tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-07-01 11:20:28


    Tencent Cloud Anti-DDoS provides comprehensive, efficient, and professional DDoS protection capabilities in forms of multiple Anti-DDoS solutions such as Anti-DDoS Basic, Anti-DDoS Pro, and Anti-DDoS Advanced for enterprises and organizations to combat DDoS attacks. Leveraging its abundant, quality DDoS protection resources and the ever-evolving "proprietary + AI recognition" cleansing algorithm, Tencent Cloud Anti-DDoS guarantees the stable and secure operations of businesses in the gaming, internet, video, finance, and government sectors.

    Service packages

    Anti-DDoS Basic

    With Tencent Cloud Anti-DDoS Basic, you can enjoy free 2 Gbps basic DDoS protection capability for resources such as Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) and Cloud Load Balancer (CLB) to meet your daily security protection needs. Tencent Cloud will dynamically adjust the blocking threshold based on your security reputation score that is subject to historical attacks and cloud resource details. If your score is too low, you may not use the free protection capability until your security reputation is restored. Anti-DDoS Basic is enabled by default to monitor network traffic in real time and cleanse attack traffic as soon as it is detected, with protection for Tencent Cloud public IPs started within seconds.

    Anti-DDoS Pro

    Anti-DDoS Pro (Standard)

    Anti-DDoS Pro (Standard) is designed for Tencent Cloud users whose business is deployed in the Chinese mainland.
    Tencent Cloud provides all-out protection. The maximum protection capability can be adjusted dynamically based on the actual network conditions of the region. To use Anti-DDoS Pro (Standard), you only need to purchase an instance and bind it to the IP address you want to protect.

    Anti-DDoS Pro (Enterprise)

    Anti-DDoS Pro (Enterprise) is aimed at Tencent Cloud users whose business is deployed in or outside the Chinese mainland.
    Anti-DDoS Pro (Enterprise) delivers Tbps-level protection capability across the globe, which requires you to create an Anti-DDoS EIP. It is applicable to enterprises that have higher requirements for business security. Diverse protection capabilities are available for you to choose and configure according to your needs, making it easier to save costs in business ‍protection.
    Chinese mainland: The protection capability adopts the "base protection + elastic protection" mode.
    Outside the Chinese mainland: Tencent Cloud Anti-DDoS cleansing center provides all-out protection.
    Chinese mainland: Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.
    Outside the Chinese mainland: Hong Kong (China), Singapore, Tokyo, Jakarta, Silicon Valley, Frankfurt, Virginia, and Sao Paulo.
    All-out protection: Integrating the local cleansing capability, all-out protection aims to spare no effort to successfully defend against each DDoS attack. Tbps-level protection capability is provided both in and outside the Chinese mainland.

    Anti-DDoS Advanced

    Anti-DDoS Advanced (Chinese Mainland) and Anti-DDoS Advanced (Global Standard)

    Anti-DDoS Advanced is a paid protection service defending businesses such as gaming, internet, and finance against DDoS attacks that may disable user access. By ‍configuring Anti-DDoS ‍Advanced to point your business IP to Anti-DDoS Advanced or resolve your domain name to a CNAME address, all public network traffic will ‍first pass through an Anti-DDoS Advanced cluster, where the attack traffic is cleansed in its cleansing center while the normal access traffic is forwarded to the real server. In this way, your business stability and availability can be ensured.
    Anti-DDoS Advanced can be accessed via public network proxy and supports TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP2 protocols, making it well-suited for finance, ecommerce, gaming, and other business scenarios.

    Anti-DDoS Advanced (Global Enterprise)

    Anti-DDoS Advanced (Global Enterprise) is a paid service that enhances DDoS protection capabilities outside the Chinese mainland for businesses deployed on Tencent Cloud.
    Anti-DDoS Advanced (Global Enterprise) provides ten Tencent Cloud entries around the world to relieve bandwidth pressure with all-out protection, making access to each node as smooth as possible.
    Anycast supports near-real-server cleansing and reinjection, with Tpbs-level protection capability. This ensures smooth traffic and low latency by cleansing attack traffic in a cleansing node and then forwarding normal traffic back to the nearest real server. ‌Anti-DDoS Advanced (Global Enterprise) directly protects target IPs on Tencent Cloud.


    Multi-dimensional protection

    Protection type
    Malformed packet filtering
    Filters out frag flood, smurf, stream flood, and land flood attacks as well as malformed IP, TCP, and UDP packets.
    DDoS protection at the network layer
    Filters out UDP floods, SYN floods, TCP floods, ICMP floods, ACK floods, FIN floods, RST floods, DNS/NTP/SSDP reflection attacks, and null sessions.
    DDoS protection at the application layer
    Filters out CC attacks and supports HTTP custom filtering such as host filtering, user-agent filtering, and referer filtering.
    DDoS protection at the application layer is only available for Anti-DDoS Advanced.

    Binding and switching protected objects

    Anti-DDoS supports switching the IPs of protected objects to protect public IPs of different Tencent Cloud resources. Supported objects include CVM, CLB, WAF, and NAT Gateway.

    Security protection policies

    Anti-DDoS provides a basic security policy by default on the basis of protection algorithms such as attack profiling, behavior pattern analysis, and AI-based smart recognition to effectively combat common DDoS attacks. It also offers diverse and flexible DDoS protection policies, which can be tailored to your special needs to deal with ever-changing attack techniques.

    IP unblocking

    If your protected business IP is blocked because the attack traffic surges or the protection bandwidth of your Anti-DDoS instance is too low, you can unblock the IP in the console.

    Protection statistical reports

    Anti-DDoS Pro provides multi-dimensional traffic reports and attack protection details to help you stay on top of the protection effects of your Anti-DDoS Pro instances in a timely and accurate manner.
    Anti-DDoS Advanced provides statistical data on DDoS attacks, CC attacks, and forwarded traffic, keeping you updated on your business security. It also supports automatic packet capture for quick troubleshooting.
    Anti-DDoS Advanced (Global Enterprise) provides multi-dimensional traffic reports and attack protection details to help you stay on top of the protection effects of your Anycast Anti-DDoS Advanced (Global Enterprise) instances in a timely and accurate manner.

    Customizable cleansing threshold

    Anti-DDoS Advanced allows you to specify the protection level and cleansing threshold to meet your needs.
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