tencent cloud


Viewing Memcached Edition Instances

Last updated: 2024-09-26 16:23:59


    After purchasing a Memcached Edition instance, you can view detailed information about the instance in the console in an intuitive and fast way. This includes the instance's running status, capacity usage, cluster primary-secondary relationship, network status, and other information. You can also efficiently manage the ops of the instance.


    The instance has not been terminated or isolated in the recycle bin.

    Viewing Instance List

    1. Log in to the TencentDB for Redis console.
    2. Select the region at the top of the instance list page on the right.
    3. Find the target instance in the instance list.
    You can use the search box at the upper-right corner of the instance list to search for the target instance by entering the instance ID, instance name, private IP, or tag key. Only instance names support fuzzy search.
    If the target instance is not found in the instance list, go to the Recycle Bin in the left sidebar to check if the instance has been isolated due to expired fees. For more information, see Recycle Bin.
    4. Check the running status, configuration specifications, architecture version, and capacity usage of the target instance.
    Instance List Information
    Parameter Explanation
    Instance ID / Name
    Instance ID: The unique identifier for the instance.
    Name: The name set when the instance is created. Hover over the instance name and click
    to edit the instance name again for easier identification and management.
    Monitoring: Click
    to quickly view the instance's monitoring metric data on the monitoring panel. For more information, see Monitoring Feature.
    Status: The running status of the instance. The normal status is Running.
    Task: When a task is being executed, this will display the current task being performed on the instance, such as changing configuration.
    The project to which the instance belongs. A Tencent Cloud account can create multiple projects. At the console's upper-right corner, go to Account Center > Project Management to create projects, manage projects, or view project billing details. If you need to transfer an instance to another project, see Assigning Instance to Project.
    Indicates the availability zone (AZ) information specified for the instance. If the
    appears next to the AZ, it means the instance is deployed across multiple AZs. Hover over the icon to view detailed information about the instance's multiple AZs.
    Deployment Mode
    Indicates whether the instance is deployed across multiple AZs.
    Single AZ: The instance is deployed in a single AZ within the same region.
    Multi-AZ: The instance is deployed across different AZs within the same region.
    Displays the name of the VPC, subnet name, and the private network IPv4 address of the instance. Click the VPC name (in blue) to view detailed network information. The private network IPv4 address is used when the database access is configured. For more information, see Connecting to TencentDB for Redis Instance.
    Billing Mode
    Billing mode: Pay-as-you-go or monthly subscription. These two billing methods differ in how charges are applied. For more information, see Billing Overview.
    Indicates whether the instance has auto-renewal enabled.
    Displays the database version and architecture. Only Memcached 1.6 cluster architecture is supported.
    Instance Edition
    Currently, only Memcached Edition is supported.
    Displays the used memory capacity and the total memory capacity of the current instance.
    Creation Time
    The specific date and time when the instance is created.
    Displays the instance's tag information. Tags can be used to manage instances. For how to edit tags, see Editing Instance Tag.
    Click Log in to access the database through the DMC console. For detailed instructions, see Connecting to TencentDB for Redis Instance.
    Click Configure and select to increase or reduce the number of nodes, increase or delete replicas, or add or remove shards. You can scale the memory capacity of instance nodes, adjust the number of replicas, or manage the number of shards in a cluster architecture. For detailed instructions, see Changing Instance Specifications.
    Select More > Security Group to reconfigure the security group's inbound rules. For detailed instructions, see Configure Security Group.
    For monthly subscription billing mode, select More > Return and Refund; for pay-as-you-go instances, select More > Terminate to return the instance and isolate it in the recycle bin. For detailed instructions, see Destroy Instance.
    Select More > Edit Tag to modify the tag key values of the instance. For detailed instructions, see Editing Instance Tag.

    Viewing Instance Details

    In the Instance ID / Name column of the target instance, click the Instance ID in blue text to enter the Instance details page.
    Interface Area
    Interface Parameter
    Parameter Explanation
    Basic Info
    Instance Name
    The name set when an instance is created. Hover over the instance name and click
    to edit it again for easier recognition and management.
    Instance ID
    The unique identifier for the instance.
    Instance Status
    The current operational status of the instance. Normal status is Running.
    The region and AZ the instance belongs to. Click AZ Modification to upgrade the deployment from a single to multiple availability zones. For detailed instructions, see Select another availability zone.
    The project the instance belongs to. Click Assign to Project to reassign the instance to another project. For detailed instructions, see Assign an instance to a project.
    Read/Write Status
    The current read and write status of the database.
    Specification Information
    Instance Edition
    Currently, only the Memcached Edition is supported.
    Compatible Versions
    Only the Memcached 1.6 is supported.
    The deployment architecture of the instance.
    The total memory capacity of the current instance, used capacity, and the percentage of used capacity.
    Memory configuration
    The memory configuration of the purchased instance, including: the number of shards/memory capacity per shard/number of replicas. Click Configure to adjust the memory capacity of nodes, the number of shards, and the number of replica nodes. For more information, see Changing Instance Specifications.
    Network Information
    The VPC name of the instance. Click Change Network to switch the VPC and subnet. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Network. To create a VPC, see Create a VPC.
    Private IPv4 Address
    The private network IP address assigned to the database instance. You need to configure this IP when accessing the database. For detailed instructions, see Connecting to Redis Instance.
    to modify the IP address and port number.
    to copy the IP address and port number.
    Max Connections
    The maximum number of client connections currently limited by the database. Click Adjust to modify the number of allowed connections. For detailed instructions, see Adjusting the Number of Connections.
    Max Network Throughput
    The maximum network throughput for database access, including inbound and outbound traffic limits. Click Adjust Bandwidth to add additional bandwidth. For detailed instructions, see Bandwidth Adjustment.
    Configuration Information
    Billing Mode
    The billing mode of the instance: Pay-as-you-go or monthly subscription.
    Creation Time
    The time the instance is created.
    Expiration Time
    In the Monthly Subscription billing mode, the expiration time of the instance is displayed.
    Maintenance Window
    The instance's maintenance time window. To ensure database stability, the backend system periodically performs maintenance during this window. Click Modify to adjust the maintenance time window, and it is recommended to set this during off-peak business hours. For detailed instructions, see Set Maintenance Time Window.
    Connection password
    The password required to connect to the database. Click Reset Password to change the password or enable password-free authentication. For detailed instructions, see Reset password.
    The tags associated with the instance. You can modify the tags. For detailed instructions, see Edit Instance Tag.
    Architecture Diagram
    The architecture diagram showing how the database instance is deployed.

    Additional Operations

    Changing the Instance Name

    1. In the Instance List, hover over the instance name you want to modify and click
    to the right of it.
    2. In the instance name input box, reconfigure the name for better recognition and management. The name should meet the following requirements:
    The character length should be between [1, 60].
    You can use Chinese characters, English letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
    One Chinese character counts as 3 characters, while one English letter, digit, or special character counts as one character.

    Setting Fields of the Instance List

    1. At the upper-right corner of the instance list, click
    2. On the Display Settings page, select the fields you want to display.
    3. Click OK to view the reset fields in the instance list.

    Exporting the Instance List

    At the upper-right corner of the instance list, click
    to export the entire instance list.
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