and time_series
functions that adopt the UTC+8 time zone, other Unix timestamp (unixtime
) conversion functions adopt the UTC+0 time zone. To use another time zone, you need to use a function with the specified time zone feature, for example, such as from_unixtime(__TIMESTAMP__/1000, 'Asia/Shanghai')
, or manually add the time zone offset for unixtime
, for example, date_trunc('second', cast(__TIMESTAMP__+8*60*60*1000 as timestamp))
.Function | Description | Example |
current_date | Returns the current date. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DD, such as 2021-05-21 Return value type: DATE | * | select current_date |
current_time | Returns the current time. Return value format: HH:MM:SS.Ms Time zone, such as 17:07:52.143+08:00 Return value type: TIME | * | select current_time |
current_timestamp | Returns the current timestamp. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.Ms Time zone, such as 2021-07-15T17:10:56.735+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] Return value type: TIMESTAMP | * | select current_timestamp |
current_timezone() | Returns the time zone defined by IANA (America/Los_Angeles) or the offset from UTC (+08:35). Return value type: VARCHAR, such as Asia/Shanghai | * | select current_timezone() |
localtime | Returns the local time. Return value format: HH:MM:SS.Ms, such as 19:56:36 Return value type: TIME | * | select localtime |
localtimestamp | Returns the local date and time. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.Ms, such as 2021-07-15 19:56:26.908 Return value type: TIMESTAMP | * | select localtimestamp |
now() | Returns the current date and time. This function is used in the same way as the current_timestamp function. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.Ms Time zone, such as 2021-07-15T17:10:56.735+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] Return value type: TIMESTAMP | * | select now() |
last_day_of_month(x) | Returns the last day of a month. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DD, such as 2021-05-31 Return value type: DATE | * | select last_day_of_month(cast(__TIMESTAMP__ as timestamp)) |
from_iso8601_date(string) | Parses an ISO 8601 formatted string into a date. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DD, such as 2021-05-31 Return value type: DATE | * | select from_iso8601_date('2021-03-21') |
from_iso8601_timestamp(string) | Parses an ISO 8601 formatted string into a timestamp with a time zone. Return value format: HH:MM:SS.Ms Time zone, such as 17:07:52.143+08:00 Return value type: TIMESTAMP | * | select from_iso8601_timestamp('2020-05-13') |
from_unixtime(unixtime) | Parses a Unix formatted string into a timestamp. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.Ms, such as 2017-05-17 01:41:15.000 Return value type: TIMESTAMP | Example 1: * | select from_unixtime(1494985275) Example 2: * | select from_unixtime(__TIMESTAMP__/1000) |
from_unixtime(unixtime, zone) | Parses a Unix formatted string into a timestamp with a time zone. Return value format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.Ms Time zone, such as 2017-05-17T09:41:15+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] Return value type: TIMESTAMP | Example 1: * | select from_unixtime(1494985275, 'Asia/Shanghai') Example 2: * | select from_unixtime(__TIMESTAMP__/1000, 'Asia/Shanghai') |
to_unixtime(timestamp) | Parses a timestamp formatted string into a Unix timestamp. Return value type: LONG, such as 1626347592.037 | * | select to_unixtime(cast(__TIMESTAMP__ as timestamp)) |
to_milliseconds(interval) | Returns a time interval in milliseconds. Return value type: BIGINT, such as 300000 | * | select to_milliseconds(INTERVAL 5 MINUTE) |
to_iso8601(x) | Parses a date and time expression of the DATE or TIMESTAMP type into a date and time expression in the ISO8601 format. | * | select to_iso8601(current_timestamp) |
timezone_hour(timestamp) | Returns the hour offset of the timestamp's time zone. | * | SELECT current_timestamp, timezone_hour(current_timestamp) |
timezone_minute(timestamp) | Returns the minute offset of the timestamp's time zone. | * | SELECT current_timestamp, timezone_minute(current_timestamp) |
histogram(time_column, interval)
Parameter | Description |
