statement is used to extract the logs that meet the specified conditions.
* | SELECT column (KEY) WHERE column (KEY) operator value
The operator can be =
, <>
, >
, <
, >=
, <=
, IN
, or LIKE
In SQL, search conditions deliver higher performance than filters. You are advised to use search conditions to meet data filtering requirements. For example, you can use status:>400 | select count(*) as logCounts
instead of * | select count(*) as logCounts where status>400
to get the statistical result faster.
statement does not allow the AS
clause. For example, if level:* | select level as log_level where log_level='ERROR'
is run, an error will be reported because the statement does not comply with the SQL-92 specifications.
Syntax Example
Query logs with status code greater than 400 in the log data:
* | SELECT * WHERE status > 400
Query the number of logs whose request method is GET and client IP is in the log data:
* | SELECT count(*) as count WHERE method='GET' and remote_addr=''
Count the average size of requests with the URL suffix of .mp4:
* | SELECT round(sum(body_bytes_sent) / count(body_bytes_sent), 2) AS avg_size WHERE url like '%.mp4'
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