Both single-AZ and multi-AZ deployed TencentDB for Redis® instances can be easily accessed at a private IPv4 address.
Private IPv4 address
For a TencentDB for Redis® instance, the master and replica nodes are deployed in different AZs. Subnets in different AZs can be created in the same VPC, which can communicate with each other over the private network by default. The system assigns a private IPv4 address according to the VPC selected for the instance, at which all clients in the entire region can access the instance.
The private IPv4 address serves for the failover of the Redis service. After a Redis service node fails and triggers the master-replica switch, the Redis service will automatically update the backend service processes associated with the private IPv4 address, so the business does not need to change this address.
Viewing the private IP of an instance
Log in to the TencentDB for Redis® console and view the private IPv4 address assigned to the instance in the Network column in the instance list. Go to the instance list, click the instance ID to enter the Instance Details page, and view the private IPv4 address of the instance in the Network Info section. Accessing a multi-AZ deployed instance
To reduce the access latency of a multi-AZ deployed instance, TencentDB for Redis® allows you to read local nodes only.
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