time_column | Time column (KEY), such as \\_\\_TIMESTAMP\\_\\_ . The value in this column must be a UNIX timestamp of the LONG type or a date and time expression of the TIMESTAMP type in milliseconds. If a value does not meet the requirement, use the cast function to convert the ISO 8601 formatted time string into the TIMESTAMP type, for example, cast('2020-08-19T03:18:29.000Z' as timestamp) , or use the [date_parse](#date_parse) function to convert a time string of another custom type. If the time column adopts the TIMESTAMP type, the corresponding date and time expression must be in the UTC+0 time zone. If the date and time expression itself is in a different time zone, adjust it to UTC+0 by calculation. For example, if the time zone of the original time is UTC+8, use cast('2020-08-19T03:18:29.000Z' as timestamp) - interval 8 hour to adjust the time zone. |
interval | Time interval. The following time units are supported: SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, and DAY. For example, INTERVAL 5 MINUTE indicates an interval of 5 minutes. |
* | select histogram(__TIMESTAMP__, INTERVAL 5 MINUTE) AS dt, count(*) as PV group by dt order by dt limit 1000
function can be used to group and aggregate the log data at a given interval. Its main difference from the histogram()
function is that it can complete missing data in your query time window.desc
sorting.time_series(time_column, interval, format, padding)
Parameter | Description |
time_column | Time column (KEY), such as \\_\\_TIMESTAMP\\_\\_ . The value in this column must be a UNIX timestamp of the LONG type or a date and time expression of the TIMESTAMP type in milliseconds. If a value does not meet the requirement, use the cast function to convert the ISO 8601 formatted time string into the TIMESTAMP type, for example, cast('2020-08-19T03:18:29.000Z' as timestamp) , or use the [date_parse](#date_parse) function to convert a time string of another custom type. If the time column adopts the TIMESTAMP type, the corresponding date and time expression must be in the UTC+0 time zone. If the date and time expression itself is in a different time zone, adjust it to UTC+0 by calculation. For example, if the time zone of the original time is UTC+8, use cast('2020-08-19T03:18:29.000Z' as timestamp) - interval 8 hour to adjust the time zone. |
interval | Time interval. Valid values are s (second), m (minute), h (hour), and d (day). For example, 5m indicates 5 minutes. |
format | Time format of the return result. |
padding | Value used to complete missing data. Valid values include: 0: Complete a missing value with 0 null: Complete a missing value with null last: Complete a missing value with the value of the previous point in time next: Complete a missing value with the value of the next point in time avg: Complete a missing value with the average value of the previous and next points in time |
* | select time_series(__TIMESTAMP__, '2m', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s+08:00', '0') as time, count(*) as count group by time order by time limit 1000
Function | Description | Example |
date_trunc(unit,x) | Truncates x to unit . x is of the TIMESTAMP type. | * | SELECT date_trunc('second', cast(__TIMESTAMP__ as timestamp)) |
Unit | Example Truncated Value | Description |
second | 2021-05-21 05:20:01.000 | - |
minute | 2021-05-21 05:20:00.000 | - |
hour | 2021-05-21 05:00:00.000 | - |
day | 2021-05-21 00:00:00.000 | Returns the zero o'clock of a specified date. |
week | 2021-05-19 00:00:00.000 | Returns the zero o'clock on Monday of a specified week. |
month | 2021-05-01 00:00:00.000 | Returns the zero o'clock on the first day of a specified month. |
quarter | 2021-04-01 00:00:00.000 | Returns the zero o'clock on the first day of a specified quarter. |
year | 2021-01-01 00:00:00.000 | Returns the zero o'clock on the first day of a specified year. |
Function | Description | Example |
extract(field FROM x) | Extracts the specified fields from the date and time expression (x). | * |select extract(hour from cast('2021-05-21 05:20:01.100' as timestamp)) |
supports the following values: year, quarter, month, week, day, day_of_month, day_of_week, dow, day_of_year, doy, year_of_week, yow, hour, minute, second.extract(field FROM x)
can be simplified to field()
; for example, extract(hour from cast('2021-05-21 05:20:01.100' as timestamp))
can be simplified to hour(cast('2021-05-21 05:20:01.100' as timestamp))
.Field | Extraction Result | Description | Simplified Format |
year | 2021 | Extracts the year from the target date. | year(x) |
quarter | 2 | Extracts the quarter from the target date. | quarter(x) |
