tencent cloud


LogListener Installation Guide(Linux)

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-11-15 16:39:57
    LogListener is a log collector provided by CLS. You can install and deploy it on a server to collect logs quickly.

    Installation Environment

    LogListener supports only Linux 64-bit operating systems and does not support Windows now. It is compatible with mainstream Linux operating system versions. If LogListener is incompatible with the Linux operating system version you use, submit a ticket for assistance.
    Compatible Versions
    CentOS (64-bit)
    CentOS_6.8_64-bit, CentOS_6.9_64-bit, CentOS_7.2_64-bit, CentOS_7.3_64-bit, CentOS_7.4_64-bit, CentOS_7.5_64-bit, CentOS_7.6_64-bit, CentOS_8.0_64-bit
    Ubuntu (64-bit)
    Ubuntu Server_14.04.1_LTS_64-bit, Ubuntu Server_16.04.1_LTS_64-bit, Ubuntu Server_18.04.1_LTS_64-bit
    Debian (64-bit)
    Debian_8.2_64-bit, Debian_9.0_64-bit
    openSUSE (64-bit)
    TencentOS Server
    TencentOS Server 3.1, TencentOS Server 2.4

    Supported Features

    Key features supported by different LogListener versions are as listed below. For more information, see LogListener Updates.
    LogListener Version
    Supported Feature
    Feature Description
    GBK encoding for collection; optimization of the escape character in JSON extraction mode
    LogListener can collect GBK-encoded log text.
    Host name collection (hostname)
    LogListener collects and reports the machine host name as a default field and displays __HOSTNAME__ as a key, such as __HOSTNAME__:VM-108-centos.
    Combined parsing to customize complex log parsing rules
    You can use LogListener's combined parsing mode to parse logs. This mode allows you to enter JSON code in the console to customize the log parsing pipeline logic.
    CVM batch deployment
    You can select CVM instances in the console and batch distribute LogListener deployment tasks through an API to automatically complete LogListener installation and deployment (including accesskey, ID, and region configuration).
    LogListener service logs
    LogListener service logs are used to record the operation, collection, and monitoring activities of LogListener, and you can configure visual graphs to display such log data.
    Uploading parsing-failed logs
    Parsing-failed logs can be uploaded, using LogParseFailure as the key name (Key) and the raw log content as the key value (Value).
    LogListener auto-upgrade
    Users can set a time period for Agent auto-upgrade or select specific machine groups to upgrade manually.
    Multi-line log extraction with regex
    The extraction mode of Multi-line - Full regular expression is added to LogListener collection configuration rules for log collection.

    Installation and startup

    1. Downloading and installing LogListener

    Download links of the latest version LogListener: Download via public network, Download via private network. Download the LogListener installation package and decompress it to the installation path (/usr/local/ in this example). Then, go to the LogListener directory /usr/local/loglistener/tools and run the installation command.
    No version number extensions are added to the installation package of LogListener on v2.8.3 and later. The latest version will be installed with loglistener-linux-x64 by default. To install a specific version, specify the version number, for example, replace loglistener-linux-x64 with loglistener-linux-x64-2.8.0 to install the 2.8.0 version.
    Operation command for the public network:
    wget http://mirrors.tencent.com/install/cls/loglistener-linux-x64.tar.gz && tar zxvf loglistener-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ && cd /usr/local/loglistener/tools && ./loglistener.sh install
    Operation command for the private network:
    wget http://mirrors.tencentyun.com/install/cls/loglistener-linux-x64.tar.gz && tar zxvf loglistener-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ && cd /usr/local/loglistener/tools && ./loglistener.sh install

    2. Initializing LogListener

    In the case of the /usr/local/ installation path, go to the /usr/local/loglistener/tools path and run the following command to initialize LogListener as the root user (by default, the private network is used to access the service):
    ./loglistener.sh init -secretid AKID******************************** -secretkey ******************************** -region ap-xxxxxx
    You need to replace -secretid, -secretkey, -region, and -network in the command with the actual values. For more information, please see Parameter description below.

