Name | Description |
Alarm policy | It is the management unit for monitoring alarms. An alarm policy contains various information such as monitoring object, monitoring period, trigger condition, alarm frequency, and notification template. |
Monitoring object | A log topic can be used as the monitoring object, a query or analysis statement can be executed on the log topic, and then the query or analysis result can be checked. |
Trigger condition | The query and analysis result is checked, and if the trigger condition expression is true, an alarm will be triggered. |
Monitoring period | It is the policy execution period. A fixed period (such as every 5 minutes) and a fixed time (such as 12:00 every day) are supported. |
Alarm frequency | It is the alarm frequency after the trigger condition is met, which helps avoid frequent alarm notifications. |
Notification group | Supported notification channels include SMS, WeChat, phone calls, email, and webhook. |
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