tencent cloud


Review Pending Events

Last updated: 2024-09-24 11:13:48
    In addition to notifications through SMS, emails or site messages, Ops events of TencentDB for Redis (such as instance migration, etc.) will also be notified in the console. To ensure the continuity of cloud services and efficiently manage Ops events, TencentDB for Redis supports viewing event types, event statuses, event levels, related instance lists, service impacts, etc. in event management for specific regions. You can also arrange the event execution plan reasonably based on the severity and urgency of Ops events in line with actual service conditions.

    Version Description

    The standard and cluster architecture instances of TencentDB for Redis 4.0, 5.0, 6.2 and 7.0, support event management.


    Instance operation status: Running.


    1. Log in to the TencentDB for Redis console.
    2. On the left navigation, select Event Management.
    3. On the right side, select the region from the drop-down list at the top of the Redis > Event Management page.
    4. Filter the event's planned start time range. You can directly select: Today, Tomorrow, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, or click
    in the time box to select a specific time period. The event list defaults to displaying events from the Last 7 days.
    5. In the event list below, peek at all pending Ops events in the selected time period for this region.
    The event list is arranged in reverse order according to the planned execution date of the Ops event.
    Interface Parameter
    Parameter Meaning
    Instance ID / Name
    Instance ID: The unique identification ID of the instance.
    Name: The name set when creating the instance. Hover over the instance name and click
    to edit it for easy recognition and management.
    Event type
    The type of Ops event that the current instance needs to be dealt with, currently only supports Instance Migration, which refers to resource migration and the closure of a computer room.
    Event Severity
    The event level is graded according to its severity and urgency, from heavy to light they are Severe, Significant, Moderate, Low.
    Service Impact
    Describes the impact of this event execution on current service.
    Scheduled Start Time
    The date to start executing the event as planned.
    Maintenance Time
    The maintenance window of the current event is individually set HH:MM - HH:MM. When the Planned Start Date is reached, maintenance operations will be performed within the Planned Maintenance Window. Changes in the instance maintenance window will not affect the event's maintenance window.
    Latest Start Time
    The latest time for the execution of the Ops event, i.e., the event must be completed before this date, otherwise it may affect the service.
    Displays the current event running status, including: Pending Execution, Running, Completed, Cancelled.
    Pending Execution: Events that have not reached the execution date or are not within the maintenance window.
    Running: Events that have reached the date, are within the maintenance window, and are being executed.
    Completed: Events that have been completely executed.
    Cancelled: Events that have been cancelled.
    Completion Time
    If the current event has been completed, the completion time will be displayed.
    Manage the event, modify the event execution time, or cancel the execution of this event.
    Click Modify Execution Plan, in the Modify Execution Plan window, modify the event execution time. For detailed operations, see Modify the Event Execution Plan.
    Click Cancel Execution to cancel the execution of this Ops event.
    If the event is currently Running or Completed, the execution plan cannot be modified and the execution cannot be cancelled.
    For events with a level of Critical or Important, cancellation is not supported. That is, serious events must be executed and cannot be cancelled.

    Related APIs

    API Name
    Query event information
    Modify event maintenance time window
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