field returned by the DescribeInstances API. If the value is 5s
, this instance supports the monitoring granularity of 5 seconds; if the value is 1m
, it supports the monitoring granularity of 1 minute.Group | Metric | Parameter | Unit | Description |
CPU | CPU Utilization | cpu_util | % | CPU utilization of the proxy |
Request | Total Requests | proxy_commands | Count/s | The number of commands executed by the Proxy per second |
| Key Requests | cmd_key_count | Count/s | The number of keys accessed by a command per second |
| Mget Requests | cmd_mget | Count/s | The number of MGET commands executed per second |
| Execution Errors | cmd_err | Count/s | The number of command execution errors in the proxy, such as unexisting command, incorrect parameters, and so forth. |
| Big Value Requests | cmd_big_value | Count/s | The number of executions for requests larger than 32 KB per second |
Network monitoring | Connections | connections | Count | The number of TCP connections connected to the instance |
| Connection Utilization | connections_util | % | The ratio of the number of TCP connections to the maximum number of connections |
| Max Connections Utilization of Node |
connections_max_util | % |
The maximum value of the connection utilization ratio of all Proxy nodes, where the connection utilization ratio is calculated as the current number of connections on a node divided by the maximum number of connections on that node. |
| Inbound Traffic | in_flow | MB/s | Private network inbound traffic |
| Inbound Traffic Utilization | in_bandwidth_util | % | The ratio of actual utilization to the maximum traffic of private inbound traffic. |
| Inbound Traffic Limit Count | in_flow_limit | Count | The number of times inbound traffic triggers a traffic limit |
| Outbound Traffic | out_flow | MB/s | Private network outbound traffic |
| Outbound Traffic Utilization | out_bandwidth_util | % | The ratio of actual utilization to the maximum traffic of private outbound traffic. |
| Outbound Traffic Limit Count | out_flow_limit | Count | The number of times outbound traffic triggers a traffic limit |
Latency monitoring | Average Execution Latency | latency_avg | ms | The average execution latency between the Proxy and the Redis server |
| Max Execution Latency | latency_max | ms | The maximum execution latency between the Proxy and the Redis server |
| Average Read Latency | latency_read | ms | The average execution latency of read commands between the proxy and the Redis server. For more information on read command types, see Command types. |
| Average Write Latency | latency_write | ms | The average execution latency of write commands between the proxy and the Redis server. For more information on write command types, see Command types. |
| Average Latency of Other Commands | latency_other | ms | The average execution latency of commands (excluding write and read commands) between the proxy and the Redis server. |
Group | Metric | Parameter | Unit | Description |
CPU monitoring | CPU Utilization | cpu_util | % | Average CPU utilization |
Network | Connections | connections | Count | The number of connections between the Proxy and a node |
| Connection Utilization | connections_util | % | The connection utilization of the node |
Memory monitoring | Memory usage | mem_used | MB | The amount of memory actually used by the user, including data and caches |
| Memory Utilization | mem_util | % | The ratio of the actually used memory to the requested total memory |
| Total Keys | keys | Count | The total number of keys (Primary Keys) stored in the instance |
| Expired Keys | expired | Count | The number of keys expired within a time window, which is equal to the value of expired_keys output by the info command. |
| Evicted Keys | evicted | Count | The number of keys evicted within a time window, which is equal to the value of evicted_keys output by the info command. |
| Keys with Expiry Time Set | expires | Count | Number of Keys with Expiry Time Set in the Instance (Primary Key) |
| Replication Delay | repl_delay | Byte | The relative command delay length of the secondary node to the primary node. |
Request monitoring | Total Requests | commands | Count/s | QPS |
| Read Requests | cmd_read | Count/s | The number of read command executions per second. For more information on read command types, see Command types. |
| Write Requests | cmd_write | Count/s | The number of write command executions per second. For more information on write command types, see Command types. |
| Other Requests | cmd_other | Count/s | The number of command (excluding write and read commands) executions per second |
Response monitoring | Slow Logs | cmd_slow | Count | The number of command executions with a latency greater than the slowlog-log-slower-than configured |
| Read Request Hits | cmd_hits | Count | The number of keys successfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_hits metric output by the info command. |
| Read Request Misses | cmd_miss | Count | The number of keys unsuccessfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_misses metric output by the info command. |
| Read Request Hit Rate | cmd_hits_ratio | % | Key hits/(Key hits + Key misses). This metric can reflect the situation of Cache Miss. |
Group | Metric | Associated View | Parameter | Unit | Description |
CPU monitoring | CPU Utilization | Redis node | cpu_util | % | Average CPU utilization |
| Max CPU Utilization of Node | Redis node | cpu_max_util | % | The maximum CPU utilization of a node (shard or replica) in an instance |
Memory monitoring | Memory usage | Redis node | mem_used | MB | The amount of memory actually used by the user, including data and caches |
| Memory Utilization | Redis node | mem_util | % | The ratio of the actually used memory to the requested total memory |
