tencent cloud


Memcached Edition Command Compatibility

Last updated: 2024-09-25 17:12:07
The Memcached edition instance supports the following commands compatible with the Memcached protocol: set, add, replace, append, prepend, cas, get, bget, gets, get_ext, gets_ext, delete, incr, and decr.
Compatible Version
Memcached Protocol 1.6
Sets a key-value pair. If the key does not exist, it will create the key; if it exists, it will overwrite the old value.
Adds a key-value pair to the cache, but only if the key does not exist. If the key already exists, the command does nothing.
Replaces a key-value pair in the cache, but only if the key already exists. If the key does not exist, the command does nothing.
Appends data to the end of the existing value of a key. If the key does not exist, the command does nothing.
Adds data to the beginning of the existing value of a key. If the key does not exist, the command does nothing.
Compare and swap. The command first checks if the current value of the key matches the provided value; if it matches, the key is updated with the new value.
Retrieves the value of one or more keys from the cache. If the key is not found, an error is returned.
Bulk get. This binary protocol command retrieves the values of multiple keys from the cache.
Similar to get, it retrieves the value of a key from the cache and returns a version number.
An extended binary protocol command that allows clients to specify additional options to control the data retrieval process.
An extended command with a version number that allows clients to retrieve both the value of a key and its version number, enabling subsequent atomic operations.
Deletes a key-value pair from the cache. If the key does not exist, the command does nothing.
Increases the value of a key by a specified integer. If the key does not exist, an initial value can be provided. If the key's value is not an integer, the operation fails.
Decreases the value of a key by a specified integer.
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