and Body
of HTTP. The format of Body
is as follows:{"errorcode" : "<ErrorCode>","errormessage" : "<ErrorMessage>"}
HTTP Status Code | Error Code | Error Message |
400 | InvalidAuthorization | Invalid signature string format. |
400 | InvalidCompressType | The specified x-cls-compress-type is not supported. |
400 | InvalidContent | Message body error due to decompression or parse failure. |
400 | InvalidContentType | The specified Content-Type is not supported. |
400 | InvalidParam | Required parameter is missing or invalid. |
400 | MissingAgentIp | Missing x-cls-agent-ip . |
400 | MissingAgentVersion | Missing x-cls-agent-version . |
400 | MissingAuthorization | Missing Authorization . |
400 | MissingContent | Empty message body. |
400 | MissingContentType | Missing Content-Type . |
400 | TopicClosed | The collection feature has been disabled for the specified log topic. |
400 | IndexRuleEmpty | The specified log topic has no index rule configured. |
400 | LogsetNotEmpty | The specified logset is not empty and contains log topics. |
400 | SyntaxError | Search syntax error. |
400 | LogsetEmpty | The specified log topic is empty and contains no log topics. |
400 | LimitExceeded | The number of concurrent search requests exceeded the upper limit. |
400 | InvalidParameterValue | Incorrect parameter value. |
400 | MissingParameter | Some function parameters are missing. |
400 | UnknownParameter | Unknown function parameters. |
400 | InvalidParameter | Function parameter error. |
400 | UnsupportedRegion | The region is not supported. |
400 | RequestLimitExceeded | The number of function requests exceeds the system limit. |
400 | NoSuchVersion | Incorrect SCF version. |
400 | ResourceNotFound | No function found. |
401 | AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound | The key does not exist. Check whether the key has been deleted or <br>disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that there should be no space before or after the key. |
401 | AuthFailure.SignatureFailure | Incorrect signature due to errors in signature calculation.<br>Check the signature calculation process against the calling method documentation. |
401 | AuthFailure.SignatureExpire | Signature expired. |
401 | AuthFailure.MFAFailure | MFA error. |
401 | AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation | |
401 | AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId | Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key). |
401 | AuthFailure.TokenFailure | Token error. |
401 | AuthFailure.Unauthorized | Internal authentication error. |
403 | LogsetExceed | The number of logsets exceeds the upper limit. Up to 20 logsets are supported. |
403 | LogSizeExceed | The size of the submitted logs exceeds the upper limit. The maximum size supported is 5 MB. |
403 | MachineGroupExceed | The number of machine groups exceeds the upper limit. Up to 200 machine groups are supported. |
403 | NotAllowed | This operation is not allowed. |
403 | TopicExceed | The number of log topics exceeds the upper limit. Up to 10 log topics are supported. |
403 | ShipperExceed | The number of shipping rules exceeds the upper limit. Up to 10 shipping rules are supported. |
403 | TaskReadOnly | Only failed shipping tasks can be restarted. Tasks in other states cannot be modified. |
403 | AccountArrears | The account has overdue payment. |
403 | ServiceNotActivated | The CLS service is not activated. |
404 | CursorNotExist | No downloadable logs exist in the specified location. |
404 | TaskNotExist | The specified shipping task does not exist. |
404 | IndexNotExist | The specified index rule does not exist. |
404 | LogsetNotExist | The specified logset does not exist. |
404 | MachineGroupNotExist | The specified machine group does not exist. |
404 | ShipperNotExist | The specified shipping rule does not exist. |
404 | TopicNotExist | The specified log topic does not exist. |
404 | ConsumerNotExist | The specified log topic has no consumption task. |
404 | DeliverFunctionNotExist | The shipping task does not exist. |
405 | NotSupported | Unsupported operation. |
409 | IndexConflict | This index rule already exists. |
409 | LogsetConflict | This logset already exists. |
409 | MachineGroupConflict | This machine group already exists. |
409 | ShipperConflict | This shipping rule already exists. |
409 | TopicConflict | This log topic already exists. |
409 | ConsumerConflict | This consumption task of the log topic already exists. |
409 | DeliverFunctionConflict | The same shipping task already exists. |
429 | SpeedQuotaExceed | Requests are sent too frequently. |
500 | InternalError | Internal error. |
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