| Max Memory Utilization of Node | Redis node | mem_max_util | % | The maximum among all node (shard or replica) memory utilizations in an instance |
| Total Keys | Redis node | keys | Count | The total number of keys (Primary Keys) in instance storage |
| Expired Keys | Redis node | expired | Count | The number of keys expired within a time window, which is equal to the value of expired_keys output by the info command. |
| Evicted Keys | Redis node | evicted | Count | The number of keys evicted within a time window, which is equal to the value of evicted_keys output by the info command. |
| Keys with Expiry Time Set | Redis node | expires | Count | Number of Keys with Expiry Time Set in the Instance (Primary Keys) |
Network monitoring | Connections | Proxy node | connections | Count | The number of TCP connections connected to an instance |
| Connection Utilization | Proxy node | connections_util | % | The ratio of the number of TCP connections to the maximum number of connections |
| Inbound Traffic | Proxy node | in_flow | MB/s | Private network inbound traffic |
| Inbound Traffic Utilization | Proxy node | in_bandwidth_util | % | The ratio of actual utilization to the maximum traffic of private inbound traffic |
| Inbound Traffic Limit Count | Proxy node | in_flow_limit | Count | The number of times inbound traffic triggers a traffic limit |
| Outbound Traffic | Proxy node | out_flow | MB/s | Private network outbound traffic |
| Outbound Traffic Utilization | Proxy node | out_bandwidth_util | % | The ratio of the actual utilization to the maximum traffic of private outbound traffic |
| Outbound Traffic Limit Count | Proxy node | out_flow_limit | Count | The number of times outbound traffic triggers a traffic limit |
| Average Execution Latency | Proxy node | latency_avg | ms | The average execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server |
| Max Execution Latency | Proxy node | latency_max | ms | The maximum execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server |
| Average Read Latency | Proxy node | latency_read | ms | The average execution latency of read commands between the proxy and the Redis server. For more information on read command types, see Command types. |
| Average Write Latency | Proxy node | latency_write | ms | The average execution latency of write commands between the proxy and the Redis server. For more information on write command types, see Command types. |
| Average Latency of Other Commands | Proxy node | latency_other | ms | The average execution latency of commands (excluding write and read commands) between the proxy and the Redis server. |
Request monitoring | Total Requests | Redis node | commands | Count/s | QPS |
| Read Requests | Redis node | cmd_read | Count/s | The number of read command executions per second. For more information on read command types, see Command types. |
| Write Requests | Redis node | cmd_write | Count/s | The number of write command executions per second. For more information on write command types, see Command types. |
| Other Requests | Redis node | cmd_other | Count/s | The number of command (excluding write and read commands) executions per second |
| Big Value Requests | Proxy node | cmd_big_value | Count/s | The number of executions for requests larger than 32 KB per second |
| Key Requests | Proxy node | cmd_key_count | Count/s | The number of keys accessed by a command per second |
| Mget Requests | Proxy node | cmd_mget | Count/s | The number of MGET commands executed per second |
| Slow Logs | Redis node | cmd_slow | Count | The number of command executions with a latency greater than the slowlog-log-slower-than configured |
| Read Request Hits | Redis node | cmd_hits | Count | The number of keys successfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_hits metric output by the info command. |
| Read Request Misses | Redis node | cmd_miss | Count | The number of keys unsuccessfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_misses metric output by the info command. |
| Execution Errors | Proxy node | cmd_err | Count/s | The number of command execution errors. For example, the command does not exist, parameters are incorrect, etc. |
| Read Request Hit Rate | Redis node | cmd_hits_ratio | % | Key hits/(key hits + key misses). This metric can reflect the situation of Cache Miss. |
Command Type | List |
Read commands | get,strlen,exists,getbit,getrange,substr,mget,llen,lindex,lrange,sismember,scard,srandmember, sinter,sunion,sdiff,smembers,sscan,zrange,zrangebyscore,zrevrangebyscore,zrangebylex, zrevrangebylex,zcount,zlexcount,zrevrange,zcard,zscore,zrank,zrevrank,zscan,hget,hmget, hlen,hstrlen,hkeys,hvals,hgetall,hexists,hscan,randomkey,keys,scan,dbsize,type,ttl,touch,pttl, dump,object,memory,bitcount,bitpos,georadius_ro,georadiusbymember_ro,geohash,geopos,geodist,pfcount |
Write commands | set,setnx,setex,psetex,append,del,unlink,setbit,bitfield,setrange,incr,decr,rpush,lpush,rpushx, lpushx,linsert,rpop,lpop,brpop,brpoplpush,blpop,lset,ltrim,lrem,rpoplpush,sadd,srem,smove,spop, sinterstore,sunionstore,sdiffstore,zadd,zincrby,zrem,zremrangebyscore,zremrangebyrank, zremrangebylex,zunionstore,zinterstore,hset,hsetnx,hmset,hincrby,hincrbyfloat,hdel,incrby,decrby, incrbyfloat,getset,mset,msetnx,swapdb,move,rename,renamenx,expire,expireat,pexpire,pexpireat, flushdb,flushall,sort,persist,restore,restore-asking,migrate,bitop,geoadd,georadius,georadiusbymember, pfadd,pfmerge,pfdebug |
API Name | Description |
Queries big keys of an instance | |
Queries the big key size distribution of an instance | |
Queries the big key type distribution of an instance | |
Queries hot keys of an instance | |
Queries the access source information of an instance | |
Queries the distribution of instance access time | |
Queries an instance access command | |
Queries the CPU time consumption of an instance |
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