    Parameter description

    Part of the Cloud API key. Used to identify who calls the API.
    Part of the Cloud API key. Used to encrypt signature strings and verify server-side signature strings.
    Region where CLS resides. Enter a region abbreviation here, such as ap-beijing or ap-guangzhou.
    Type of the network through which LogListener accesses the service by domain name. Valid values: intra (private network), internet (public network). Default value: intra
    Machine IP. If this parameter is left empty, LogListener will automatically get the local IP address.
    Machine group label, which is required if you want to identify the machine group. Multiple labels should be separated by comma.
    A private network domain name is used by default:
    If you need to access the service by domain name through the public network, run the following command to set the network parameter internet explicitly:
    ./loglistener.sh init -secretid AKID******************************** -secretkey ******************************** -region ap-xxxxxx -network internet
    We recommend that you use a collaborator key if the collaborator has been assigned the CLS read/write permission by the root account.
    region indicates the region of the CLS you use, instead of the region where your business machine resides.
    If your CVM instance and logset are in the same region, we recommend you access the service domain name over the private network; otherwise, use the public network.
    For more information on log collection permissions, see Access Policy Templates.

    3. Starting LogListener

    LogListener is on v2.8.3 or later and the operating system has systemd.
    systemctl start loglistenerd
    LogListener is earlier than v2.8.3, or LogListener is on v2.8.3 or later but the operating system does not have systemd.
    /etc/init.d/loglistenerd start

    Common LogListener Operations

    The operation commands used in this document are applicable only to LogListener v2.2.4 and later versions. For operation commands applicable to earlier versions, see Earlier-Version LogListener Installation Guide.

    1. Checking the LogListener version

    /etc/init.d/loglistenerd -v

    2. Viewing LogListener help documentation

    /etc/init.d/loglistenerd -h

    3. Managing LogListener process

    LogListener is on v2.8.3 or later and the operating system has systemd.
    systemctl (start|restart|stop) loglistenerd # Start, restart, stop
    LogListener is earlier than v2.8.3, or LogListener is on v2.8.3 or later but the operating system does not have systemd.
    /etc/init.d/loglistenerd (start|restart|stop) # Start, restart, stop

    4. Checking LogListener process status

    /etc/init.d/loglistenerd status
    LogListener normally runs two processes:

    5. Checking LogListener heartbeat and configuration

    /etc/init.d/loglistenerd check

    Uninstalling LogListener

    In the case of the /usr/local/ installation path, go to the /usr/local/loglistener/tools path and run the uninstallation command as the admin:
    ./loglistener.sh uninstall

    Manually Updating LogListener

    Reusing the breakpoint file (logs are not repeatedly collected)

    1. Run the stop command to stop the existing LogListener.
    2. Back up the breakpoint file directory (loglistener/data) on the earlier version; for example, back up the legacy breakpoint file to the /tmp/loglistener-backup directory.
    cp -r loglistener-2.2.3/data /tmp/loglistener-backup/
    3. Run the uninstallation command to uninstall the existing LogListener.
    4. Download the latest version of LogListener. Then, install and initialize it with relevant commands.
    5. Copy the breakpoint file directory backed up in step 2 to the new LogListener directory.
    cp -r /tmp/loglistener-backup/data loglistener-<version>/
    Change the value of <version> as required. The following is an example:
    cp -r /tmp/loglistener-backup/data loglistener-2.8.2/
    6. Run the start command to start the latest version of LogListener.

    Not reusing the breakpoint file (logs may be repeatedly collected)

    1. Run the stop command to stop the existing LogListener.
    2. Run the uninstallation command to uninstall the earlier version of LogListener.
    3. Download the latest version of LogListener. Then, install and initialize it with relevant commands.
    4. Run the start command to start the latest version of LogListener.

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