month | 5 | Extracts the month from the target date. | month(x) |
week | 20 | Calculates the week of the year the target date is in. | week(x) |
day | 21 | Extracts the day from the target date by month, which is equivalent to day_of_month . | day(x) |
day_of_month | 21 | Equivalent to day . | day(x) |
day_of_week[] | 5 | Calculates the day of the week for the target date, which is equivalent to dow . | day_of_week(x) |
dow[] | 5 | Equivalent to day_of_week . | day_of_week(x) |
day_of_year | 141 | Calculates the day of the year for the target date, which is equivalent to doy . | day_of_year(x) |
doy | 141 | Equivalent to day_of_year . | day_of_year(x) |
year_of_week | 2021 | year_of_week(x) | |
yow | 2021 | Equivalent to year_of_week . | year_of_week(x) |
hour | 5 | Extracts the hour from the target date. | hour(x) |
minute | 20 | Extracts the minute from the target date. | minute(x) |
second | 1 | Extracts the second from the target date. | second(x) |
Function | Description | Example |
date_add(unit,value,timestamp) | Adds N time units ( unit ) to timestamp. If value is a negative value, subtraction is performed. | * | SELECT date_add('day', -1, TIMESTAMP '2020-03-03 03:01:00') The return value is the date and time one day earlier than 2020-03-03 03:01:00 , i.e., 2020-03-02 03:01:00 . |
date_diff(unit, timestamp1, timestamp2) | Returns the time difference between two time expressions, for example, calculates the number of time units ( unit ) between timestamp1 and timestamp2 . | * |SELECT date_diff('hour', TIMESTAMP '2020-03-01 00:00:00', TIMESTAMP '2020-03-02 00:00:00') The return value is the time difference between 2020-03-01 and 2020-03-02, i.e., one day. |
) are supported:unit | Description |
millisecond | Millisecond |
second | Second |
minute | Minute |
hour | Hour |
day | Day |
week | Week |
month | Month |
quarter | Quarter of a year |
year | Year |
* | SELECT date_diff('second', TIMESTAMP '2020-03-01 00:00:00', TIMESTAMP '2020-03-02 00:00:00')
Function | Description | Example |
parse_duration(string) | Parses a unit value string into a duration expression. Return value type: INTERVAL, such as 0 00:00:00.043 (D HH:MM:SS.Ms) | * | SELECT parse_duration('3.81 d') |
human_readable_seconds(double) | Parses a unit value string into a duration expression. Return value type: VARCHAR, such as 1 minutes and 36 seconds | * | SELECT human_readable_seconds(96) |
Unit | Description |
ns | Nanosecond |
us | Microsecond |
ms | Millisecond |
s | Second |
m | Minute |
h | Hour |
d | Day |
* | SELECT parse_duration('3.81 d')
Function | Description | Example |
date_format(timestamp, format) | Parses a date and time string of the timestamp type into a string in the format format. | * | select date_format(cast(__TIMESTAMP__ as timestamp), '%Y-%m-%d') |
date_parse(string, format) | Parses a date and time string in the format format into the timestamp type. | * | select date_parse('2017-05-17 09:45:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') |
) are supported:Format | Description |
%a | Abbreviated names of the days of the week, such as Sun and Sat |
%b | Abbreviated month name, such as Jan and Dec |
%c | Month, numeric. Value range: 1-12 |
%d | Day of the month, decimal. Value range: 01-31 |
%e | Day of the month, decimal. Value range: 1-31 |
%f | Millisecond. Value range: 0-000000 |
%H | Hour, in the 24-hour time system |
%h | Hour, in the 12-hour time system |
%I | Hour, in the 12-hour time system |
%i | Minute, numeric. Value range: 00-59 |
%j | Day of the year. Value range: 001-366 |
%k | Hour. Value range: 0-23 |
%l | Hour. Value range: 1-12 |
%M | Month name in English, such as January and December |
%m | Month name in digits, such as 01 and 02 |
%p | AM or PM |
%r | Time, in the 12-hour time system. Format: hh:mm:ss AM/PM |
%S | Second. Value range: 00-59 |
%s | Second. Value range: 00-59 |
%T | Time, in the 24-hour time system. Format: hh:mm:ss |
%v | Week of the year, where Monday is the first day of the week. Value range: 01-53 |
%W | Names of the days of the week, such as Sunday and Saturday |
%Y | Year (4-digit), such as 2020 |
%y | Year (2-digit), such as 20 |
%% | Escape character of % |
into a date and time expression of the TIMESTAMP type, i.e., '2017-05-17 09:45:00.0':* | SELECT date_parse('2017-05-17 09:45:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')
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