEventListener:(id<YTSDKEventListener> _Nullable)listener;- (void)onAIEvent:(id)event{NSDictionary *eventDict = (NSDictionary *)event;if (eventDict[@"ai_info"] != nil) {NSLog(@"ai_info %@",eventDict[@"ai_info"]);}}
"hand_info": { "gesture": "PAPER", "hand_point_2d": [180.71888732910156, 569.2958984375, ... , 353.8714294433594, 836.246826171875]}
Field | Explanation |
gesture | Gesture Type Name |
hand_point_2d | Captured gesture data information |
Order | Gesture | Type Name | Example Image |
1 | Heart | HEART | |
2 | Gestrue with number 5(open) | PAPER | |
3 | Gesture with number 2 | SCISSOR | |
4 | Fist | FIST | |
5 | Gesture with number 1 | ONE | |
6 | I love you | LOVE | |
7 | Thumb up | LIKE | |
8 | OK | OK | |
9 | Rock | ROCK | |
10 | Gesture with number 6 | SIX | |
11 | Gesture with number 8 | EIGHT | |
12 | Lift | LIFT | |
13 | Gesture with number 3 | THREE | |
14 | Gesture with number 4 | FOUR | |
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