tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-12-04 11:18:48

    1. API Description

    Domain name for API request: redis.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

    This API is used to query the parameter list of an instance.

    A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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    2. Input Parameters

    The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribeInstanceParams.
    Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-04-12.
    Region Yes String Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product.
    InstanceId Yes String ID of a specified instance, such as "crs-xjhsdj****" Log in to the Redis console and copy the instance ID in the instance list.

    3. Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    TotalCount Integer Total number of the parameter lists
    InstanceEnumParam Array of InstanceEnumParam Instance parameter in Enum type
    InstanceIntegerParam Array of InstanceIntegerParam Instance parameter in Integer type
    InstanceTextParam Array of InstanceTextParam Instance parameter in Char type
    InstanceMultiParam Array of InstanceMultiParam Instance parameter in Multi type
    RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

    4. Example

    Example1 Querying the list of instance parameters

    This example shows you how to query the parameter information of a specified instance.

    Input Example

    https://redis.intl.tencentcloudapi.com/?Action=DescribeInstanceParams&InstanceId=crs-5a4p****&<Common request parameters>

    Output Example

        "Response": {
            "InstanceEnumParam": [
                    "CurrentValue": "yes",
                    "DefaultValue": "yes",
                    "EnumValue": [
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "lazyfree-lazy-eviction",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "lazyfree switch on eviction",
                    "ValueType": "enum"
                    "CurrentValue": "yes",
                    "DefaultValue": "yes",
                    "EnumValue": [
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "lazyfree-lazy-expire",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "lazyfree switch on expire",
                    "ValueType": "enum"
                    "CurrentValue": "yes",
                    "DefaultValue": "yes",
                    "EnumValue": [
                    "NeedRestart": "lazyfree-lazy-server-del",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "lazyfree switch on server implicit deletion",
                    "ValueType": "enum"
                    "CurrentValue": "noeviction",
                    "DefaultValue": "noeviction",
                    "EnumValue": [
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "maxmemory-policy",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "How Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory is reached",
                    "ValueType": "enum"
                    "CurrentValue": "yes",
                    "DefaultValue": "yes",
                    "EnumValue": [
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "replica-lazy-flush",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "lazyfree switch on full resynchronization",
                    "ValueType": "enum"
                    "CurrentValue": "no",
                    "DefaultValue": "no",
                    "EnumValue": [
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "sentineauth",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Executing a sentinel order eliminates the password",
                    "ValueType": "enum"
            "InstanceIntegerParam": [
                    "CurrentValue": "15000",
                    "DefaultValue": "15000",
                    "Max": "120000",
                    "Min": "15000",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "cluster-node-timeout",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Cluster node timeout is the amount of milliseconds a node must be unreachable for it to be considered in failure state",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "512",
                    "DefaultValue": "512",
                    "Max": "10000",
                    "Min": "1",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "hash-max-ziplist-entries",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Hashes are encoded using a memory efficient data structure when they have a small number of entries",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "64",
                    "DefaultValue": "64",
                    "Max": "10000",
                    "Min": "1",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "hash-max-ziplist-value",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Hashes are encoded using a memory efficient data structure when the biggest entry does not exceed a given threshold",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "10",
                    "DefaultValue": "10",
                    "Max": "500",
                    "Min": "1",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "hz",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "The frequency at which Redis background tasks are performed. A higher value results in higher CPU consumption but smaller latency. We recommend that you do not specify a value larger than 100.",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "500",
                    "DefaultValue": "500",
                    "Max": "1000",
                    "Min": "10",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "proxy-slowlog-log-slower-than",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "the commands over this time will in proxy",
                    "Unit": "ms",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "512",
                    "DefaultValue": "512",
                    "Max": "10000",
                    "Min": "1",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "set-max-intset-entries",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "When a set is composed of just strings that happen to be integers in radix 10 in the range of 64 bit signed integers.",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "10",
                    "DefaultValue": "10",
                    "Max": "1000",
                    "Min": "1",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "slowlog-log-slower-than",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Over this time the command is recorded in us.a negative number disables the slow log,a value of zero forces the logging of every command",
                    "Unit": "ms",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "31536000",
                    "DefaultValue": "31536000",
                    "Max": "2147483647",
                    "Min": "60",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "timeout",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "128",
                    "DefaultValue": "128",
                    "Max": "10000",
                    "Min": "1",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "zset-max-ziplist-entries",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Sorted sets are encoded using a memory efficient data structure when they have a small number of entries.",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
                    "CurrentValue": "64",
                    "DefaultValue": "64",
                    "Max": "10000",
                    "Min": "1",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "zset-max-ziplist-value",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "Sorted sets are encoded using a memory efficient data structure when the biggest entry does not exceed a given threshold.",
                    "Unit": "",
                    "ValueType": "integer"
            "InstanceMultiParam": [
                    "CurrentValue": "\"\"",
                    "DefaultValue": "\"\"",
                    "EnumValue": [
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "disable-command-list",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "Tips": "commands in such config will not be allowed to run in this instance,you can config multi commands like this 'flushdb,keys'",
                    "ValueType": "multi"
            "InstanceTextParam": [
                    "CurrentValue": "\"\"",
                    "DefaultValue": "\"\"",
                    "NeedRestart": "false",
                    "ParamName": "notify-keyspace-events",
                    "Status": 2,
                    "TextValue": [
                    "Tips": "Changes in key space notification to registered clients",
                    "ValueType": "text"
            "RequestId": "a4abf600-2813-4c5b-a3f8-fc4268efd151",
            "TotalCount": 18

    5. Developer Resources


    TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

    Command Line Interface

    6. Error Code

    The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

    Error Code Description
    FailedOperation.SystemError Internal system error, which is irrelevant to the business.
    FailedOperation.UnSupportError The instance does not support this API.
    InternalError.DbOperationFailed Internal system error with the database operation, which may be update, insert, select, etc.
    InternalError.InternalError Internal error.
    InvalidParameter Incorrect parameter.
    InvalidParameter.PermissionDenied The API has no CAM permissions.
    ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotExists No Redis instance is found by the serialId.
    ResourceUnavailable.InstanceStatusError Operation unsupported: the instance is exceptional.
    UnauthorizedOperation The operation is unauthorized.
    UnauthorizedOperation.NoCAMAuthed No CAM permissions.
    UnauthorizedOperation.UserNotInWhiteList The user is not in the allowlist.
    UnsupportedOperation.ClusterInstanceAccessedDeny The Redis cluster edition is not allowed to connect to a security group.
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